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Everything posted by redcoat22

  1. For starters, one is a game you can play today and the other is a game you can only play in your imagination today.
  2. redcoat22

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    UG is correct, humans can consume raw meat so long as it is fresh. Once meat gets handled (hamburger) it tends to grow dangerous bacteria and that is why it must be cooked. All the said, it is SAFER to eat cooked meat for many reasons, some of which can be attributed to characteristics similar to those found in raw pork, turkey etc.
  3. We could spend our time discussing the three day workshop to try to reduce the prevalence of suicide in South Australia's remote Indigenous population which begins today, but I just remembered this is a computer game forum which contains a thread displaying a WIP digital pig for people to sit in their homes and pretend to hunt in a zombie game. So yea... seems pretty damn appropriate place for such discussion. Your attempt to patronize us here is quite misplaced. Everyone likes a cynic liquidcactus.
  4. I think the point that has become lost here is that there is a team designing animals for players to hunt and they cannot create every variant of critter instantly. So this "first batch" will be limited to a few animals intended for hunting. Given that circumstance, if any intellectually honest person was to create a list of animals to hunt in the Russian wild the fact remains the freed domesticated pigs would rank like 25th behind freed domesticated cows. On that same list, an informed hunter would probably rank wild boar #1 or #2 as they are very prevalent in the wild (in these parts of the world), healthy to eat, and fairly easy to hunt. Most of us were merely posting feedback about the model they displayed because maybe... just maybe, the artist assigned to "go make some pigs to hunt" may not be a real life hunter and maybe... just maybe, he didn't know the difference between wild boar until he read this forum. It was feedback. Remember this, hunting a domesticated pig will mean walking up to it and shooting it in the head. It may even come to you if it thinks you are feeding it. No stalking, no difficult shots, nothing. Is this how you wanted hunting in this game?
  5. Have you ever run across a domesticated pig in the forest? Your analogy is flawed because unlike feral dogs and cats (predators) that roam cities everywhere on the planet, there are no domesticated pigs roaming the brush outside your window. ' A domesticated pig, even if it escaped the apocalypse and managed to get into the forest wouldn't last long against coyote, wolves, and all manner of woodland predators. I can assume you have never actually hunted a pig so let me explain that even If the "farm pig" did manage to find wild pigs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_boar , it would be traveling in small herds of WILD pigs or else dead... thus we still need the wild pig model. The point being that since "hunting" is the big goal here.. and not "gathering" lost farm animals they simply chose to model the wrong type of pig in this first round. The pig above looks GREAT and I am glad it will be in the game... it's simply the wrong pig for the intended purpose of being hunted. I really cannot imagine your angle in this discussion other than to be a forum warrior.
  6. I understand that... but you don't have to "hunt" farm animals. With a pig like that you would simply walk up to it and kill it. It does look amazing though!
  7. The pig looks cool... but that is not a pig you would find in the wild.
  8. I think the close spawning is pretty lame and takes away from the game. Ideally they should be slow moving but far more plentiful in numbers. I would also only make them respawn in areas that lack any players.
  9. redcoat22

    Any ETA on next update?

    You are exactly right. This is why most game studios don't give out too many details. Sadly they ruin it for everyone.
  10. redcoat22

    Shooting in the legs

    Does anyone know if after the patch shooting someone in the legs causes them to break a leg ?
  11. redcoat22

    Shooting in the legs

    Yeah, but I wasn't sure how effective it was. If I want to keep someone from running and not want to kill them I thought it would be a nice option. Cheers