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Everything posted by gsfilmer

  1. gsfilmer

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Have any of the other .55 updates had vehicle damage in them? I just smashed my truck into a tree and blew the 2 front tires along with the windows.
  2. I havent seen this posted before so I thought I would share. I found a military tent at an Mi-8 site today. Aside from the eastern suppressor, this has to be the best piece of loot I've found here.
  3. gsfilmer

    Trading Post

    I have on 3pp public: Plate Carrier (w) 1911 w/ 2 mags (p) Military Tent (d) Looking for: 75 rnd drum AUG or M4
  4. gsfilmer

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I had to restart Steam twice before it worked. I should be on soon.
  5. gsfilmer

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Apparently DayZ isn't updating for me yet, while other people are already on.
  6. gsfilmer

    Trading Post

    3PP Public Currently have: MP5k w/ 3 mags 3 netting 2 morphine 1flashbang I'm in the North West, just pm me an offer and I'll respond.
  7. Servers are down for the new update to roll out to stable.
  8. I'm on SE 05 with no issues with BattleEye. I also get the DayZ 0.45 in the top corner too.