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Everything posted by hiniberus

  1. hiniberus

    Crossbows being ignored?

    I simply love this post, it's dripping with more sarcasm than the wettest, most moist vagina ever. GG my friend, G-moddafuckin' G.
  2. hiniberus

    Crossbows being ignored?

    My concern is that since the 'first balance passing' of the firearms, like, since last patch? I don't think the Sporter and Crossbow got any love, both still even have the auto-zoom on them D:
  3. hiniberus

    >80 slot servers

    When the servers won't lag to shit and go b0rk with 30 or 40, let alone 80+ Also when it's done, it's done.
  4. hiniberus

    Best close range/assault type weapon?

    Shotgun for 1-2 targets, AKM for multiple targets
  5. hiniberus

    Hiniberus' DayZ Adventure stronghold

    Updated with the first 'DayZ shorts' video! Tell me if you enjoy them in a shorter version like this for the small random things that just happen or if you enjoy the longer ones that show the story behind the situation!
  6. hiniberus

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    Ah alright, since there wasn't any mention of it thought I'd try to give a hand. Thanks for all the feedback so far mate!
  7. Hey guys, I just got an email the other day saying that my new microphone is in the mail! I should get it in a week or two hopefully, 'till then I thank you for watching and sticking by my terrible mic for now :c
  8. It doesn't ruin the experience for me, if anything, I love it! I get to kill guys with hacked weapons with un-hacked weapons, the sheer E-peen growth from that feeling is amazing each time I do it.
  9. hiniberus

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    Yeah, at the moment I'm looking for people who'd do a freebie for the art that I can use in my channel and a logo for you icon + to put in my videos. I'm investing a lot on what's a decent sized risk here but I love doing this sort of stuff, it's fun! I get to play video games and the editing is time consuming, though not terrible to go through! I understand how much work it takes because I followed a youtuber from when he had less than 10k subs and now, he has 100k subs! I saw him grow over the two years to what he is now and still go further, to the point where he got a silver play button award from youtube a few days ago! If I had the internet capabilities to, I definitely would stream but where I am, upload speeds aren't too great... I'll focus on some more heavy-narrative stuff when the mic comes in, though yeah that's something to think about! Also I saw your Standalone episode 18, you seem to be pretty good though you should know, you can make a splint by chopping down a tree, splitting the wood to sticks and adding bandages. Just a tip c: thanks for your posts so far man!
  10. hiniberus

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    I'll reply in point form, just 'cus you posted in it :v 1. I just do what I want really, though it's more of what's worth recording and what's not. I don't go out of my way to do something I wouldn't normally, if the situation's good I'll record it! 2. Quite true, though I do strive to not be too bad. 3. Yeah, my mic at the moment isn't great but I ordered one off of the 'net and it should arrive within 2 weeks :D I don't expect to become an overnight hit, I just thought 'If I enjoy playing games, why not share my joy with others?' type of thing. Games like DayZ are more unique in the sense that no playthrough is the same, so that's why I record that the most.
  11. hiniberus

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    I'm not here to review the game, I'm here to play it and hopefully provide enjoyable experiences for the viewers, so no need to worry about that from me! I've posted a total of 4 videos to this very section of forum but without a single bit of feedback or comment. So it's hard to go by without anything helping me out. I know the mic isn't great, so I have a good one on the way though! Ordered it just the other day! I can understand that, I don't normally do KoS stuff, I much rather enjoy holding someone up, if they comply normally I'd let them live unless they really want to die. I don't try too hard for humor either so forcing it isn't quite my style. Though normally for it to get good I need someone on the same wavelength as me to get things going. I know a clan who may probably be able to help on the scripted part, so I'd like to give it a try actually, one day c: That's interesting, I'll totally give that a shot one time haha! Guides aren't quite my thing, I put them up to see how much interest there is in them. Understandable, I don't tend to PvP much and if I do, it's because the problems came to me (normally) Thanks for all the feedback guys! Nice to hear your voices on what you want to watch. If more people can post and vote, it'd be really good!
  12. hiniberus

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    Thanks for the reply c: also, I had intentionally posted this in the general discussion because most of the people go there and I was hoping from feedback from'em ._.
  13. Another episode is up! Things are gonna get crazy by the looks of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luGlO8ObOGU
  14. Hey guys, the final part of BBQ in Berezino series is up! For anyone that's been watching, thanks!
  15. I know it's a massive task to do, or at least I'd assume so. Though it'd be really cool if they added dynamic, realistic weather. Such as in Winter you have to wear thicker clothes or risk hypothermia, allow additional clothe layering (shirt under a hoodie for insulation for instance, tracksuit pants under jeans), summer requiring far more hydration, lighter clothes etc. I'm not asking for things like snow storms (would be awesome though!) What do you guys think?
  16. hiniberus

    whats the scariest moment you've had?

    Every time a gas station explodes and I'm near it Every.Fucking.Time
  17. The second video uploaded just now! The video is about 12 min long, I think there was an issue in the editor that I missed which is why it's showing so long. Sorry about it! The outro narration was done a bit late into the night while others were sleeping so that's why the tone is a bit hushed and I'm still trying to work on the clarity of the voice, learning more and more about audacity to try and improve on that front. Also just tried using the Youtube trimmer to cut down on the extra stuff after I finished, so if you wait a bit it'll show properly!
  18. hiniberus

    Hiniberus' DayZ Adventures: BBQ in Berezino part 2

    We didn't suffer from any of those, thankfully! I was happy to find those folks, if anything haha
  19. hiniberus

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    Quite possibly, though it'd be really cool if they do add it in!
  20. hiniberus

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    They could always enforce sped-up server times to circumvent this if it becomes a big-enough issue, no o: ? Oh that's pretty cool! Can't wait to see how it ends up being implemented :3 Yeah and it'll make the Winter hunter pants actually useful!
  21. hiniberus

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    Really? I never heard anything when it comes to the weather patterns though. Though yeah, it would make sense to implement it when the global hive thing starts coming about.
  22. hiniberus

    leather sack

    I think the reason why the leather sack doesn't have more slots is in the name, it's a 'sack'. Think about this; Burlap sack + rope = 12 slots Boar pelt + rope = 15 slots (I think?) Deer pelt + rope = 20 So really, putting them on the same level, that is just a sack, the deer pelt does hold more. There's just 1 thing missing, silly as it may sound in a game. Structural integrity Hence why the improvised burlap/boarpelt backpacks have the same/more slots than the deerpelt. I feel that the deerpelt would resemble the mountain backpack (in shape) when/if you can add sticks to it to improve it further. Personally, I love the boarpelt because it's just a slightly bulkier improvised backpack with a taloon backpack's slots!
  23. Hey guys, I'm a fresh youtuber with a small setup at the moment but I'm hoping to eventually see where my channel goes! I uploaded the first part a few days ago with the second one uploading as I type this! Any feedback would be pretty awesome so I can deliver the content YOU want, excuse the mic quality btw at the intro, for some reason Audacity didn't record it as well as the game-recorder did. Also the sound is pretty low, a mistake on my part, hope you can still hear it!
  24. hiniberus

    Where is everyone?

    You'd normally have to server hop about 4+ times to get lucky and find a nice Berezino. New town Novo is pretty hip too, it's just that it's so big that you actually have to look for people, not follow the gunshots.
  25. I found myself in a rather peculiar situation where I need to be teleported out of the floor of the berezino apartments. Can't mash V, can't crawl out of them, nothing. Can't get a zombie to kill me and I'm certain it'll take hours to die of thirst/hunger especially while still energized. Not sure where to look for this so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd apprciate it.