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Everything posted by DennisTheRussian

  1. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Is anyone else able to join a Exper. server? yesterday i could only join 1st person....now i cant get past ..(wait for host) on any of the servers...
  2. DennisTheRussian


    anyone know how to make a fire? things required? and what to do???
  3. DennisTheRussian


    already tried that..
  4. DennisTheRussian


    what is the one method?? i have sticks firewood matches rags a fire place already made
  5. DennisTheRussian


    i found matches have everything and matches, fireplace allready made, but idk how to light it
  6. DennisTheRussian

    A message to the developpers.

    HAHA you are so pathetic! i told you, you are like a 8 year old, FIGHTING WITH OTHER USERS ABOUT A MISSPELLED FRIKEN WORD....lol thats ridiculous...not even gonna start that grammer-nazi crap....but anyway i have made my point clear to you, and now you can reflect on it, good day
  7. DennisTheRussian

    A message to the developpers.

    saying " u understand what an Alpha is" then complaing like an ignorant 8 year old CLEARLY SHOWS THAT YOU HAVE NO FRIKEN IDEA WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT, dude ppl like you so flipping annoying honeslty, just grow a pair and get over yourself....talking like you know a to create a game....idiot
  8. DennisTheRussian

    A message to the developpers.

    why dont you just shut yourself up, get over yourself, grow a pair of balls, stop complaining like a 6 year and be pateint...IT WILL COME JUST CHILL....DEVS...please dont listen to ignorant ppl like that, they are working on everything.....DEVS.... YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, JUST AWESOME WORK! oh btw you obviously DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT AN >>>>ALPHA<<<<<<...is..
  9. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    hey man! makes it more of a challenge!
  10. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    they said they are sticking with more civilain type weapons for now....the R870 Pump is comfirmed and will be coming in soon
  11. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    stuck in the ground? hmmm, they worked fine for me lol
  12. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental servers...

    anyone know when they are gonna be back up?
  13. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    yes! they are great! try markets too
  14. DennisTheRussian

    Bipods working?

    and u must be prone for the Bipods full affect
  15. DennisTheRussian

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

  16. yo buddy custom build yours for about 1k (what i did), dude BEST RESULTS, BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK....everything man
  17. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental servers...

    Are they down for anyone else ATM???
  18. DennisTheRussian

    Are they serious with these new pistol spawns?

    YES! dude i do that too lol, if i find an extra gun, ill toss that into the bushes after looting
  19. DennisTheRussian

    Are they serious with these new pistol spawns?

    lol ive been rocking the Amphibia S with a clip and about 500+ ammo for while now loving it!
  20. DennisTheRussian

    Loving the New Zombies

    yeah I LOVE IT! now you really got take care of those zombies! ppl working more together!
  21. DennisTheRussian


    hmmm not sure yet buddy, i made a thread about this earlier, i think its until tomorrow, and yes ALOT of the LOOT spawns is fixed including ALL OF THE TENTS!
  22. DennisTheRussian

    Are they serious with these new pistol spawns?

    lol yo you get that single round head shot and they drop!
  23. DennisTheRussian

    Are they serious with these new pistol spawns?

    alright, take your notepad out, (tiktik--clicks pen), alright every town now has a police station, BAM Loot!, airfields BAM Loot, special houses guns spawns BAM Loot, Barns BAM Loot(yes they have gun spawn), Apartments BAM Loot, Schools BAM Loot etc....just keeps going, yo sometimes it takes a good while to get the clip etc.. for a gun, but hey no problem! you gotta work for your gun dude and it rewards you man, sometimes you will find a Amphibia S with a clip in the other room in police station...and sometimes u really got look for it all...yo i have 700+ hours in-game, BIGGEST DAYZ FAN, MY favorite game! Love it! and i could honestly tell you its 100% going out and looking for your gear and whatever parts you need,its all Fun! Again its DayZ!
  24. DennisTheRussian

    Are they serious with these new pistol spawns?

    but seriously i just cant stand people like that dude, so annoying, complaining about it and agreeing to a disclaimer EVERY TIME U LOG IN THAT CLEARLY STATES "THIS IS AN ALPHA", and they still dont understand, people like this Topic thread maker.
  25. DennisTheRussian

    Experimental servers...

    serious man, i heard that about the tents but yes