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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Martmital

    No more mr nice guy

    My definition of a bandit and yours are differen, so bandit ID would not work.
  2. Martmital

    No more mr nice guy

    Someone broke the first rule of DayZ it appears... never get attached to your stuff!
  3. Martmital

    Best Spot to Find Sticks or Morphine?

    I need sticks, need ma Burlap pack again. Bastards are tough to find... even in woods!
  4. Martmital

    Cowboy hats - an invitation to shoot on sight?

    I always rock the Cowboy hat, I consider myself an alright kind of gentleman. I'm not a carebear fuckwit and nor am I a KoSer. Be cool with me and yeah, I'll share ma beans. Plus I'm English, how many points do I get?
  5. Martmital

    There are simple not enough guns in this game.

    We are what, 3 months into the Alpha? Bare basic bones of a game at the moment. Nothing for players to do but horde equipment at practice ya shooting on a moving, thinking target. Once we have stuff for the community to work towards, like repairing that vehicle, you'll see a lot more people being cautious and spending time doing other activities. The time to start really moaning is a lot closer to beta than we currently are. Things can be added and taken away at a whim. t'is what an alpha is here for.
  6. More they add the better, if it's shit and don't quite work they can always take it out, try something different.
  7. Martmital

    Paint balistic helmet?

    Should be able to paint it purple, seeing as most that wear it are bellends...
  8. Martmital

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    Once physics is implemented and we can interact more with the environment, sticks and stones will my weapon of choice...
  9. Martmital

    There are simple not enough guns in this game.

    You need to come play with me bro, I find more shit then I can carry. SKS's, Mosin's, Magnum's, M4's, FNX's, Blaze's, shotguns's. You name it bro...
  10. Martmital

    Dayz "ladders"

    Just let me know how long I stayed alive for, so I can then try to beat it on my next life. I couldn't care less if Timmy has been alive for 137 hours, feckers prolly been sitting in a bush all that time!
  11. Martmital

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    30 FPS? You lucky bastard!
  12. You can judge all you like, but Wheunis get's ya blood pumping and the adrenalin rushing like no Zed ever could. Yes, he also makes you wanna scream, punch ya kitten and kick ya puppy. He also as the power to make you smile and laugh. Without players like him my DayZ experience would be far less fulfilling.
  13. Question right back at you bud! This is how he gets his entertainment, this is how he gets his rocks off. I used to play another online game with a guy that set up a charity (and still runs it to this day), he's the biggest troll going. If I invited him to DayZ I wouldn't play with him cuz I'd be paranoid he'd shoot me in the back for the lulz...
  14. Without the douche bags the game becomes boring. I tend to not KoS, but if I spot you in a sniper spot and you allow me the 10 shots it takes to finally hit on target, your ass is mine. I will also add that I've had more positive encounters than negative ones.
  15. Soon as I see a damn deer I'm shooting it...
  16. Martmital

    Make most melee weapons have some use

    I just assumed the guy was using velcro...
  17. Martmital

    Inventory effect (carry weight) on stamina?

    Gotta bring in vehicles before you dream of touching the fatigue. But yeah, they will add this eventually I assume.
  18. Martmital

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    50 minutes is a bit OTT. I often play with a Canadian, finding a server that is playable for us can be a mare at times. 5 minutes is fine, I can make a cup of tea, skin up or take a shit.
  19. Martmital

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    just enough time to loot the jail building... excellent idea :huh:
  20. Martmital

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I can see the positives and the negatives... Ultimately, I don't care. The game ain't gonna please all the people all the time.
  21. Martmital

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    not sure if trolling, or just stupid...
  22. Martmital

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    Basically this comes down to OP not being sneaky enough on regular servers and getting his ass handed to him by a 'casual'...
  23. Martmital

    Theme based maps

    How did you miss that... Does look pretty bad ass... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?113413-USEC-Aoraki-Mount-Cook-Island
  24. Martmital

    dean this, rocket that

    Cuz it's his game...
  25. Martmital

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    There is no females on the internet, just people...