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Marshy (DayZ)

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About Marshy (DayZ)

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  1. Marshy (DayZ)

    Team in game mechanic ( no-shoot option)

    I wasn't replying to you :S
  2. Marshy (DayZ)

    Team in game mechanic ( no-shoot option)

    And if you weren't so narrow-minded you will find that people who simply want to play solo exist. There is such a thing as playing solo because you want 100% control over whether you live or die. Before you take that the wrong way, I mean this: If I go into a village I want to have control over whether a zombie is aggroed or not. If a zombie comes at me, I know it's my fault. If I'm with another player it could be their fault making me wish I hadn't joined with them on this particular job. If a player kills me I want to know it's because I wasn't careful enough. I don't want to have to blame another player for getting me killed, if it is my fault then so be it. If it's theirs then joining with them was a mistake. People like me want to reduce the chance of player error. We aren't all mindless murderers who only kill players for a laugh and a giggle. We may kill players, yes, but only if we feel threatened or if we can't resist the urge to loot their NVGs or AS50. Think before you post man, and have the decency to accept other arguments. However, I agree that there are players who will kill others for fun and I don't think they are playing the right game mode for it. But at the moment it is a viable play style and making it harder for other players who want to lie and deceive to loot their preys' dead bodies, which would happen IRL, is not the way to help them change mode.
  3. How does this encourage trust in any way? If anything it makes it easier for bandits to kill players. They throw some stuff in said bag and when they turn their back the bandit kills them and takes the stuff. The death grip mechanic 1) doesn't make sense because deathgrip wouldn't be strong enough to prevent people from looting, 2) has nothing to do with trust, it's just punishing players who kill other players. Unsound and pointless.
  4. Marshy (DayZ)

    Team in game mechanic ( no-shoot option)

    Teams/squads - fine, sure, whatever Friendly fire off - fuck no.
  5. Marshy (DayZ)

    A few suggestions of mine/influenced by others

    83 views, no replies. Come on guys, I'd like your thoughts :D
  6. Marshy (DayZ)

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    I'm a lonewolf, because at the moment none of my friends have the game, and I don't like the idea. Maybe it's because I hate it when people suggest how to incentivise a playstyle. This causes a problem for lone players and lone bandits but not for group players and so I don't see it as a good idea. Being a lone wolf I would get this status effect thing and it would put me at a disadvantage, maybe even get me killed. What if I can't find any pills? Also I don't think it works as a concept. Not everybody gets depressed if they are by themselves for a while. Maybe social people who depend on interaction. What about people who enjoy/don't mind isolation? I wish people would stop trying to encourage playstyles and just focus on additions that affect everybody's game the same way and fixes to important problems. Also, instead of encouraging playstyles, why not just make zombies a bigger threat than humans. Make them spawn all over, make them more deadly. Doing this will force players to take refuge, be it with players or by clearing an area. Implement the fortress idea where a player loots blueprints and uses wood to build walls and gates and storage etc. like in the warfare gamemode.
  7. Marshy (DayZ)

    Every Server is Same Timezone

    And what "master timezone" would this be? Having one timezone is a massive fuck you to the players playing on the opposite side of the world or even half way across. There isn't anything wrong with multiple timezones. Nothing major anyway.
  8. Marshy (DayZ)

    Bandits becoming infected

    Can people stop suggesting punishments for low humanity. I have low humanity because I defended myself against 3 survivors who wanted to kill me. I don't want to be punished for it.
  9. Marshy (DayZ)

    Reward Explorers!

    Thing is, if you make these places provide good loot, they won't be so rare any more because instead of people just stumbling on them people will know where they are and go there specifically looking for rare loot.
  10. Marshy (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Servers

    Thing is, doing this would allow players to respawn on a friendly server and loot the military bases with almost no danger. Then when they have their weapons go off and kill players in the servers that don't have this. Some friendly players like the thrills of bandits like you said but that means they would play in a server were there are bandits who are fully geared up from raiding friendly servers.
  11. Marshy (DayZ)

    Alternative Response to Banditry

    National crisis where zombies have infested a large region. Send in police to deal with a human. Where's the logic? Bandits shouldn't be punished because you shouldn't be punished for playing the game the way you want in a game like this. Also I'm a bandit because I defended myself against 3 survivors. Do I get punished for self-defence? Think about your suggestion please.
  12. Marshy (DayZ)

    An anti-banditry idea...

    And what about people like me who have 3 murders from self defence? Do I get killed by the game for defending myself? Having loot in there is a pretty dumb idea. People would have no reason to risk military bases. However, I kind of like the "safe-zone" part. I feel that in a zombie apocalypse there would be military. According to Day Z every soldier dies and a tonne of inexperienced civilians survive. I'm pretty sure soldiers would be more likely to survive in this situation and I feel like if this happened there would be some kind of "solution" to the problem, whether it's complete destruction by nuke or rescue by the military. It feels like the world has given up on Chernarus. Maybe remove the safe-zone aspect of it and the invincible soldiers part. It would be fine I think to have a zombie-free military zone where players could perhaps meet up and if a player fires a weapon the NPCs will turn on them. Allow players to raid the military camp, killing the NPCs for their guns and ammo. I'm not sure how to make it work. Let's just stick with the fort idea of implementing the commander/warfare mode and using wood and scrap metal as currency :)
  13. Marshy (DayZ)

    5 minute timer

    I don't agree with getting rid of it, but one time I was killed by a player and so when I got the "You are dead" screen I disconnected and switched server. I then spawned on the beach with a 5 minute timer and at the end of this timer I was dead, either from a bug or something killing me (I left to make a drink while the timer was ticking away). I'm just not sure it's working properly.