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About Alogos

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Alogos

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    yall "PC MASTER RACE" types are the worst breed of fanboys
  2. Alogos

    24 hours of game

    pot, meet kettle. edit: wait shit now im part of the problem
  3. Alogos

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    bitching about known bugs isnt criticism, it's just bitching. the whole reason we are all testing this is to provide actual constructive criticism in the form of bug reports and forums posts, videos, etc. and saying it can be judged isn't really viable at this point either, it's like watching 20min of a movie then saying you've seen it. reviews are for finished products, which this is not anywhere close to. it's painfully clear a lot of you don't understand the difference between finished and.... not finished.
  4. Alogos

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    ...no? are you sure you're familiar with what an oxymoron is?
  5. Alogos

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    if you PM me your address I can have them send a state-of-the-art waaaaambulance to put some ointment on your butthurt. good lord I can't believe I'm about to become one of these guys but.... it's a fucking alpha man. AND notice the 42000 other threads bitching about the same fucking thing. wanna hear a story? in the course of 6hrs in one day I played for a bit, logged to eat and smoke a cigarette, came back to a wiped char. bit later logged again, came back to a wipe. rinse repeat again about 2hr later. it happens. if you can't deal with that come back when the game's finished, that way I won't have to read your whining for the time being. the sense of entitlement some people have is positively astounding.... this whole "i paid money and deserve something" is such a load of shit. you paid money, and got a game. that's what you get. a game that says reeeaaally big in the description "IS ALPHA, LOTSA SHIT IS WRONG RIGHT NOW" (apologies for the paraphrase.)
  6. do you see the dissonance in these two statements?
  7. Alogos

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    more eloquent that i was planning on being. i, too, love how people think that playing the mod makes their opinion superior to us 2-percenter assholes who bought a game we wanted to play that was a mod before it was a full game. everyone likes to feel important i guess
  8. that's a mature observation in an altogether immature manner. and you clearly dont understand how the game works... case in point everything you've posted in this thread. PROTIP - if you bleed and dont fix it you pass out. its not super complicated. if you're wondering why i took time to type this, it's because you made an unreadable, pointless rant then act shitty when people try and talk to you about it. locate your butthurt elsewhere.
  9. Alogos

    WTF are with the Books?

    you can pick them up to absorb bullet damage so that the books get damaged before you do if someone is shooting at you. only practical use that i know of
  10. Alogos

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    doesnt matter "what kind of zombies" we're dealing with, i don't want headshot-only zombies with the clunky gun mechanics we have in dayz... plain and simple. Don't ask me to paint the mona lisa with crayons lol ya know?
  11. so what can you tell me about the project? like i said i have free time to commit and am interested in being a part of your team for the duration of its scope. if youd like, my steam ID: eeastburn
  12. Alogos

    [Discussion] What is the funniest/best way you died?

    false. I routinely am laughing a fair amount when i get killed/die just gotta roll with it yo
  13. Alogos

    Ruining items

    depending on my mood and how RP-ey i'm feeling ill sometimes hide ammo, particularly in places like elektro and krasnastov due to their close proximity to airfields and military loot
  14. Alogos

    Bounty on Brad

    if you wanna argue playstyles, OP's playstyle is kill players he views as "doing it wrong." this argument can be used both ways, and thus is not valid either way.
  15. im cautiously curious about this, if you want to PM me or something we could discuss what kinds of roles you are looking to fill and see if there might be a fit. I have a LOT of freetime during the week as I work fri-sun 6am-6pm CST.