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Everything posted by Tabinator

  1. Tabinator

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    I think there are certain areas where kill on sight is more common then in other. Cherno, Elektro and the Airfields are very dangerous. Many geared players who are very anxious about there stuff with a very very loose trigger-fingers.... I think almost 80% to 90% of the persons you met there will shot you instantly. Meanwhile, beside these hotspots, I have the feeling that way more than 50% of my encounters have ended friendly. It also depends on the server I suppose. More friendly people in experimental. Less friendly people on US or RUS-Server (just my feeling).
  2. Tabinator

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Getting wet hasnt any effect on health yet? Is that right? Really looking forward for the next patch. I assume that "getting cold" and "ill" from weather (which seems to be close to be implemented) will cause that creating fires and building tents will follow soon. "Eating all" is a nice comfort-feature as well. Does it also take longer to eat all?
  3. Tabinator

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    That is just a glitch. Rocket mentioned that its just there when some graphic settings running on low (i think it was 'object details).
  4. Tabinator

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Short time for testing on experimental since its just "live" for few houres though. Think it'll go stable next wednesday with quite a few more fixes and adds. Looking forward for it!
  5. Tabinator

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Nice update but are there any information when "big" changes are on schedule? I mean, Dean mentioned so many things (just for example "hunting") to expect "early" in 2014. Just wondering! :)
  6. Truely some of the most impressive guides ever done. Learned so many new things while already spend about 50 houres ingame...
  7. Tabinator

    White screen

    Reset them to standard again but without effect...
  8. Tabinator

    White screen

    Same problem here (meanwhile its blue to white on my system). After i tweaked the config with the known tricks i dont get a proper start- and character screen. The only things i've changed were these: GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1shadowZDistancesceneComplexity
  9. Tabinator

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    Keep it up! Very funny indeed. Hopefully you'll meet "frankieonpc" or some other DayZ-youtuber :)
  10. To the performance-issue: Running on Intel Core i7 2600 and AMD Radeon HD 7970 with the new Catalyst 14.1 beta-driver (Windows 7 64bit) I got good Frame-Average Outdoors and also in the big cities. Doesnt matter if raining or not. Not a single drop under minimum 30 fps. Most Graphics pushing on normal or high except for ambient conclusion, post-processing, and hdr-quality (which are disabled or low). Also suffered not a single freeze in 4 houres of constantly gaming (a friend on me neither). Might be intressting i was on a low populated Server (max. 12 players).
  11. Update on the performance-issue: Running on Intel Core i7 2600 and AMD Radeon HD 7970 with the new Catalyst 14.1 beta-driver i got good Frame-Average Outdoors and also in the big cities. Doesnt matter if raining or not. Not a single drop under minimum 30 fps. Most Graphics pushing on normal or high except for ambient conclusion, post-processing, and hdr-quality. Also suffered not a single freeze in 4 houres of constantly gaming (a friend on me neither). So, for me, it works out quite well. Hope you other guys find a solution as well till it will be fixed for you (hopefully) soon. Edit: Noticed the Memory Leak but within 4 houres the ram usage grew up to max. 1.2gb
  12. I have also the feeling the performance is slightly better. Memory leak for sure as i observed it in taskmanager. After approx 1 1/2 hour i had about 1.5gb of my RAM used but didnt crashed so far. Wasnt in the big coastal cities to check and compare performance and RAM-usage there.
  13. Performance in cities seemed to be worse than before. Propably about 10 fps
  14. I think ruined shouldnt work and badly damaged have a 70% chance of working
  15. @rocket: Can we expect that Wednesday maintance will be usually used for stable-patching? Btw nice work!
  16. Tabinator

    Kill on sight - newb advice

    I dont get shooten that often acutally. The best times I had some weeks ago when i've met a guy, fully armed, which helped me out for about 2 houres because i was a newbie. Nice chatting with nice people. I try the same playing-style and I think about 50% of my encounters remain without shooting anybody. Acutally I died the most when im armed. Usually someone is shoots me in the back without any questions.
  17. Whats up with you boy? Just asking because they usually added something new EACH patch. I can read the "old" and obviously not updated patchnotes by myself.
  18. Any patchnotes released yet?
  19. Tabinator

    Graphics and Effects

    Hi Folks! Didnt saw anything mentioned about it yet so I might ask. Does anyone know what graphics-enhancments we can expect? I mean, for sure this will be a very late point on the "To-Do-List" and the current graphics suits the purpose but, with its stable release to be expected for next year I'd really like to see some better graphics. Will there be DirectX 9, 10 or even 11 effects? Optimization for the new "AMD-Mantle-Driver"? Graphics, of course, is less important than good gameplay-elements but it really could increase the immersion.
  20. Tabinator

    Misc Crafting Ideas [SA]

    Dont have a real opinion on the most of your suggestions but I like the idea with the painted rags. Somehow you should be able to show that you are mates and not asking "is that you running there down the street or is it a bandit?"
  21. Tabinator

    Locked doors and crowbars.

    In a Zombie-Apocalypse i consider it as "wise" to lock your door safely. But anyway: Looting would become very annoying when you have to break up every house at first and general gameplay woulndt benefit!
  22. Tabinator

    Can you have more than 1 toon at a time

    Ah thanks! Good to know... and I wondered once why my weapons were lost :-D
  23. But a different Item does not replace it. The new Item just disappears.