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Posts posted by bohemiaisbroken

  1. What does post count have to do with anything. Theres atleast 4 hack sites providing cheats for this game within hours of a patch. Stop being retarded.

    Not only that but most of them have tutorials and guides on how to make your own, safe, programs. It's counter productive to believe there isn't a problem, and it's not just with DayZ. All FPS games suffer greatly from this problem, especially games "protected" by VAC.

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  2. "OP" "Nerf" "Balance".... Why the hell are you people using these words in this game?! If you want artificial balance go play CoD or BF. The best balance in this type of game is realism.


    I agree, the best balance in this type of game is realism. It's too bad the lead developer has lost sight of that.

  3. You do know players have to send information to the server to... uhmm I don't know... play the game, right?

    There's a difference between accepting information and trusting information and if you don't understand that difference then why are you commenting on server design?

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  4. you do realize there was no patch yet since cheaters started use this exploit ?

    so please comment after the new patch reach experimental or stable branch ... not before

    Any online game where it's possible to teleport around other players is fundamentally flawed and simply programmed improperly. Even amateurs know better than to design a server to trust information (packets, etc.) from untrustworthy entities (players). Anyone who still believes Bohemia has plans to rewrite any of their mistakes is sorely mistaken. This has been an issue at their company for many years and it is still an issue in ArmA 3. Do not buy DayZ with the expectation that it will greatly improve.
