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Everything posted by hiniberus

  1. hiniberus

    The Elephant in the Room

    Well, the issue is that they obviously don't even know what "Early access" means, aka prior to release thus obviously going to have problems...hence why it was not yet released properly. I don't mind it when people complain legitimately if there really were jarring issues and the team were doing fuck all such as posting a patch every 3 months and only having menial things being added/fixed then I'd understand. Though when arrogance, self-entitlement and generic idiocy comes to play then that's when most people tend to poke at them to shut up. Also I'm pretty certain most 'white knights' understand that the game has it's faults but until they see negativity coming from the dev team such as shitty patches (without given reason) and unstable patches that cause more problems than solving (without anything being added) then indeed people would start to probably take up arms. Though they seem to have a 'monthly patch' schedule that they seem to be following quite well. They're constantly adding more things and fixing others with their own list of priorities that they will tackle in that order. I hope this helps with some clarity, I just stopped playing DayZ for now 'till it gets to a level I'm comfortable with. If changing to another game is too much, there are many F2P's out there 'till your next paycheck.
  2. hiniberus

    what gives you most satisfaction?

    A few combat loggers I killed and another time some banits too while I was a freshie with an axe. Also when I killed a dude that was hunting me down. Only to teabag his unconcious body, force feed him disinfectant and take his FNX, load a single bullet and cap him in the head because I wanted to see him die and the disinfectant wasn't enough for me :3
  3. hiniberus

    Another first - did I just witness a zed kill itself?

    Shooting twice in quick succession.
  4. hiniberus

    Glitched soda can

    And in a week they'll go out of business. Although, if there was a cola-credit thing where you give a supplier your credit card details and there was a cup that could auto-fill (Going by the logic of possibly infinitely drinkable cola) so when you go on 'refill' they charge you half the price to let you drink from it again, that could certainly be awesome :D
  5. hiniberus

    Make a status message

    (Multiple close gunshots (SkS/M4/AK)) My bowels almost spasmed (10 min after swimming in salty water) I'm starting to feel salt forming (30 min after swimming in salty water) The salt is making me itch (1 hr after swimming) GOD MAKE IT STOP
  6. hiniberus

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    It was on experimental just for that reason, as an experiment. They're still sorting out the network architecture but apparently they've made some big steps to make way to 100 man servers since. So no worries, they'll eventually come!
  7. hiniberus

    Shotgun Slugs

    The slugs have been removed from the game for one odd reason or another. This topic's been brought up before, your answers, much like google, lay within the search function.
  8. hiniberus

    Bye bye spawn timer.

    I think he meant to put up the video as a celebratory thing for "Where has the spawntimer gone?" type of thing. That's what rings my bells considering the title of the topic and it's contents along with the video title and content.
  9. Find rotting body Collect fluid Mix with water Give water to someone (Force them to drink it at gunpoint [optional]) ??? Profit
  10. hiniberus


    You're the reason why people complain when someone gives a constructive reply and adds the word "Alpha" people exactly like you. Goddamn you and all like you.
  11. hiniberus

    pushing latest EXP to STABLE... ?

    Wow.. I just realized how that comes across if you read it sideways. Oh you and your puns :B <3
  12. hiniberus

    No update?

    I've separated your post to four sections to reply to them individually; 1) I probably would keep the teams to the (now increased) size it is to be able to look towards long-term developers that will stay at Beta and retail release versions. Probably look for a few short-term contracts primarily for bug fixing but probably wouldn't be too worth it. So what if it takes time? The money's been milked and a lot of people are excited with each patch as it patches some previous issue with it (generally and/or makes a new issue with it) but thus is the destiny of a game in it's current early state of development :3 2) tl;dr New content being added has nothing to do with the current progress of the bug fixing. Separate people, departments, jobs and tasks. 3) You don't seem to realize the initial SA team was about 10~ish people, give or take a few and only recently have they gone up to 70 (I think? Including the new studio they have specifically for AI development) so all things considered, they did a good job for an initially small team.
  13. What is it like to shoot that thing :3 ?
  14. hiniberus

    what dayz needs and will probably never get

    This is the only reply that should have been given to this topic and no one else should've bothered to reply. tbh I'm surprised how it wasn't locked right off the bat with a friendly little post saying "Literally all of this is coming upon full release" of the game and leave it at that. I'll just quote you then so I don't have to say it :D but it's true! This is just at that certain early development stage, there's lots more to look forward to! Heck some of the things he mentioned were already added/being added :P
  15. hiniberus

    things that make you rage quit

    I'd say it depends on the level of rage, Friendly fire despite me being rather good with communication on my end? Table flip Death due to FPS drops of doom that randomly come up while a zombie does things to my butt that I'd rather not have? Cringeworthy feeling to the nads Ladder related death from the action button flinging me off of the school? Laughter, a pang of sadness at the loss of gear but still hilarious. KoS death? Le shrug, don't care 'bout that anymore, it's just about expected anyhow.
  16. hiniberus

    pushing latest EXP to STABLE... ?

    If you read around on the forums, you'd see it's in about 1-2 weeks but there ya go anyway.
  17. How can no one remember the horrors of the TSSSSH TSSSSH TSSSSSSSSSSH login noise with the magnum? Nope nope nope nope neop nerp n0pi do not want.
  18. hiniberus

    Remove In-game Player List

    I use the playerlist primarily to see if there are my friends on the same server I'm on. Those that want to stay using it for other reasons is up to them, I don't quite care much. If it's a problem for you just don't use it xD
  19. hiniberus

    No update?

    Oh my jesus you're new here aren't you? To the forums at least. In short; Different departments do different things. There are people who code items and people who design them. There are also those who fix problems in another department too which is further subdivided to network related issues, AI related issues etc. So just because they're adding more content and not junk doesn't mean the issues are just being ignored. Tip: Think before you post and bother to contemplate, please.
  20. hiniberus

    No update?

    Aren't they further optimising the network architecture? Good lord I hope they are, 2 days ago I quit after someone turned 90 degrees and killed me in 1 shot (with a blaze, I was semi-fresh spawn) while I was behind them. Personally, I think that's kinda silly :B so I hope they worked more on that.
  21. hiniberus

    Tactical Vest

    Pics plox o: ? Niet, unless there was the update yesterday :P
  22. I had to rollback my drivers about 3 weeks ago because they had f-'d my computer up. I got Dual 560TI's :3 I'm sad panda that DayZ doesn't use them both though :c at least, I don't think so. It's still Alpha so wouldn't be a surprise :{
  23. hiniberus

    Weapon accuracies

    Maybe it's anti-spread :D ?