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About Miquinei

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  1. Well, I am glad the game is moving forwards. I just want to enjoy DayZ at 60 fps stable and no desync, rest is optional to me. Well after the initial alhpa release, DayZ sold tons of copies. I don't know the exact figures and whether I am correct on this or not, but I figured those who wanted the game would have purchased it back then and there is maybe 20-50% of gamers to capture with full release - please correct me if I am wrong.
  2. Thanks! I hope that's the case and I'll have a good read. All I am waiting for to jump back in are major performance and network updates.
  3. I've stopped playing DayZ a while ago because of its performance issues and optimization. But I've looked at and read all the patch notes that came out. They would normally come out every month but recently there are delays. Especially with 0.56, it's been almost two months with no patch on stable, what is going on with the project? Have devs decided that it's no longer profitable to release the game since it's already sold out? Can someone enlighten me please? Thanks!
  4. Hey I stopped playing dayz a while ago after 120hrs because of the few players I would meet in the game. I know there were server tests before but does anybody actually know when player count will increase? to at least 60+? Thanks
  5. Miquinei

    Player count

    Hello, is there any information out there about increasing player cap? I know devs tested different options and was wondering whether we are going to get them 60-80 man servers. Spawns are so spread out you rarely see any other survivors.. and tbh that is the only thing that would make me play the alpha over Arma 3 Breaking Point. Thanks and sorry if doubled any posts or asking obvious questions, I searched through the forum and nothing.
  6. Miquinei

    A touristic day in Chernarus

  7. Miquinei

    Yesterday I played the Mod after 200 hours of Standalone.

    Not sure if trolling or just stupid.
  8. Miquinei

    Yesterday I played the Mod after 200 hours of Standalone.

    tbh the only advantage that the mod (breaking point) has over DayZ SA is smaller map and higher probability of encountering players outside of hotspots. That is something I really appreciate as I was forced to quit DayZ SA because it felt very empty and I dont enjoy electro madness as much..
  9. Miquinei

    Yesterday I played the Mod after 200 hours of Standalone.

    I dont agree. In the mod you have TONS of weapons laying around, it takes 2 minutes after spawn to have a firearm of some sort.. it is stupid and ridiculous. In DayZ it is more unforgiving when you die because it is harder to get your equipment - better DayZ experience, less CoD/BF
  10. Miquinei

    Ethnic Discriminations

    I dont get it bro, you are saying that you play at night and Europe is ahead of America by like 6-8h depending on what coast you are on.
  11. The game is unplayable, lag and all that kills it.
  12. Miquinei

    My gameplay just got ruined.

    Your responses reminds me of Battlelog and Battlefield community. What a shame..
  13. Miquinei

    My gameplay just got ruined.

    Because I thought I could get my stuff back hopefully? Spawns are another thing.. I spawned about 20 times near Fing Berezino.
  14. I am rolling with a friend, after couple of hours looting and adventuring we got to Kamyshovo in search of any bandits. Spotted one guy, held him up.. turned out to be harmless adventurer like us. Said "bye, bye" got out of the warehouse and all of a sudden I hear multiple punches "unconscious", friend behind me shouted it was a fresh spawn, all of a sudden he disappears and and he's unconscious as well (in an instant) - obvious cheater. Tried respawning.. well after 20 +/- respawns and 30 mins of killing myself I finally spawned into Kamyshovo, I can see the body but can't loot it.. loads of things on the floor but everything is ruined. Server was nearly empty as well.. For a moment I was like F this game.. Felt like sharing with the community that there are a lot of scrubs out there cheating.
  15. Miquinei

    Are OHKO from fists realistic?

    Falcon punch maybe?