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About Ramrodicus

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    On the Coast
  1. Ramrodicus

    Bugged/ruined player loot?

    I've taken out about 11 well geared players today and ALL of them had ruined weapons, ammo, food, ammo boxes, etc. The only pieces that were "pristine" were the main weapons i.e. axe, m4, mosin, shotguns. Anyone else noticing this? I tried both unloading clips into them and just head shots and the same thing occurred. edit: oh I also noticed my guns being ruined after taking like 2 hits and I had to go replace them. They were pristine before the fight.
  2. Ramrodicus

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    1PP > 3PP. Get rid of 3pp imo
  3. An MMO version of this game would be beyond amazing.