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Everything posted by Miquinei

  1. Miquinei

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    More like copying items over and over - known exploit with weapons.
  2. Miquinei

    Well, that was lame

    So I was at Kamyshovo looking at fresh spawns and bandits. Didn't need to wait long and I can hear M4 shots and fresh spawns running circles on the street. I walk up the hill come but behind the bandit, the guy is smack bang in the middle I came a bit closer to make sure my Magnum takes him out instantly. He was crouching and ADSing away from me. "Well time to respawn baddie" and I opened fire - what is happening? I hit invisible wall (as if I was shooting the ground) in front of me (I was standing still), I unload the rest of my mag and hide behind a tree. Dude realized and turned around, I was already behind a tree fully covered and boom 1 shot got me - I am bleeding. After reloading with my speed loader I peak to take more shots - same thing I hit invisible wall and pow, I am unconscious. The distance was maybe 10 meters? He had no cover at all and I aimed directly at him. Anybody had the same experience? I must say I was out there for a death wish but this was the lamest thing that ever happened to me in this game. I wished NVIDIA shadow play supported this game so I could show a video of it.
  3. Miquinei

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    Well today.. one guy tried doing what OP said he would do and unfortunately he ended at the coast.
  4. Miquinei

    Well, that was lame

    I know I even purchased fraps but I haven't got enough storage to record every single game. Additionally the fps hit is too much, I like stable 50-60 fps. My specs: Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.40GHz (Haswell) Socket LGA1150 Graphics card: MSI Twin FrozR GeForce GTX 660 OC 2048MB GDDR5 Ram: 8GB PC3-12800C9 1600MHz DDR3 Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-H87-HD3 Intel H87 (Socket 1150) ATX My connection: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3093103289
  5. http://imgur.com/5jwk5D0 Would you KoS or not? :D
  6. Miquinei

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    Definitely look like a bad bandit :D
  7. Change playstyle maybe? There is loads to do.. but it is up to you to make it all happen.
  8. Miquinei

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    I am surprised of the response tbh, I picked this outfit as I wanted to look like a paramedic or something like that. Figured that since i am clearly visible and have no primary i am not considered a threat. Whereas with anything that gives you camo / lets you blend into the environment makes you look like a hunter, i am clearly not one. I think i l replace my backpack for taloon one.. So far i was been shot at on sight by 2 platers and one group, neither managed to hit. I was once held up and shot later before but i think it was because of the neture of the ass bandits i ve met Around 8 received me well so far
  9. Miquinei

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    Thingy doesn't work and not allow external links (...) /tried.
  10. Miquinei

    Russian bandits

    Pix or didnt happen
  11. So I got kinda bored of playing as a military personel, no more m4 or military gear. I decided to wear civilian clothes, orange raincoat, woolie hat, normal backpack etc. Met few fresh spawns that were lost on the north, I offered them my help and escort. We get held up at Solnychy, 4 armed man pointing guns at us. I am like, hmm I was never actually been held up before. Lets do it and see if things get interesting. They made me read German book and some other nonsense I was happy to do whatever they asked for. But they got kinda boring, zero innovation, robbed me and started looking for a reason to kill me. I play as black character and so they started making racist jokes and things and after 30 mins they just shot me and the other two. I was actually kinda disappointed tbh, was hoping for some dead or live quiz or order me to run with few seconds countdown or something but no, they were so dull ifelt like i literally wasted my timeand should have just kill them when I had a chance or at least take down couple. I give them credit for not kosing but damn some people need to step it up. Point of the topic? Nonereally, thought I would share my experience. Oh btw later I found them in electro as fresh spawns (identified them by speaking in German) I said Greetings from Poland and two shot dead - had no option to hold them up plus I thought karam is a b!tch.
  12. Reputation system so that if someone screwed you over you can down vote his profile and comment.
  13. Miquinei

    No more mr nice guy

    The wisdom my young Padawan is to find balance between the force and dark side. Surrender/disarm motherfuckers first and than offer your services.
  14. Hi, I've been searching all over the forum and can find nothing, can someone point me to the right direction on how to update my game so I can join experimental servers? Thanks!
  15. Miquinei

    How to join experimental servers?

    I just found out myself! Thanks anyway! :D
  16. Miquinei

    People are already playing with the AKM..

    What they wanted was ratio between civilian arms/clothing and military/public service of 50:1 but because people want to have more access they re going for 25:1
  17. Miquinei

    People are already playing with the AKM..

    Check browser/youtube history pl0x and thanks
  18. Fully geared walked in to the town in a group of 4. Got on top of the construction and boom instant action, massive shoot out, m4 and snipers peppering us from all sides, new spawns everywhere trying to punch everyone, throwing their lives away.. damn crazy place.. all together around 20 got killed and all hungry for our equipment. Got two wounded and everyone's pants are ruined but managed to survive. Forums didnt lie about this place being an absolute mess.
  19. Personally, F the zombies.. in current state they are more of a pain in the bum than fun to play with.. I would love to see them ditched for a while, see increase in player count and optimisations.
  20. Miquinei

    Annoying FLY noise when I prone

    I love this sound, makes me feel like I am a farm
  21. Miquinei

    Death music

  22. I gotta be honest, I am not playing this game because of Zombies (not really a zombie fan, they can be fun from time to time but I would like to see them done right with some physics so that when you shoot them, they don't just *drop* but you have body parts flying off, gore and all that) I know nothing about game development and this game's engine but it doesn't look like we'll ever get anything similar that AAA titles can provide, instead to me DayZ social interaction is what I would call the "DayZ experience" - not the zombies.
  23. I wanna see you try! :D and it's miQuinei :D Thanks!