As someone that suffers from motion sickness (I am very sensitive to it), as long as I increase the FOV I am generally ok, now I know it isn't the same for everybody... but is anyone still having symptoms if they increase their FOV slider? Another suggestion for those that suffer are "Sea-Bands" and ginger gum. The first prevents it for some people, the gum will help with the nausea. Now as for 1PV and 3PV, both are exploitable (being able to see through walls)... but 3PV will let you look over and around them without exposing yourself... would something like what world of tanks help in this situation (if your player cannot see them you cannot)? I have to agree with some of the others in this thread, you really are missing out if you aren't in a 1PV server, you have to be really aware of your surroundings. But as long as we have our seperate 3rd and 1st person view servers everyone should be happy.