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Everything posted by Miquinei

  1. Is it possible to report a game breaking bug that involves copying certain items within the game QUIETLY so nobody can view it and exploit it? We discovered it last night and figured it needs to go before people find out and gain ability to instantly gear up. Iif any of the forum mods coukd respond I would be great full. Cheers!
  2. You missed the point of my comment, you titled your thread as "(...) actual analysis (...)" and present no evidence but your opinion and observation - therfore your OP is not based on facts and hard evidence but your view which can be flawed. I didn't argue your opinion because I haven't done any research myself and countering your opinion with my opinion is just not going to get us anywhere. Go and do some proper research on the issue and prepair some actual data to illustrate your points. E.g. try server hopping yourself and gather information on how hard,fast, slow it is to gear up, see different locations, times, pick different servers\population\region? and whatever you feel that is relevant. After all that and at least 1 - 2 weeks worth of data (or whatever time period), look at the data, see if there is a trend, make conclusions create a topic and call it "actual analysis of the problem".
  3. Have you got any empirical evidence proving that this is the case OP? No, you only have your biased opinion and "observations" solely based on your experience. I don't denie that server hopping is still a problem but doubt your over simplistic "analysis".
  4. Miquinei

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    I am in Balota for the past 3 days and encountered around 10 people within a 3 hrs long play session.
  5. Miquinei

    Remove the breathing fog

    If Charnorus is in Czech Rwpublix than it isn't that bad. Cold winters, hot summers.
  6. Miquinei

    What time frame/era does Day-Z focus around?

    focuses on time to die and zombie era
  7. Miquinei

    To My Killer, With Love.

    neat idea
  8. Miquinei

    This game. And the people who play it

    Do you want to know why you have all these problems? Because you are a victim. Let the hate flow through you young padawan (...)
  9. 120 man servers, cannot wait to meet people deep in-land!
  10. Miquinei

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    What is tyhe point in playing in that case lol?
  11. Miquinei

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    OP how about you just accept the fact that "you are dead" and it is just a matter of time when your character is going to get KoSed or server takes a dump. Just realise that you are going to start over at some point and all the time you have put into gearing up is time wasted. Once you have done it you will learn to "deal with it" and stop posting QQ about something that is not coming back.
  12. Miquinei

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    I've found an M4 in the school..
  13. Miquinei

    Dayz first world problems

    found 3 m4's but you can only carry 2 :'(
  14. Miquinei

    Managing Logout/login post 0.33.114782

    Great tips, much appreciated! And ignore the comments about QQ and tl:dr, just like we have server hoppers in the game, over here on the forum we get post farmers. Anyway I think you should add this: Once you find appropriate place to log out take at least 30 sec to ensure that no zombie have aggro and is running towards you from a far. Additionally it helps you to synchronize your log out location with your spawning location as you log in (I noticed that if you log out after a run or something you will be backpedaled).
  15. Good job, the performance boost was no joke! After the update I got 20 fps boost and I can run the game at stable 60 fps (where previously it was 40 fps) Again, good job! That one made my day!
  16. I don't know what was the boost but my fraps is showing me stable 57 - 61 fps and previously it was 40 - 45 fps in the woods. Either way, loving the update!
  17. Hello, Just thought of a cool idea to make people care more for their characters and it is: Character development, For example, you would have passive skills like, stamina, resistance, running speed etc. As you play along and use these passive abilities, they increase and eventually you get them maxed out. So say at first you're slow and get tired very quickly, but as you play and "survive", you run and run so much that now after a while you can run faster and further without panting like a b!tch or resting (example). This could apply to other things like repairing your weapon, vehicle, opening cans, aiming, zooming etc. (whatever you can think and is appropriate). Now I am not sure what effect that would have on KoS as I have no empirical evidence BUT my predictions are that, you would get more KoS in high traffic areas, military bases etc. (people just don't want to die, but on the other hand you have that now anyway). So you would have more stealthy play, sneaking around etc. and so this would (maybe?) make less people go on the coast, run along the coast line and shoot everybody - as you expose your character too much?. I don't know, it's something to be figured out but I believe that it would be an awesome addition.
  18. Miquinei

    Character development and passive skills

    Argument invalid. Try again perhaps?
  19. Hello, Just a suggestion, how about there is a synchronized day and night cycle on all public servers BUT in ratio 2:1, 3:1 so that say Day lasts for 6 hours and night for 2. Additionally, zombies could go like this: throughout the day they are slower and less aggressive (your traditional zombies) and during the night they would go absolutely mental and have increased speed, population, line of sight, aggro range. They would be attracted by light, movement and sounds (gun shots). It would give this awesome (imo) mechanic that you scavenge throughout the day and gear up in order to survive the night. Why do I want to force night on people? Because it is much harder to play during the night and so most just avoid night time servers. I know it's kinda like force feeding but say private hives could have their own settings etc. Either way, just thought I would drop this suggestion.
  20. What's the point of flash lights and other things if you can see at night?
  21. Miquinei

    Character development and passive skills

    Sounds awesome, would be awesome to have (...) say for resistance, if you take too many antibiotics or certain drug, your body will say periodically heal your status/condition but in the long run you would be more vulnerable so that you need to have this healthy balance (just an example, but you get the idea)
  22. Hi, It's second time within the last two weeks (I don't have fav. servers) that I met this guy who's playing a black character in red shirt with no pants, playing Mortal Combat theme on direct chat, running around d-syncing everywhere and punching people unconscious in one swing from a far despite me wearing military helmet. Have anybody had the same experience?
  23. Miquinei

    More weird/supernatural stuff

    I like the idea.