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About elnoobus

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    On the Coast

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    Video games, mostly.
  1. Touché ! The basic thing is that a Person shouldn't have to Start from the same place every time they die. It just makes it STALE :(. Wouldn't It just be MUCH BETTER if They made Spawn COMPLETELY RANDOM ? :) Think of it from an "ALPHA TESTING" point of view. When People Keep Spawning at the same place, And Become more and more likely to go to the same place, because FAMILIARITY = SAFETY (sometimes). They aren't experiencing all of the world, Or should i say, that the Respawn SYSTEM spawns People too Far From certain areas, which NEED TO BE EXPLORED MORE, and Perhaps More issues can be BROUGHT TO LIGHT :D. Who knows. :>
  2. ... It's not just about getting Your stuff back. If people are talking reality and harshness You have Very low odds of running into your body with everything in it, let alone anything at all. I once took less than 10 minutes to get to my body. Guess what i got? My First aid kit, with nothing inside. Also, you must not forget the fact that IF you take Damage from Bullets, or most kinds of DAMAGE, Your STUFF GETS RUINED ANYWAYS. And how come the IDEA of being able to retrieve your body seems More Absurd than it Magically disappearing after 10 exact minutes? :\...... Let's take our time to think about it :D IT'S NOT ABOUT THE LOOT ! IT'S ABOUT SENDING A MESSAGE !!!!
  3. But if we really are taking reality into consideration, Shouldn't the sudden disappearance of your body after 10 minutes be weird too ? >.> But my main issue is with the Same Area Spawn System. i'll call it ... SASS :> (edit: colour)
  4. elnoobus

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Tweaked settings, Get 25-35 now. all good.
  5. DISCLAMER ~!!!!!! NONE OF THESE IDEAS ARE MEANT TO BE FOR SELFISH BENEFIT! N O N E ! I HAVE NOT THOUGHT THEM UP TO BENEFIT MYSELF! SO LET'S NOT BE JUDGEMENTAL & LEAVE THAT AT THE DOOR (or the previous page) (and please, do excuse my Poor Formatting, im not really good with threads :\ ) Hey there! :D Looks like you stumbled into my little den of ideas :>. A little about myself,related to the game: I didn't ever play the ARMA Mod version of Dayz. I heard about it mid 2013. Still had no concept of what it was. Then went on and kept finding info on it. I liked the part where the game didn't want you to do anything, just go wherever and do whatever you wanted(because Y'ALL PROLLY GON KILL YO'SELF ANYWAYZ!) So after a lot of transactions troubles and hurdles, I got the game around last week, and played it for around 35ish hours and went to most of the areas and died to most of the conditions/bugs/ YOU FRIENDL*dies*... :\ . As i kept playing the game, i told myself "might as well keep thinking how the game can be improved while im hiding out from death squads and 'mirage' walls, which killed me almost as many times as anything else :\... So i would like this thread to be a place where ANYTIME something pops up in my head, i can come here and share it with everyone and perhaps help make a better Dayz.. for us to.. Playz ! I will try to put my reasons and what i don't like about a certain mechanic/implemented factors, which will help people loosen their 'idea of what should be to what can be', by giving a more vivid explanation. Please don't hold back from Critiquing and adding to the material that we have hereZ :> LET US BEGIN ! 1: Respawn suggestion : I have noticed that whenever you Die, You are born in one of the 5-8'ish spots. Why it sucks : I find this to be a very rigid form of respawn. It only spawns you on the eastern shores, down to a flicker of the southern bit. It always puts you back in the same place ( I mean come on, lel. Having span spots on the same line with some distance inbetween isn't very 'versatile' ,nor is it Promoting exploration). ( oh i got all this gear... i prolly shouldn't go to deep inland, or i will lose pretty much everything). What this does is, it Makes everyone spawn in the same area, which gives them the same areas to go to, to fight over, to see again. and. again. and. again. It takes more than 10 minutes to get to Cherno or any area of significance, and that's not even part of the problem ( WELL IT KINDA MIGHT BE :\ ). Also, if you try to STOCK UP Before Retrieving your body, its GON' BE TOO LATE, Dawg.. I shall give you an example, which happened to me.. so its not really an example, its my sad story :( (anywayssss.) : Spawned near Berezino. Walked to Cherno. On the way to there, gathered supplies/weps/food/ammo/etc. In Cherno, was walking down a building, and BOOOM !I fell out of the WALL. Not the WINDOW. the W to the A to the LL.( and its fine, since its in alpha, lel)... So, now i am already f**ked, and when i spawn inevitably on the eastern shore, i have to make a decision. Do i go and get my Body in Cherno?-OR- Do i go westbound inland or make an attempt to Raiz my Fistz and Run straight where no items exist. well i went back for my body but it disappeared because its not possible to reach there in 10 minutes.(at least it wasn't for me) ^^ Happened Twice. BUT happened again today, after i jumped on a table... and died 3 seconds later, lol. :> ^^ Also, Me falling through a wall isn't any part of the reason to making this post. it was just a very annoying part of it. I'll present a scene now. Recall how every time you die you are born with nothing(useful) with a random character, in a " PRE-ASSIGNED AREA". There are Already PRESET ZONES for Spawning. The probability is mostly RANDOM, but some are higher than others. All of them are on the COASTLINE and I think they stop before Elektro or somewhere around it. SO the thing it does is : make the whole process of Spawning and Dying the SAME EVERY TIME. People having to walk long distances to Constantly Raided areas like Elektro and Cherno. Balota airfield, and all the CLOSEST REACHABLE STUFF. How many people actually bother to go inland? Not Many. ( iv'e seen it). Because Its just so Convenient to just follow the coastline and reach the cities which have pretty good loot. The reason is -> People are born in a place where going to one place is their best option because it is faster and safer and they're so Used to the SAME SPOT, THE SAME ROUTINE, THE SAME BUILDINGS :\.. I am sure if you ask even some of the Veterans, they will know pretty much all about all the buildings in all the shoreline cities/bases/etc., but they even won't know that much about the inland, because NOBODY LOVES THE INLANDS :<. THE(possible) SOLUTION : Make You spawn around a 2 KM radius or so, from where you died. So it is possible to get your belongings that you spend hours gathering(potentially). And POSSIBLY Continue with what you were doing. Because just dying and Respawning 10 KILOMETERS away from where i was, IS NOT FUN TO WALK BACK TO. And Walking 10 KM Doesn't Take 10 MInutes, which ascertains my body disappearing again. The current mechanic can be seen as a hindrance of sorts, to exploring ( oh i wanted to go to X but i died and now i cant walk back fast enough, etc.) The Current Method is EVEN WORSE when you are in a party, with friends and maybe only a part of your group dies somehow. Now you have to wait in the same place because you need to defend their stuff and wait for your friend/s to walk all the way there from wherever by the Sea they might have spawned :\. And you don't know if they'll even make it. IT'S JUST WASTED TIME, WHICH CAN BE PUT TO SO MUCH BETTER USE :D. (We also have to talk about how the loot is Always divided into pre-assigned buildings, and how there is no concept of RANDOMNESS. Its not random if an area spawns a Mosin instead of a Magnum because you already know that a building will have weapons unless its raided. :\. ( i hope you get my feel. Basically, People can right now, just tell by looking at the building what the odds are and what kind of items there might be inside). I SHIT YOU NOT!!! :> { I will soon add about what items should/ would be nice as spawn items :D. } XXX===========================XXXXX==============================================================XXXX============XX=========== 2 : Can we PLEASE Have a COMPASS!? : I understand that you want people to start out raw and vulnerable and careful, i guess. But having a compass lets you do all of that AND not Walk in the Opposite Direction >.>.... ReasonZ : Some servers always have day. ( this means you cant use the sun) Some always have night. The sun is VERY VERY Strange, always Using geography to discover your location is again hard, when you don't know where north is. ALL SIGNS ARE IN RUSSIAN !!! :(. Repeated BUILDINGS. You see the same buildings in all now deserted settlements. Yes, i am probably being a little critical, but all i'm asking for is a little compass which is more sensible than a torch with batteries . (I think i will soon be writing about Loot spawn mechanic and how it stunts the "Freshness of the game". )
  6. elnoobus

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    HI! Laptop Monitor resolution :> 1600x9000 CPU :> Intel i7 3630QM 2.4 ghz GPU :> NVIDIA Geforce GT 650M 2Gb, RAM :> 8 GB SSD :> No. HDD Specs are -> 1 TB, 5400 rpm, Sata II. I Currently get 15-25 Fps in almost any area, sometimes goes down to 12-16 Fps in cities. Any tips to improve anything would be appreciated :D THANKS! :D