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Everything posted by Jolunn

  1. this is not a glitch, I'm afraid. The technique for doing this can be used on any structure/grass/tree. The technique has been used in Arma II and Arma III so not sure if it will be fixed.
  2. Jolunn

    Is this seriously the whole game?

    Alpha - A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features. These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback. Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped. If you're planning on being a smartass make sure at least your first sentence is correct, if you're gonna herp at least derp before it.
  3. There was no point, not sure why you're looking for one. It made me think wow when I saw the amount online versus units sold just seemed very odd.
  4. Wow just wow, if 2 million units were sold, at its current peak that would be a high of 1.7% play online at the peak time. edit.. current average playerbase 0.9% play.
  5. Oh man you got me wrong, I didnt discuss or complain. I got to third page of thread and stopped. People had genuine problems to discuss and by the 2nd page a mod as in there with the line that i adjusted, 3rd page wannabe Mod as in there ranting as per usual. Gave up after that its the same thing all the time, you cant talk about a problem even though it as done in discussion thread. Also read the Devtracker for January, they fixed rubberbanding?
  6. Why make a thread and call it Experimental Discussion because you now if you discuss your findings the same old faces will jump all over you and shout you down for saying you found a problem. People shouldn't play on experimental discussion if the name experimental discussion itself doesn't tell them anything.
  7. Jolunn

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    Are you complaining about my complaining or are you arguing about my semantics?
  8. Jolunn

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    If everyone is an expert that by definition must include you. So are you commenting about yourself?
  9. Not uninstalled but log in less and less. Sorry to see you go, never met you ingame but you always seemed cool on the forums.
  10. Jolunn

    Two million units sold

    Please keep on topic
  11. Jolunn

    Two million units sold

    First time I've said they havnt worked on bugs, so every possible opportunity erm change your name to Thick Plank please.
  12. Jolunn

    Two million units sold

    Thank you, somebody else gets my point.
  13. Jolunn

    Two million units sold

    Erm... Firstly It's called lying. Secondly not whining just a genuine plea to fix problems. Thirdly they maybe working I never stated they wern't I asked for them to fix the problems. Fourth, you called me a liar when I in no way lied, do that again and I'll do you for libel, ok.. edit..yup I know it's Alpha and I click a disclaimer. Confused as to how that is relevant to the slow pace at which bugs are fixed. But I do love that you whine about the supposed whiners. I am not whining I'am angry btw as I wanted this to be what they promised but its like a love thats turned sour, leaving me all bitter and twisted.
  14. Jolunn

    Two million units sold

    can we start fixing issues now then please.
  15. Unualtul = guess who. Do I win a prize for guessing it's those that walk on clouds.
  16. No worries man, thanks for clearing that up. I just took it the wrong way I guess. Edit: Really Caboose, you should calm down.
  17. To insult is to affect as an affront, demean or offend. You implied by saying perceived that we don't understand desync or whatnot and falsely make hackusations. As polite as you made it seem it was still there to demean previous comments. I merely made an observation that maybe people stopped talking as comments like this and the numerous others stating that we must be mistaken (not by yourself) is like banging your head against a wall of ignorance. I fully understand that BE is not at fault but man your comment was to incite a response of that i'm sure. edit: The kids lol. You got me all figured out.
  18. Man you're comedy gold, you may not have seen the numerous videos on this perceived desync ruberbanding sorry I like to call it what it is, cheating. Maybe that is why it cannot be fixed, ignorance is bliss but dont let everyone know how blissful you are. Like others have said and will say, people just stopped talking about it. Why bother when people like yourself are involved.
  19. Some guy with really really bad desync, it caused him to float high in the sky and have unlimited ammo, killed meh!! What is that you say 3 weeks until H1Z1 releases, oh why didn't you say before my rant, dont feel so bad now. Still not seen a hacker/scriptkiddie yet and played like loads of times. Or do they not when using hacks to locate me or close distance with teleporting politely say, excuse me I used a hack to do that, hmm maybe they're bit more discreet than that. Still until I see video evidence accompanied by dancing bears I will not believe there are hackers. Yes I know Rocket has released a statement about the hacking and there a many videos (none have the dancing bears though) I will not believe there are any out there.
  20. When persistent storage is added, will you rather than just shooting on sight try to follow the target to see what they're up to. It will also give the pursued some opportunity to protect themselves as long as they have the situational awareness to detect when they're being followed. It will bring a new dynamic to the game for both parties that I will enjoy. I havn't got a problem with KoS btw the old adage remains the same "you have to be seen to be KoS" hell I've been shot so many times now trying to help others that I will KoS 80% of the time nowadays.
  21. Erm yup I understand why they do it, do you understand a question though. This is how the question started "will you rather than just shooting"
  22. Jolunn

    Run faster with fire axe in hand?

    I thought you ran faster with axe, so tested side by side with friend. You run just a little slower than someone with nothing in their hands. Worked it out it's an optical illusion the animation makes it seem that you're running faster,
  23. Jolunn

    Being Oblivious

    Could of used your brains instead of confusing yourself. Not knowing your mates name so I'll call him Barry for now. "Hey Barry go stand where that guy was and see if you can see me" Barry either could see you, if so the other guy just lacked awareness or had very low graphic settings. Or Barry couldn't see you and maybe he would of told you why, therefore using it to your advantage next time.
  24. You 100% sure it hasnt happened to you yet, has everyone who shot or melee'd you been in front of you. I'm also very inclined to think Hignorant unless there is any video proof.
  25. Last 3 deaths went like Killed by script Kiddie Group of 4 killed by script Kiddie Group of 3 killed by script Kiddie Stopped playing. Not desync or outplayed, 100% cheater. Once you remove your head from the sand they're easy to spot. 3 weeks later first thread I read is this, oh it's getting worse. Do BI care that I or others stopped, no they already got my money. Do they care for script idiots, hell yeah they're a continual source of income. So will they fix anything for real or just make half assed attempts and say we are on it don't worry folks it is our number one priority to reduce our income by stopping them for good. Off to play other games, yah they got hacks/scripts/knobjockeys...but it dont take time to gear up and I have no investment in my character, they give me what I need to go boom boom at the start.