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Everything posted by hiniberus

  1. hiniberus

    Pistol Only

    If you're in their FOV, you're a threat and probably dead anyway.
  2. At random, the attack button doesn't work at all. Nothing, nada. Just have to log out and hope to the gods I don't get mauled by zeds in the meantime. Any possible fix for this or is it just me o: ?
  3. bumping for great justice
  4. hiniberus

    Is the update as bad as everyone says?

    This happens to me all the time in this patch. It's hardly rare, hell, on one server my LMB fucked up after legit 5 or less minutes of being in game. Granted this gives me a legit reason to server hop, it's neigh impossible to find a safe place to logout without zeds eating my face. Since, ya know, I can't kill them :v
  5. hiniberus

    regular army in dayz

    DayZ is meant to be online, multiplayer, no possible way of having singleplayer broski
  6. hiniberus

    Throwing Gun

    641+ hours, 2~4 hacking situations found. 1 disarm hack 2 loot generating hacks (no way anyone can go from fresh to full gear with high-cap vest, gun etc in 4 min without killing someone) 1 shooting-through-wall hack. The muzzel of a mosin glitched right through the wall and missed an inch away from my face.
  7. hiniberus

    Who's to say you are really a survivor?

    We are all a part of your dream...and your world... DUNNNNNN
  8. hiniberus

    The "new" NE Airfield

    Even for a 'civilian' airport, it's lacking a fair bit. Legit just a runway that can store the 1 private jet that could be afforded in this post USSR country with coms tower that had a few part-timers working it. At least, that's the feeling I get from it :D
  9. "Test of latest internal build gave us a significant performance increase on the server. Will be deployed to experimental tomorrow to confirm" Here's the source; Apparently it's going from 10-15 to about 30, doubled server performance cycles so we'll come to expect a fair bit of fluidity I hope c:
  10. So here's my question to you What's the best (most hilarious/evil) thing you've ever done in your DayZ time to another person? In my case Friend spawns in Polana, some dude with an axe starts chasing him, axe guys friends come along and start messing with my friend, me and another dude go to help out, kill axe dude's friends, knock out axe dude. Proceed to break his legs and bandage him. Then leave him after. Best part, there's no high rise building for him to kill himself with, also hid the bodies of his friends so he couldn't take their guns/ammo to attract zombies with gunshots. Revenge is a beautiful thing c:
  11. Personally there's something about being KO'd that I'm fine with. At least there's the chance of being able to get back up on my feet and continue looting instead of having to go back all the way to the coast. Also last option added for lulz c:
  12. hiniberus

    A snipers life for me

    Please read below v
  13. hiniberus

    What's worse? Death or Unconciousness

    Fair enough o: Though personally if I have broken legs in the middle of nowhere, I'd be hard pressed to not want to do that though ._.
  14. hiniberus

    Burlap bonehead

    To a point, I've come to realize that even when someone claims to have a friendly demenour, there's still a face behind a monitor that you can't see that'd probably be grinning at the aspect of decieving someone and shamelessly gunning them down just whenever. So I follow in similar footsteps mah'good sah.
  15. hiniberus

    What's worse? Death or Unconciousness

    That name :v
  16. hiniberus

    AKM vs SKS

    H-hey gais, don't you think the M4 is RAF (Rare as fuck) because they released a new assault rifle that somewhat fits the picture better and they want that tested /(owo)\;;;
  17. hiniberus

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Turn the one on the right to Goatse and you'll have 30% less bandits ahahaha
  18. hiniberus

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Classy way to go about it haha :D
  19. hiniberus

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Some people seem to misunderstand, it isn't best/worst, the title is best, worst. As in, the most amazingly horrible thing you've done to someone :v can be hilarious or srs.
  20. hiniberus

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I want to see a 5 second kill cam with slow-mo of where he is, a big ass beacon to let me know where he was, his name, where I was shot, if my character crapped his pants before dying or after dying and why he killed me. Jokes aside, I'm fine with "You are dead" really. Let's me hit respawn quicker.
  21. hiniberus

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Ah, a treacherous place to be 'round there if you don't move between shots. Target practice is one thing (zombies are only such a challenge and have little health compartively) but just shooting bambies "just 'cuz" is not evil, it's just, 'unno. I feel sad when I hear about something like that xD
  22. hiniberus

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    I'd leave it because it's just about shit. Aside from the new, massive town they implemented. Cherneya polana's cool dude, pretty small though. Svetlo is a ghost town of it's former glory of blood, death, gore and ruined t-shirts. On the flip side, I went to the north east airfield once with an SkS and 30 extra bullets, came out with a 300 round box full of them and 5 dead bodies. Why'd people even go to the NEAF? It's shit xD
  23. hiniberus

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    That's what I do with my magnum :D
  24. hiniberus

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    Shot a guy 2 times from 50 meters square in the chest and it did a cumsplat's worth of damage. He was standing still on a balcony in Berezino, shot him twice. Nada, he just runs back in. It was with an LRS ZOOMED at the chest to add insult to injury (was holding right click to hold breath) dude just walks out of there like "nope bro"
  25. hiniberus

