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Everything posted by radicals27

  1. radicals27

    Some DayZ mod moments (+SA moments @ the end)

    Oops, now it is set to public! Silly me...
  2. radicals27

    The Secret of Devils Castle - DayZ Cinematic

    Nice video, good editing, I liked the lightning bolt too :) The part in the house was really well done, the sounds were much improved over the in-game sounds. Good work!
  3. radicals27

    Nothing too serious, just killing an armed guy with my chainsaw!

    I didn't know the chainsaw was working now, sweet!
  4. radicals27

    Stalking in DayZ

    I made a short, narrated video, the first one for my channel. Let me know what you think! (It's about me bumping into someone at a military base and not killing them on sight! :O ) Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZmLF88zInM
  5. radicals27

    Stalking in DayZ

    Great post, here's to stalkers!
  6. radicals27

    Stalking in DayZ

    I'm pretty sure I was stalking him ^_^ He didn't see me at the base, I watched him for a bit before leaving the base. Was exciting though!
  7. Hi everyone A few weeks ago I uploaded DayZ TV Episode 1 to youtube, thinking it would be a one-off thing. A few weeks later and Episode 4 has now been released! I try to keep the videos exciting and/or as interesting as possible, fast-forwarding through the running and cutting straight to the good stuff. Let me know what you think! Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Unfortunately episodes 1 and 2 were not done at 720p, but 3 and 4 were, a lesson I have learned!
  8. Thanks for the support guys! Happy to keep making more :)