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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME WHAT SERVERS YOU ARE PLAYING ON... The handful of times I do bump into someone they are a sodding carebear, bean giving, friendly, then again, I tend to stay away from known PvP hotspots unless I feel like getting shot at!
  2. So many fresh spawns, so little suicide...
  3. Backpack was just mentioned in here cuz it's a container... it could be anything, some already in game or a new addition. We don't know and will have to wait.
  4. Surely the only real difference would be the art?
  5. Rather just have rare as fuck tents. One would be sufficient. I'm not a greedy man.
  6. Persistent backpacks? wtf! Why not just give us tents...
  7. Yeah, I tend to find I like something AFTER I have tried it out too...
  8. Martmital

    Map Balance

    Only time I see the coast is as a fresh spawn. Soon as they add hunting, I'm never leaving the North.
  9. Martmital

    [Tutorial] Auto run macro

    I use a bit of cardboard...
  10. T'is the internet, always gonna be some nerdy lil bastard with way too much time on his hands... you'll never get rid of it from online games, but in 150 hours of play in SA I haven't seen anything that is suspicious or out of place. Some just need to feel better about their death, so scream 'hax0r'...
  11. Martmital

    Anyone else been alive since you got DayZ?

    17 hours, most deaths are from sodding glitches...
  12. Pain in the arse to repair, fuel in limited supply, pain in the arse to maintain. Pretty abundant, but found mostly on the fringes of the map.
  13. Martmital

    Cowboy hats - an invitation to shoot on sight?

    We made the world a better place... culture and language don't come cheap bro!
  14. Martmital

    I Finally See

    What was this thread about again?
  15. Martmital

    cant even trust friends sometimes

    A mate of mine was so paranoid in the shipwreck that he shot me. How many other underwear clad, ballistic helmet wearing black man is there gonna be aboard? Fucking arsehole...
  16. Martmital

    KOS WTF?

    Comments such as this are what they do it for... they feed off the tears of the weak!
  17. Tell me where to find the leather jacket...
  18. Martmital

    Travel Directions

    Went in a big circle today trying to find NWAF, woot!
  19. This different to a suggestion?
  20. Martmital

    When is weapon damage being tweaked?

    Dunno, I hit a guy from 300+ metres with me mosin and killed him. I was so proud. Although it did take me 10 shots to finally hit the bugger.
  21. Martmital

    Sugestion: Teammate Recognitions

    Kinda like the idea, but doubt I would use it.
  22. Martmital

    Bullet in wound

    I've got a pellet in my calf, been there nigh on 15 years, it's fine.
  23. Martmital

    New build, will this do?

    I have AMD, make me wanna shoot myself at times!