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About over9000nukez

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  1. over9000nukez

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    I don't get it. Are you saying you would accidentally cut yourself with your own weapon? That goes for any sharp weapon that you killed a zombie with, in your pocket, on your back, pitchfork, spear, knife. As for the keeping the bat in top shape I don't see any issues, the only reason the nail bent in the video you showed was because it hit the Earth through a hard object (the platform) so the Earth won that fight, not the nail was bent due to the force.
  2. over9000nukez

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    I think the only reason the nail bent in the video is because it hit the immovable object below the skull, it essencially hit the earth because it went straight down onto the platform holding the skull in place.
  3. over9000nukez

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    In DayZ the nail points are sticking out. The reason in medieval times they used maces with points is because they wanted to pierce armor, and I'm certain it would pierce your skin. Now the point of nails isn't just for "looking cool", if you received a blow (even with the heads of the nails sticking out) It will stick, and RIP your skin out, we're not talking about bruising anymore, we're talking about your meat leaving your arms, legs, body, and even your head. The idea that you "lose velocity" because the bat has nails in it is pretty pathetic, it's such a small thing to point out, I might as well say the "nails add weight to the end, so now it should do more damage" I can only assume you've never seen the in-game image of the DayZ baseball bat with nails, because you're saying that they don't point out at right angles, so here's a google search: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/e/e8/Nailed_Baseball_Bat.png/600px-Nailed_Baseball_Bat.png?version=010f7735a757f912321d3c2ffdd41544 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZNgcIaeQW1o/maxresdefault.jpg . That's an image of the real DayZ nailed bat, the points stick out, and if you received a blow with that you would be absolutely destroyed. Doesn't matter if your wearing thick leather, or any sort of protection, it would punch holes in your clothes, and you.
  4. over9000nukez

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    (here's an example) that's like saying there's no holes in lord of the rings because its a fantasy film, and couldn't happen in real life, when (example) say frodo could just fly to Mordor (there is a reason for it, a little but deeper in the lord then the movies, but im just using that as an example)
  5. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    I'd like to hear word from the devs too, because this hypothetical questions could open doors to a lot more questions in the plot: in the walking dead comic, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS: a bad guy ends up coating his weapon in zombie "guts" and hits people with them, causing them to die of infection, that alone answered a lot of questions, if fluids cause the disease, and if the fluids either have to enter though the skin, or though an open wound, so on and so forth.
  6. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    why not make it so if you ate an infected human you get a brain disease as well? with, instead of say the normal chance you get from players, you have a 50% chance.
  7. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    Couldn't agree more, again, I post this for the sake of agreement. This is a clear hole in the plot, as you can eat some humans (players) and be healthy, and eating the infected humans (zombies) which we happen to be immune to.
  8. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    3 weeks is about the mean date, between all dates, and is accepted by a lot of the community. but this is just an idea, for the sake of argument, I personally woundn't want to see this in game, but there's a hole in the story of the game if this is the case (not being able to eat infected humans). we eat disease filled animals all the time in the real world, stuffed with horomones, and sick their entire lives until fed to the consumer.
  9. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    if you cook it I think you have a 0% chance currently, when cooked, though.
  10. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    you know, before ketchup, they used those things you listed as toppings and sauce for nachos. jokes aside, its only 3 weeks, I doubt they have that many disease at this point. maybe the diarrhea soaked undies, but other than that, cut around all that ,and you got yourself a meal.
  11. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    did you bother reading my responses to those responses? I'm guessing not, but if people weren't effected by anthrax, things would be different. just like how the player in dayz is immune to the infection in dayz's zombies.
  12. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    why's that? I actually like the patch, I'm just curious as to why you can't eat human NPCs, but can eat human players.
  13. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    theres people who eat humans, why not infected humans? :) just cut off one of their arms, avoid maybe the fingernails and such.
  14. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    I like Chaingun's last point, I just want to see a reason as to why not, this does effect the story, as they are humans what are infected with a disease we're immune to, and the "fall of the world" only happened roughly a 3-6 weeks ago. Any pathogens inside the body at this point I think could be gotten rid of through cooking the flesh. you see, this is a hole in the story, that the community can point out, and that's what is so great about communities and story making, other viewpoints that the developers have not previously thought about.
  15. over9000nukez

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    their new textures don't make them seem rotten.