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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Why the hell do people make new accounts just to get bitch slapped down again...
  2. Martmital

    This game is shit

    Don't feed the trolls...
  3. What actually is trolling? cuz in my view the media have hi-jacked the term.
  4. Martmital

    Casual Minigames

    Fishing, football (seeing as we have football pitches) and golf... all that is needed!
  5. Martmital

    The kneecapping pandemic

    It's your story, come up with one! For fuck sake...
  6. Martmital

    Gun Straps

  7. Martmital

    FRANKIEonPCin1080p's latest standalone episode = so much win

    Couldn't give a shit, the dude makes good videos, but if he ever came at me with that condescending bambi voice I'd put a cap in his ass...
  8. Martmital

    144Hours found my first mosin + LRS

    I lasted an hour after finding my LRS, my guy had peaked at that moment, must have decided it wasn't worth carrying on and proceeded to launch himself from the roof. The bastard...
  9. I don't kill on sight, mainly cuz I'm such a shit shot. I just don't want those that do so to be punished unfairly. If you wanna go down the route of consequences then killing Zombies should also score points on the sane-o-meter. You mean to tell me hacking through a 100 zombies aint gonna leave a mental scar?
  10. Martmital

    an idea about steam level

    y u no let me play on your rented server?
  11. Martmital

    Having babies

    That would be a very awkward convo with ya mate... 'So. er... Dave, fancy having a baby with me?'
  12. As Gerander has correctly stated, if you wanna add something like a sanity meter than killing zombies, should also come into the equation. What would we be left with? KoSers shaking like a shitting dog cuz they killed players and carebears doing the same cuz they killed zombies... then you'd be back here moaning like fuck! You say it's uncommon, but how do we know? Has anyone got first hand experience with a zombie apocalypse? In guys like RealMeatShields zombie reality ,people go round killing each other at the first chance they get. Who is to say he is wrong...
  13. There's no reason to go round trying to engage in conversation. No, I don't want a can of sardines, no it's ok, I don't need a canteen, water is plentiful. No, I'm not gonna tell you where I'm going... it's the same questions over and over again when you interact with people in game. Shooting on sight is preferable to having to listen to you whittle on, can't hear ya when your dead. You say you want more player interaction, yet you dismiss clanwars as not desirable... You have no idea what it is you really want, you just want people to stop shooting you!
  14. But your trying to make it tougher for the guys that have this kind of play style, while those that just run round claiming to be hero's have no obstacles in the way of their play style.
  15. Why does he need to give me hints? I feel it already. Pardon my asking, but are you the kind of guy that tries talking to people on buses or at the urinals?
  16. Martmital

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    I was in the Army cadets...
  17. I feel nervous and uncomfortable around others already, even more so if I'm within distant to see their face I don't need my character to tell me.
  18. The game isn't about 'surviving' zombies, they are there simply as a marketable backdrop. A gimmick. A selling point. Zombies in most films are not the threat, it's usually other humans that provide that. So who is gonna be shooting, the guys wanting my stuff. the guys that can move like me, think like me and ultimately are the major threat. Computer AI will never match a human player. That is what gives DayZ the thrill. Wanna be a hero, do something worthy of the name. No hero worth his salt goes round claiming to be a hero, he gets labelled it by those around him.
  19. Martmital

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    I rarely go to the 'hotspots' and I'm kitted up to fuck. The interior of the map has plently...
  20. Martmital

    Sniping Gadgets

    yeah man... We got one at work, bit of a bitch to see anything over 5m though!
  21. I tend to just shout 'FRIENDLY' repeatedly down my mic till they get sick of hearing it and then hope for the best... then i come on the forums and bitch about not being able to be a hero!
  22. Handing me some beans and talking shit to me for a minute does not a hero make, nor does leaving me some loot somewhere to find. That's kinda the whole point of the game, all your doing is making it easier for me. Put yourself in danger by coming to save my ass through a hail of bullets, with little to no regard for your own safety and only then will you be a hero, my son...
  23. Martmital

    To the bandits with the Mosins..

    A hero is what someone else calls you...