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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Martmital

    Bugs that worked. (The Burlap Sack).

    I miss SackHead. Some of the best times I ever had!
  2. Martmital

    Herbalism in DayZ - Complete Herbs and Medicinal Plants List

    They need to hurry up. I always fancied myself as a Cannabis Farmer!
  3. Martmital

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Great... won't someone think of my frames!
  4. Martmital

    "Fall back to another server" issue

    I play on a public shard, I like it, I also play on a private shard, I like it. The public shard is the 'fuck around, be a dick' character, whereas the private shard is for more 'serious' play. Both are fun and I'm glad that we have a choice and the two characters are not bound to both.
  5. Martmital

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    Water is plentiful, you really don't need to carry that much, takes less then 5 minutes to find a watering hole! 4-6 cans of food? Are you just sitting around doing nothing for hours at a time? Without Zombies, one set of rags or a bandage will suffice. If you already have a pistol, do you need a sawn off shotgun? Sticks can be found pretty much everywhere. No need to carry a built one with you. Sewing and leather kits are found every bloody where, no real need to have one with you at all times. A stone knife is all the knife you need. tbh, you don't even need a can opener if you have the one slot goodness of a stone knife! Cooking equipment? Use a stick like a real man! Real men can use nature to provide us with fire. No need for matches anymore. I'm a terrible shot, but I've never needed a gazillion rounds of ammo. I've found one full stack to be enough to get the job done. Drop all the tat you don't really need, bro and you too can feel the freedom that only a nice, soft, 2-stripe lesiure suit can provide.
  6. Martmital

    "Fall back to another server" issue

    So whats the issue? Public servers are the hoppers domain, it does not surprise me that they have moved on to hopping bases (which to be honest, takes some decent coordination and a fair amount of time if you have a good amount of barrels). If I'm ever near my 'base' when I log out I'll often take the things of value and dump my shit in the barrels. I figure, if you wanna find bases and not have them 'disappear' you might wanna try a private shard.
  7. Martmital

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    I can carry everything I'll ever need with a full tracksuit and a crafted bag. What the hell are you guys carrying around?
  8. 6 months at the most for me. Although some of the cars look like they haven't moved for many moons!
  9. Martmital

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    I refuse to wear anything other then a full leisure suit. Not fussy on the colour, but it has to be pristine!
  10. Martmital

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    Civilisation is the reason for kiling each other. If I can grow more food then my neighbour, I can feed more people. If I can feed more people, chances are I can draw upon more manpower in which to fight my neighbour and defeat him. Giving me more wealth, land and manpower in which to repeat the cycle. DayZ is more like the first guy planting a seed rather than trying to recreate civilisation. Unless you are a family member (known friend) or part of my tribe (clan) then you are a threat, until proven otherwise and you'll be killed if needs be.
  11. Martmital

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    In it's current state? Even when we just had the mod, all it was, was just a DM with the need to eat and drink every now and again. I'm all for making the enviroment more of a threat, but no matter how harsh you make it, people will still try and kill you.
  12. Martmital

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Is cooking still bugged? Did a rare spot of fishing the other day, caught myself a pristine pair of wellies and a carp. Tried to cook the carp using the 'fillet on a stick' method. The model in game changed from raw to cooked to burnt but the description still said raw! Din't bother eating it, seeing as I was already sick from drinking out my canteen. Can drink from ponds and pumps with no problem, soon as I drink from a canteen, my wounds get itchy. Every time. Either the canteen is bugged, my character is bugged, or I'm just unlucky...
  13. Martmital

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    Fuck me... over two years and people are still crying about PvP and Kill on Sight! Give people access to guns and ammo in a game with other people and bitches are gonna get rekt'd. Nothing the Devs add or take away from the game will ever stop this!
  14. Martmital

    Me And My Friend Banned For No Reason

    Banned from a particular server or by BE?
  15. Martmital

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Me and a mate took all the wheels off a truck (except the middle ones, they wouldn't come off) and upon server restart the wheels were back on, only we couldn't remove them anymore. A tyre lug is not needed is it? We didn't need one when we took em off the day before.
  16. Martmital

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Nice little hand warmer...
  17. Martmital

    Horrible FPS drop

    The game is poorly optimized (tis alpha after all), much like all bohemia games. Spare a thought for us AMD players, at least with Intel, you have a fighting chance at decent frames.
  18. Martmital

    The Mantra of a Dayz "Hero"

    Pretty sure he meant getting shot by the dead guys mate while mid-teabag. Nothing more humiliating than being mid squat when meeting the reaper... been there, done that.
  19. Should have an increased chance of ruining your trousers when you hit that inevitable little stone in the road and face plant yourself into the ground!
  20. Martmital

    Status Report - Week of 06 Oct 14

    No you didn't, you paid for early access. You boys are either trolling or retarded, it's hard to distinguish.
  21. Yeah, it's pretty much what ever you have to hand that is able to either wedge the W key or heavy enough to hold it down. Me, I go for a bit of cardboard.
  22. Martmital

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Didn't notice you were double carrying bro...
  23. Martmital

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Better observations for dead bodies would be a better start. Rather than just the cold/warm to the touch, let me know if they died from a broken neck, stab wounds or ripped apart by zombies etc etc.
  24. Martmital

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    for nearly a minute at the start you are standing about in the rain doing nothing. You begin to jog up hill for a few seconds only to then stop again for a few seconds. You once again begin to walk/jog uphill where you stop again for a few seconds. At 1:30 you once again stop for 5 seconds. After this you sprint for a full minute! So in fact for most of the time you are doing nothing but standing around. Hot bar that compass dude, makes it so much simpler to use!
  25. Martmital

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Most of the video is you standing around, walking near ponds, lying down on the ground and it was raining. I've only ever reached cold status from being damp or being a freshie.