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About KrakenDomes

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  1. Latest drivers removed and reinstalled. No overheating detected on my gpu or cpu. And long time no see beck :) I am finally back in town from work woot woot. Still getting error though, just happened again. I logged out for a few hours. Open game, join a server and immediately my screen minimizes :(
  2. I am also getting this weird error now?!?! First 200 of hours gameplay everything goes fine without a hiccup. But In the last week this happened to me at least once a day if not more. I have validated files, reinstalled dayz, and even messed with FPS enhancer settings to see if that helped. Still no luck. Edit: I don't alt tab during game, so its not from alt tabbing. I don't do anything out of the ordinary. Basically I will be running around, game freezes for a sec. Screen goes black and minimizes..... I hear all games sounds, can shoot my gun, can run around. but again screen is minimized and all I see is my windows screen.
  3. KrakenDomes

    Mate gets launched 30 ft from cliff + Craziness

    Great clips!! keep em coming :P
  4. KrakenDomes

    hack or glitch?

    What a great response!! We all feel better now. The last three days we have died this exploit. Its getting to be so common now that I am not sure if I should log in and help test the alpha. The first time this happens, we are sitting in bottom floor of hospital (electro) covering door that leads upstairs. Two of us are behind the corner leading to the shelves while two are at very top laying down spotting. The mosin drops us on bottom floor first, head shot to both us. Door leading upstairs never opened. Second time this happens we are in a red house in balota, we spot a guy outside the door, we are upstairs laying down. He never enters the house, mows 4 of us down while upstairs. Third time again in the hospital in electro. Taking out six of us in less than two mins. Its really starting to get old. And again, this has happened at least once a day for the last three days. NOT only is the invis glitch bad enough, when we do kill some of these guys they have 100/60 round count magazines, m4 ammo that has so many numbers it cant fit on the screen, and ammo boxes that hold twice as much as they are suppose to :S Just sad.
  5. KrakenDomes

    Have Zombies Always Followed You?

    Sometimes I feel like even breaking line of sight doesn't work. And zombies glitch through everything!!!! Walls, houses, trees.
  6. KrakenDomes

    How Long Does It Take...

    I finally got the healing / healthy status last night. Everyone says eat everything and drink everything... Kinda vague ya know! Heres what I did to get healing status. I let my thirst/hunger bars go yellow. I drank water till till thirst went away. Ate food till hunger away. Then I alternated between the two. Drink/eat/drink/eat. I did this till my character said I am really stuffed. I sat their for a few mins and the healing status appeared. I did not move after I got the healing status. I just sat there for about 10 mins and my color came back. A few mins later I got the healthy status and went on my way :P
  7. KrakenDomes

    DayZ, Pay it forward, community project

    ROFL......... Epic video!
  8. Rofl epic video!! Best SA video to date!!!
  9. KrakenDomes

    The man on the map!

    Anyone notice this yet? What is the point of this? For Lulz? :P Hes holding a club.
  10. KrakenDomes

    Cannot load material file?

    Same issue?!?!
  11. KrakenDomes

    Account issues

    Yup your right, after loading into the game he started with fresh character. Backed out and it showed non-geared character but with my name. Was able to change it. Thanks for the help!
  12. KrakenDomes

    Account issues

    My brother is in town and decided to get the SA :P Unfortunately his laptop is not able to run the game. Being the nice hero I am I log out of Steam and let him log into his steam account. The game loads up but shows my character name on screen and my character on the screen?!?! I have logged out of steam several times with no success.
  13. KrakenDomes

    DayZ, Pay it forward, community project

    We need moar hero's like this!!! I was downed in berezino by a zombie (yes I r noOb) and knocked unconscious. I had some good gear, a mosin with prestine long range scope, 100+ rounds for my mosin. So I didn't want to respawn. I figured I would roll one up to pass the time and see if I came to. While laying there in the dark I heard a voice. "Hey buddy you wanna be my friend" At that moment my heart dropped through my arse. I was for sure I would be robbed and left naked on the ground. The stranger spoke again...... "I got some buddies on the way to help you out" Great, massive tbag party on my face while im getting robbed. Good thing im smoking or this would be bad. A few moments pass and I hear moar voices over my body, my adrenaline is rushing. As I lay there I hear 5+ voices hovering over me. They bandage me up but I still lay there unconscious. They get a defib to use on me but my body starts gliding across the town. At this point im just ready to give up. Im unconscious with 5 guys standing over me. (kinky right?) 20 mins later and 800 meters out of berezino they revive me!!!!! All of them laying on the ground preventing me from glitching lol. I get up, notice I am clothed!!! And all my gear/ammo/food. What a great experience :P I will definitely pay it forward after a encounter like this. +1 for Hero's