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Everything posted by Hazurd

  1. So i looted a prison and left came back and it had respawned and i was amazed as i didnt think loot respawned in stable so i emptied it to see if it would respawn and it did so i went off for dinner as such came back on later tried to do the same thing to see if loot actually did respawn since i saw people posting pictures of stacked loot and the term loot cycling and it didnt work so my question is does loot respawn consistantly and does it depend on server tl;dr does loot respawn or depend which server you join (stable only)
  2. Right so i spawned in Berezino ran all the way to the NWAF and saw no one along the whole way i camped NWAF for a bit gearing up and still i only saw one guy who i shot at then he combat logged I then thought that i would head to Balota as that was a hotspot for PvP before the spawn changes and no one again on a 30+ pop server where is everybody at?