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Everything posted by Martmital

  1. Martmital

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    Is it just me or are the female zombies a two hit kill with a splitting axe?
  2. Found my first ACOG, red dot and BUIS last night, was buzzing... can't find a fucking M4 tho!
  3. Martmital

    New Police Station

    There's a new house type building, it's got some funky wallpaper, carpet and no furniture in it...
  4. Martmital

    18 Holes of DayZ

    It's all in the hips bro...
  5. Martmital

    in-game Sports

    No it should be called football, for its true term is association football...
  6. Martmital

    DayZ needs Humanity back

    So in the mod everyone just held hands and passed each other beans?
  7. Martmital

    Elektro Peace Walk - The Outcome

    Shame I missed this, I would defo have popped a few caps into a few asses...
  8. Martmital

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    You do realise that both views have ALWAYS been in ArmA. They haven't tried to please anyone except the hardcore players by giving them what they wanted. 1PP only servers... Get rid of either view points and you lose players from the game. if you wanna be Billy Big Bollocks and prove you are uber l33t DayZ player, play solely 1PP on a 3PP servers. That is how real men play!
  9. I was hoping you wouldn't find the loot spawns...
  10. Google is your friend... http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#3.070.074
  11. Martmital

    18 Holes of DayZ

    Was hoping for a 'Add Golf to Dayz' thread... I shall leave disappointed.
  12. Martmital

    Have you been to the center of the map lately?

    Only thing I struggle to find inland is an M4. Mosin, SKS, B95, FNX and magnums can all be found inland in abundance.
  13. Martmital

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    One or the other, personally I prefer the text.
  14. Martmital

    Just lost all my sh*t for no reason

    Welcome to Dayz bro...
  15. Martmital

    Recommendations for this AWESOME Game!

    We have a save feature. It's called logging off...
  16. Martmital

    To all the Bambies, watch FRANKIEONPCING youtube vids!

    He's English bro... sounds nothing like an ozzie!
  17. Being exposed to the situation repeatedly should minimize the effect. Jumping out a plane is terrifying the first time, repeated jumps get much easier. Still a crap idea though...
  18. Martmital

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    Take away my magical eye and I'll still play 3PP... I just prefer it.
  19. Martmital

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    I spend all my time inland... only time i go to the coast is to die.
  20. I don't like the idea... I think it's pointless and unneeded.
  21. Having pictures in the sky wont replicate it to a satisfactory standard. Random noises I could understand and would be a better way to simulate it. Just because I don't like the initial idea does not mean that you can't sway me by showing a good and working implementation of it. T'is what forums are here for.
  22. What does pictures in the sky bring to the game? Apart from a drop in frames per second...