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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Martmital

    Lesson Learned...

    I ran up some stairs, froze at the top of em and when the game caught up i had the black screen with the dreaded words "you are dead". I then proceeded to rage quit... like a boss!
  2. Martmital

    Game is completely unplayable right now.

    AMD by any chance?
  3. Martmital

    Lesson Learned...

    I learnt that if your lagging it's best to not go near second floor walls...
  4. Martmital


    Fires can be put out with explosives...
  5. Martmital

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    No such thing as heroes and bandits, simply players going about their business...
  6. Martmital

    My favourite DayZ screenshot

  7. Martmital

    KoS is the worst thing in the dayz?

    Not being able to equip ya weapon or not being able to bandage due to lag are much worse in my opinion,
  8. Fail to see the 'analysis' in the OP, it's more a 'personal point of view'. I dunno what servers you play on but I don't have any problem.
  9. Martmital

    Team Speak

    Well luckily I use Skype, so this thread don't apply to me...
  10. Martmital

    Mandatory thread search before posting a thread

    Disable all thread making buttons... surely we have enough topics to keep us going for some time now!
  11. Martmital

    Can anyone relate?

    I ran into the side of the mountain... 'You are Dead'. Worse thing was, when I respawned I couldn't find any freshspawns to take my anger out on!
  12. Martmital

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    This man had a good idea...
  13. Martmital

    [Suggestion] Land/Air Vehicles wanted in the SA!?

    I hear they are gonna allow customization for vehicles...
  14. Martmital

    Survival Hairstyles

    I'll open up a hairdressers in Berezino!
  15. Martmital

    What is, or will be, the point of this game?

    Anything you can think of that is supported by the games mechanics...
  16. Martmital

    Cowboy Hat

    Found a pristine brown one, looks badass!
  17. Martmital

    I'm not trying to start a war

    Take it you haven't seen this video then... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171502-bandit-standoff/
  18. Martmital

    Hunting Rifle

    I found one too, along with a pair of sks, a shotgun, a magnum and a M4, all in Svetlo. Today was a good day!
  19. Martmital

    Base Building - What would you like to see?

  20. Pretty much the same for me, fine for 20 minutes, then serious lag problems and intermittent freezes. Quite unplayable. This was without rain too.
  21. Martmital

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Cheers bro... but no one gives a shit still. I DON'T LIKE THE FACT I DIE WHEN I'M SHOT, it Needs Fixing, That's all.
  22. Martmital

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    My missus is Lithuanian, I just shout her over when I need to work out where I am... Not very realistic. How realistic is it that when the Apocolypse happens, ALL of the street signs in your town change to a language you can't READ. What's realistic about Russian towns having English signs?
  23. Martmital

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    I'm just gonna wait until they have done more work on loot respawn till I take a definitive stand on ways to combat server hopping.
  24. Martmital

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    Never found M4's anywhere other than military bases, airfields or Riffy. Always the bloody shotgun in the piano house for me! :(
  25. Martmital

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    Cheapens the experience for the player doing it in my opinion more so than anyone else. I like the idea of having locked areas, but wouldn't want to see all end game gear under 'lock and key'. .