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About Brixxen

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  1. Brixxen

    Bad community

    There are some people out there who would even kill you, just to take off your pair of worn boots. But to be honest such players are very few in numbers. The majority of KOS players are simply well equipped server hoppers who are trigger happy because they are in panic to loose their pristine stuff (which took approximately 5 hour of airbase farming) to some upcoming stranger, or they are already full geared and kill you because of plain boredom. Certainly wrong way to play DayZ .. and they will recognize it sooner or later. Well, at the moment it's better to avoid hot-spots as a single player. Team up with other players early in the game and you will be happy.
  2. Brixxen

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    Age: 30 Gender: Male Location: Austria Mod: no
  3. Experimental Servers should reset every 2 hours
  4. same here, still new to the game. love the adrenalin though, playing in the middle of nowhere on a night server 4/40 populated is very exciting, u can't see & hear shit, well.. except the whispering of the woods... and all of a sudden someone scares the soul out of ya standing behind you and using voice over ip, i love it.
  5. Brixxen

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

    ye this game needs dismemberment so badly, i want some decent splatter feedback like in Fallout 3 when shit hits the fan
  6. Brixxen

    no more alphas for me

    be patient, we all know zombies are a joke right now but they will be a real threat in near future. - more zombies - different kind of zombies - hordes crossing the map - higher chance to get infection/sickness after zombie attack - ...
  7. Brixxen

    Improvised Flamethrower & radio controlled IED

    I mean rather something remote controlled with a walkie-talkie/mobile an electronic countermeasure attachable to vehicles could be something like this: http://www.anci-group.com/Radio_Jammer.html
  8. Brixxen

    Improvised Flamethrower & radio controlled IED

    walkie-talkie, gunpowder ( from ammunition), protector case, duct tape... might be already some useful components :) fertilizer form abandoned farms instead of gunpowder would be even better.
  9. I would love to see those two things in the game. Only as crafting items of course and u need to collect many parts to assemble them. Never played the DayZ mode so I don't know if something similar existed back in the mod. Does the game engine can even handle something like a flamethrower?
  10. very nice work keep it rolling, but the missing description & condition info of guns still bothers me, is this gonna be fixed as well with the next patch?