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About ALPHATT (DayZ)

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  1. Right, I hope you get bone breaking proced on you after an insane week long life on a character with more than 72 hours of being alive, surviving DMing russians and all that. Laying in a shed with a hatchet because youa re out of ammo, you meet a single zombie and because you havea melee weapon you can't dodge the zombies animation and get bone breaking proced on you on the first hit, miles from any player or hospital or anything. I welcome you to defend the mechanic. There's difficulty and then there's bad game design, the entire broken leg mechanic(it procing if you fall 2 inches, which is likly to happen with the clunky avatar movement of arma) is broken. If you adore this type of luck based "realism" maybe i can interest in my new horse simulator game, if you walk up to the horse from behind, the included horse lege peripheral will kick your teeth out leave you unconscious or maybe kill you, you never know... I love this crusader like frevour with which you people defend clearly experimental decisions from the developers part, as if it was the word of god or whatever. I understand that maybe you don't hate this mechanic, but I'm merely letting the developer know, that as far as I'm concerned it bad game design. Also as mentioned by somone else, the entire "realism" argument is thrown out the door since the cure is merely a drug and that won't magically fix your bones. While we're at it let's introduce the ice box. An item that replaces your backpakc and only has 6 slots, if you get blood packs or raw meat or anything that could rot and you don't store it in an ice box it will go bad within an hour. /sarcasm
  2. ALPHATT (DayZ)

    Delete or heavily modify broken leg mechanic.

    I am fully aware of that fact that the game is in alpha which is THE VERY REASON why i posted this thread as a suggestion to be considered by the dev. The broken leg mechanic equals death in most cases due to the scarcity of morphine auto injectors and the huge detrement to mobility. There are mechanics that make the game hard and I enjoy them, and then there are broken annoying mechanics that basically toss all of your effort on the floor and spit in your face by procing a broken leg on you, even though you can't even properly predict an enemy zombies movement since they spaz and lag around before hitting you.
  3. It's a game though, and it's enraging as hell. There are mechanics that are just too hardcore, and can knock you down even if you spent weeks building an advantage. There's hardcore and then there's spitting in my face for any effort made whatsoever.
  4. I just died with my friend to some random bandit with so much loot it's not even funyn because previously a zombie, proced bone breaking on me at hsi second hit, after previously i surivved from 3k blood with a transfuison, and then this happens. After that the bandit shows up, i can't position well against him, and he bites us in the ass and we die even tho we could've easily fended him off otherwise. Also you break your legsl to minor drops, and morphine injectors are scarse as hell. Hands down most annoying mechanic in the entire game and you are as good as dead if ur not near a hospital/city or luck out insanely.
  5. I played without s6 launcher, haven't tried it with the launcher since, maybe it works with that too.
  6. Man, I jsut got the mod, was playing on, didn't back up that version updated to the new 1 and now I can'T play.
  7. yeah i get the same but with script restriction #1. Also, it appeared to have stopped and changed itself to infintie laoding after the "recieving" part where you would enter the game.
  8. ALPHATT (DayZ)

    battleye script restriction #1

    I think we somehow got banned from the game because of some bug that makes us look like cheaters or whatever.
  9. I updated dayz to the latest and whatever server I join BattlEye kicks me for "Script restricition #1" I googled it and found that no one is having this problem.
  10. ALPHATT (DayZ)

    [GUIDE] Amazon.com version: How to get it working

    Does this work the same way, if I have retail arma 2 and retail arma OA?