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Everything posted by Sticker704

  1. Sticker704


    Everybody chill 'day'z got 'dis :P
  2. Sticker704

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    Well really, the reason why this doesn't happen, is because there are no zed in the countryside, just in towns. I'm sure if you threw a lot of zed in the forests and in the fields, then this would happen anyway and while I don't have a quote for it, I'm sure Rocket will put this in (once path finding is fixed, etc).
  3. They're going to 'fine tune' the humanity system, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. :P
  4. Sticker704

    DayZ Squad Recruting!!

    Apologies mate, but there is a sub-forum for this. You'll have better luck posting there: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/106537-dayz-squad-recruting/
  5. Sticker704

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    Gentlemen, chill your beans about the weapon degrading. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/72533-reddit-qa-with-rocket/ - Anyways, it's been stated multiple times before that Rocket wants you to create your own narrative so to say. Not sure if this still happens, but clans used to use Devil's Castle as their base, and different clans on the server would try to take over. Was pretty cool. Also, let me throw another quote at your face.
  6. Sticker704

    I love these mods. :)

    Well we're all fucked, aren't we?
  7. Sticker704

    I love these mods. :)

    Wow dude, you're a bit of a badass, aren't you? :rolleyes:
  8. Not enough time. Hype will only last for so long, so R. needs to get the sandalone out as soon as possible
  9. ...that tonight's gonna be a good night...
  10. Sticker704

    Standalone Hackers, and assurances ?

    Look at it this way: Arma 2 is piss easy to hack. My hamster could do it due to the trusting engine. There's no way to fix this without delving deep into Arma's code. Rocket doesn't want that, so Dayz is going standalone.
  11. You can disable mouse smoothing in the options if that's what you mean...
  12. That's what they call an alpha mate, but you're new so I'll let you off. Take my beans as a welcoming gift :)
  13. Sticker704

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    More like 'Oh it's night, better turn the gamma up'
  14. Sticker704

    How do people steal peoples CD keys?

    Key in registry. Virus gets into registry and steals key. Virus can be gotten from *** websites and also some downloads of things such as Dayz Lingor, Dayz Utes, Dayz Takistan, etc. Basically, use common sense.
  15. Sticker704

    Is this ok?

    No, it's not okay to double post.... ...oh, to kill people? You don't need our approval, if you want to do it do it, though I'm sure it will be frowned on.
  16. Sticker704

    need a partner

    No, we're here to help you.
  17. Sticker704

    need a partner

    http://www.dayzwiki....Getting_Started ... -_-
  18. Sticker704

    need a partner

  19. Sticker704

    Exit Humanity

    Looks pretty cool. :)
  20. Sticker704

    need a partner

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/69-clan-group-recruitment/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/A_Beginners_Guide#Getting_Started
  21. Sticker704

    Warning: CD-Key theft going on

    Just put it on a low heat. :D
  22. Sticker704

    DayZ Fallujah

  23. This thing may very well be your savior.... so yeah, keep it as it is.
  24. Sticker704

    Warning: CD-Key theft going on

    Goes without saying really. Common sense, their own stupid fault if they get hacked.