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About Moonan

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    On the Coast
  1. I find the patch to be pretty solid apart from the performance drop. I never ever had a problem with it, and I shouldn't with my specs but hey things happen. Apart from the performance drop it's all good. Now if only zombies didn't move so spastically so I could honestly hit them without taking 2-3 hits myself.
  2. I can't really find anywhere that tells me what the right directory paths are when installing. I mean I figure I chose the right one but it still doesn't work so I don't know what the problem is. Retail version.
  3. I'm literally so confused it's pissin me off lol Around like 1.5ish or 1.6ish in the alpha everything was straight forward and easy. Go to the download page, download the rars. Unpack. Play. Now we have this launcher everyone is focusing on that to me is completely terrible, it does not come with enough instructions. There's a beta. A beta TO AN ALREADY ALPHA. Everyone is playing something different. This is getting out of control. How does one play Day Z? Like really. Wouldn't I need to just go here http://cdn.armafiles.info/ and download the files, unload them in my @dayz -> addons folder, and then launch the game with DayZ selected? Yet it won't work. What's going on.