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Everything posted by BanditHero

  1. BanditHero

    So where is everyone and the loot?

    really? usually when I go NE i dont see anyone? but I did see a lot in NWAF
  2. BanditHero

    how to go to nwaf

    I prefer the NE airfield near krasnostav. Even though it is closer to the coast, there are usually less people there, I guess because most people just head to the NW airfield
  3. BanditHero

    Gas Canister and portable gas lamp

    Thanks for the tip will have to try it, cuz the flashlight definetly doesnt give enough light Of course I guess with the lamp you are a walking target to all in the area lol btw has anyone tried the Headtorch?
  4. Are there more Berets like from other countries? would be cool if each country had its own Beret
  5. should you use the water purification tablets before drinking water?
  6. BanditHero

    Serveur Price

    how much is that in dollars
  7. BanditHero

    List of In game controls

    http://orcz.com/DayZ_Standalone:_Keyboard_Controls Edit: Sorry the above link is for standalone controls, didnt realize I was in mod forum Though controls could be similar I guess
  8. To the devs: There are tons of complaints on the forums, steam, and reddit about characters not saving properly I've found that it is an issue with the servers because in some servers your character persists, but in others you will ALWAYS spawn as a new character Anyway I dont know how hives work but am guessing it means some servers are not connected to any hive! For exampleI tried a server called T A C T O W N or something, and it spawned me as a new character and everything I did there did not save. But when I tried some different servers, my char persisted properly. The TACTOWN server is just one out of many that is not saving or loading your char. This is Gamebreaking and the devs need to take all servers offline and see whats going on!
  9. BanditHero

    Spawning All Over the Place, Game Unplayable

    Do you remember the server name? Because I think the issue is server related. Many servers are broken, while others work fine, its like a russian roulette hoping the server you logged into is a healthy one lol I hope this gets fixed soon! or at least officially acknowledged!
  10. Can you try logging into aserver callled T A C _ T O W N and checkif you have your character there? its a public, regular,official server
  11. BanditHero

    Spawning All Over the Place, Game Unplayable

    did you read what he said? he said it happens even in the same server This is happening to me too. and many others. I think many of the servers are not connected to the hive/database or something. Its got nothing to do with server hopping, or with hardcore/regular see here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167308-urgent-many-servers-misconfigured-disconnected-from-the-hive/
  12. SAME SERVER will not save or load your character! I logged into the server I mentioned above and ran around,then logged out and back in and I was a fresh spawn again. kept logging out and into the same server, always spawning in a new place. This happened in many servers I tried. Some other servers were fine. And like I said I am not the only one there are tons of complaints on reddit, steam, the forums, etc
  13. i AM talking about public official servers. Many of them do not save or load your character. This is a widespread issue which needs to be looked at!
  14. BanditHero

    Zombie Soldiers!!

    Can't wait to meet these guys: Zombie Soldier I think that Zombie look pretty cool And I heard there are five types of those zombie soldiers Good cuz I was getting tired of seeing the same zombies over and over lol I hope they add even more zombies like zombie cops and zombie nurses and zombie firefighters etc imagine a town filled with all of those!
  15. BanditHero

    Which DayZ Standalone resources do you use?

    Also i use the forums as a resource :)
  16. BanditHero

    Teleport then freeze?

    I got teleported to the ocean the other day lol
  17. I was wearing a tactical vest and a ballistic helmet and a zombie hit me like five times and I didnt bleed (without those I bleed on first hit). Not sure if its the helmet that protected me or the vest or both?
  18. BanditHero


    though lets say you make a journey to the north and it takes an hour, and then the server goes down, you will lose all your progress
  19. BanditHero

    I thought we were gonna have radios?

    there are radio towers in the game so maybe thats a hint that radios are coming
  20. BanditHero

    Which DayZ Standalone resources do you use?

    I use OrcZ as the wiki and DayZdb as the map
  21. BanditHero

    Personal rule in dayz

    yeah payday mask means you get shot on sight I learned the hard way