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Everything posted by Miquinei

  1. You sound like potential dinner or lunch.
  2. Hi, Last night we made our way over to Solnyshko to see if we can find any bandits screwing around. One or two here and there, no major shoot out really. All four of us came down the hill and approached 3-4 fresh spawns and have a chat, see if we can help out maybe. The moment they saw us was like from one of the outside parking scenes in Dawn of the Dead movie where a dude in a white t-shirt spotted a group of survivors turned around exposing his flesh wounds and creaming, ran towards them like crazy - literally same situation we approach the 3 players and as soon as they spotted us - first thing; fists up and ran towards us talking trash on direct. I thought, what the hell are you doing... we played around with the for a minute or two and shot dead because they wouldn't give up. So yeah.. fists of fury need some nerf because people just don't give a crap and take their chances.
  3. Can anybody tell me how to access the experimental branch? Is it just via the server browser or do I have to update the game? (Searching myself right now but if you don't mind, please let me know) Thanks!
  4. Where is this 100 man server you're speaking of?
  5. Miquinei

    Any campers near the NEAF?

    Love the picture lol
  6. Miquinei

    Bambis not so poor and innocent..

    Well you hear about people going nuts and that shooting bambis is a shame and all that, but sometimes you just 'can't not' shoot them :P
  7. Miquinei

    So I tried Hardcore..

    Hi, Just thought I'd share my experience with Hardcore servers (I've never played hardcore for a minute before - unless I joined HC server accidentally). So the first person view... hmhmhm, I must agree that it does create this unique climate and you feel more immersed BUT gameplay-wise imo it plays like shait. Probably mainly due to Alpha status of the game but Regular is way more enjoyable while travelling and looting. Other than that I haven't noticed any differences between the two - on both types I am fully decked out. I am playing on maxed out FoV. What is your opinion about HC vs Core? I'd like to know. Thanks!
  8. Miquinei

    So I tried Hardcore..

    Imo likeI said in OP, hardcore is for sure a much better "DayZ experience" but gameplay-movement wise it is terrible, even with adjusted fov you feel dizzyfdom time to time and looting \ walking inside buldings feels very cluky as you get stuck in door ways or when going up stairs.
  9. I got one too... Coast Recon - Future Bandit
  10. Like I said, nobody died.. just two wounded and now safe and recovered.
  11. Miquinei

    not a single night server..

    lol first thread complaining about no night servers.
  12. Miquinei

    It's been a bad day for DayZ (for me)

    I got no idea how to glitch through a wall, did it oncebut only by accident.
  13. Miquinei

    PvE (only) servers.

    "GTFO" you can yourself brony.
  14. Miquinei

    Weapon Sling

    I say yes! We could carry one primary on your back, havw the main primary gun on your sling and you can take other thing into your hands like, medicene, bandages, melee weapons, eat\drink and all that without dropping your firearm.
  15. So, friend and I were over watching Balota - spotting for any movement so we can get involved in some hold up action and carry out "quiz of death" (Three easy and simple questions, if you answer incorrectly you get shot in a knee cap with FNX. If you get them right you are free to go after we empty your weapon and drop ammo around you). So I spotted this one armed guy from a far, ran down the hill to get a close look. All of a sudden the man is gone, I take my time in the bushes - nothing *stomach grumbles*. Ok time to check out these buildings for some food, got into a building and hear someone say "hello" on direct chat. I am like, aww shiet I am in trouble.. I proceed to the exit and see a dude by the wall covering the only way out. This is impossible I think to myself, I got caught with my pants down for the first time - I passed all necessary info. to my sniper on TS but he's unable to see us. I am starting a conversation, just casual chat about his experiences with the game and how he's doing etc. the guy seemed pretty friendly (and didn't shoot me as I was walking out for the first time so I thought he must be friendly). I hear my sniper say that there are four armed guys on the airfield checking out barracks just in the back. I told him about them and said that we need to get out of here but I am not sure how we're going to figure it out - as my #1 RULE is NOT to trust anybody that I meet in the game. But something had to be done, my buddy said they're heading towards us. I can hear him say "Do you want to team up?" In my head I was like, no way dude but thought, I got this character for a week now.. maybe it's time for me to die? Either way I was in a lost position. "Ok buddy I got my M4 out but not pointing" - that was because I had mosin on my back and wanted to keep the M4. "Lets get away from here, hit the barn and figure out whether you can join us on TS and how we’re going to tackle them four guys". I saw him in the kitchen with his M4 (not pointing), thought to myself that this is chance but I couldn't do it.. both of us could see each other now – at this point my heart was pounding and my pants were full. "Ok lets go". We went outside and ran towards the barn.. (you can no idea how scared I was).. was 80% sure that he's just going to change his mind and shoot me (he was only semi geared and I had full military clothing and all that). We got to the barn, so far so good. So we started exchanging contact details on direct and I was telling him about my little group and that we never KoS and always try holding people up, questioning them, play a game or quiz or something (keeping it interesting for both parties) and I figured.. better check what's happening outside and have a look at the town. I look out and see two backpacks sticking out from the grass crawling towards us. I started wiggling back and forth to show him that there are people outside (they could hear us all the time and were tracking us). He realised and positioned himself, I said "get ready" and opened fire - our sniper was shooting as well. We managed to take both of them out and settled. I can hear my buddy say that the other two are after him and he's stuck on the hill, I told the guy to log off, download TS and add me on Steam so we can get in touch with each other and so he did. I didn’t think of killing him no more and rushed to the hills were my other friend was. Amazing experience and our 2 man squad is now 3 J
  16. Miquinei

    So I tried Hardcore..

    I must agree, level of immersion is much higher on HC - it's very exciting too. But getting stuck in doorways, looting buildings and general movement feels a bit off. I keep bumping into things and it's hard to go around thing because you need to lead with your camera. Anyway, I'll continue playing and see what happens. I haven't actually encountered anyone yet (well I did, I spawned in the barracks after server restart and some random just happened to be in the same building so we got into gun fight - I made it out alive (trusty M4) and fortunately he didn't (SKS)) but I like the idea of not being observed from 3PP by someone who I have no chance of seeing. Keep owning guys! Peace!
  17. True but my trusty M4 is immune and got my back covered just in case : D
  18. Yet to meet any female playing the game, but I got this gentleman-problem and always as default treat woman differently (with a lot more respect and politeness) and wouldn't rob or restrain one if encountered in game - don't hate, I was raised by two woman in a more traditional way. Additionally, my girlfriend is loving it.
  19. Hello, How about introducing high-visibility jackets which could be worn on top of your normal clothing? Do you think this would partially solve the problem or not really?
  20. I am surprised of the negative responses lol Wearing high-v jacket is not the same as wearing raincoat as it isnt a "dedicated item" and the intuition behind the idea is that this item provides high visibility therefore making it less appealing to bandits as it compromises your camo. Anyway, on personal level when I think of h-v jackets I think of British police man so I figured maybe it would be a good idea.
  21. Miquinei

    My Story of Revenge on a Sociopath.....

    Cool story actually
  22. Miquinei

    Let me tell a very angry tale.

    haha I feel sorry for OP, best story ever!!
  23. Miquinei

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    it is going to be a bloodbath.
  24. Miquinei


    How about.. "there was not much thought put into loot distribution and fire station seemed like a stratigic place".
  25. It is cool, I understand.. it is only a video game and perhaps I should chill the fuck out myself.