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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Martmital

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Well I have a ruined Gorka jacket and the thing still keeps me dry and I'm yet to run into any warmth issues. Just the odd 'You are cooling off' 'You are warming up' messages which don't see to effect the character. Only time I've got cold so far is as a freshie and when I've been soaked from drinking at a pond.
  2. I usually use the auto-run function and skin up.
  3. Martmital

    Let's Play DayZ: Are You Taking The Piss! - Ep. 6

    In that case, lets have less of the mindless swearing...
  4. Martmital

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Have we always been able to shoot down road signs with the shotgun?
  5. Martmital


    I assume he means like the helicopter crashes that randomly appear. Not working ones...
  6. What does spawning and loot have to do with a particular view point? DayZ is very much about the choices you make within a sandbox arena. You can choose to pick up that weapon, you can choose to pull the trigger, you can choose to use 1PP view only... heck, they catered for people just like you, by giving you your very own 1PP locked servers. What more do you want? Unfortunately for you, the majority of DayZ players prefer 3PP servers.
  7. So are you saying that Dean should have given us no choice and not catered to different preferences, while Bohemia should just have one server and all the players online at one time should be only able to log in onto that one official server? As for being a fundamentally different experience, luckily for us the DayZ devs have not railroaded us into one view point. They have kindly given us the opportunity to experience DayZ in 1PP and 3PP, they even went so far as to enable 1PP only servers.
  8. Martmital

    I need a Tent

    Tents are a myth
  9. Martmital

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    Don't we already have something similar in the game already? y'know, Walkie Talkies...
  10. What do you mean by 'divides the community'? I see you come out with this time and time again when 'discussing' 1st/3rd viewpoints.
  11. Martmital

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    I thought OP was called Spasticus Rex at first glance... then I read the whole thread and decided its a more fitting name.
  12. Martmital

    Re-Arrange Items

    Throw that AK on the roof. brah! Great way to pass the time when you find yourself in an unlooted town!
  13. Martmital

    Status Report - Week of 01 September 14

    dime bag? We gonna have another use for empty water bottles?
  14. Martmital

    How the end game should look.

    my end game is fishing in peace.
  15. Martmital

    I want this

    I want frames per second...
  16. Martmital

    Rape in DayZ (apparently

    I was once told I was gonna be raped while playing FIFA...
  17. Martmital

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Weirdly, my FPS is increased when everything is set to high. Medium to low settings and it's a juddering mess. Stick everything to high/very high, it's just about playable.
  18. Martmital

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    They don't give a shit what you wish for or how long your posts are, they are making the game they want to make, not the game you want them to make.
  19. Martmital

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    Standalone has been out two years already?
  20. Martmital

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    If I was Dean I would add em, but forget to mention that you'll never get one off the ground.
  21. I really have nothing better to do at the minute. Waiting for the reinstall as I keep getting a 3d.cfgjdfdjfjdv error when loading up which seems to result in a fresh character every time I log in. Highly annoying.
  22. People are still going on about this? Some of you really have nothing better to do with your time do you...
  23. Martmital

    Torture in DayZ SA?

    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should... some people get their kicks from the strangest of things.
  24. Martmital

    Any News on Global Chat?

    You'll get what you are given, nothing more, nothing less. Dean Hall gives no fucks about what you personally like or want.