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Everything posted by Spitfire-

  1. Well I can tell you for one, aiming your firearm down the sites on battlefield seems like a better "simulator" than dayz arma etc. From my past experience shooting REAL weapons as a hobby such as AR-15, SKS and assorted pistol platforms it seems ridiculously easier than dayz which doesn't make sense and it's just a pain really.. Acceleration in the windows mouse setting is also disabled for me, I talked to several friends about this and the mouse coding definitely needs a fix. I'm sure they'll fix this it's only in alpha, I just hope they read this! Keep in mind I'm talking about aiming down sites AND controlling the characters left/right to guide it, the feel is just a mess.
  2. All that really needs to be done is making the mouse control 1:1 ratio like all other FPS type games such as battle field and call of duty etc.. The mouse control on dayz standalone is exactly the same as arma 2 which feels very inconsistent, jumpy and just not precise at all. I hope this can be addressed :( because right now it feels identical to the free dayz mod. Please fix the issue and thanks for all the hard work in the making of this game :D