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Everything posted by hiniberus

  1. Same, that's what I kind-of worry about. Though locked in +200 hours for 28Eur, I'd damn well say that's my muns worth :3
  2. hiniberus

    Press Vest Ballistics Test

    Oh wow, can't help but feel awesome with a worn pressvest, pristine rider's jacket and helmet then :3
  3. hiniberus

    Ballistics damage?

    Hey there guys! Just a quick question, I'm trying to understand the way how DayZ's current gun damage works and how it'll (hopefully) be improved in the future. Now mind you, I'm a novice when it comes to guns, bullets and calibres but I've read up enough to understand a little bit to not feel like a total moron on this topic. Something I find very underwhelming are the pistols, primarily. Each and every time I've tried to use them the results were hardly as expected. I remember plugging someone with four shots of an FNX right in the back, the guy had a backpack, assault vest and shirt. Though the only thing that could've protected him would be the backpack's contents at best (I hid under the stairs of a com's tower a month ago or so after hearing the guy shoot someone just above me) and he just turns around and kills me. Primarily, I'm thinking that had it been anywhere as real as it should be, at least two of the shots would've done some serious damage (saw him bleeding /heard him shouting in pain character wise) but wouldn't that have killed him? Even more recently, I was in the small military base (forgot the name of the town it's connected to, but it's at the far-west side of the map near green mountain) and someone plugged me with 4 magnum shots (about 2 weeks ago) but I just bandaged myself up and tossed aside a ruined assault vest. I'm pretty sure that would murder just about anyone, the distance was about 30~ish meters I'd guess. While the rifles got a fair bit of attention in topics, people seem to brush off the accuracy/damage issues of the pistols. Personally, I'd love to just do away with rifles and keep a pistol only on me to give me more of that 'true survivor' feel or at most, have a Blaze Double rifle. Though I feel with the strength and accuracy issues with the pistols at the moment, I find it a bit saddening. What are your thoughts, forum?
  4. hiniberus

    Ballistics damage?

    It wasn't a ballistic vest, it was an assault vest. The ballistic vest is a different item in the game. The assault vest just seems to be cloth + pockets without any actual protection behind it (unlike the press-vest that is supposed to grant moderate protection). I'd understand if the pack had taken most of the damage but the shock/impact/energy of the bullet would pass through it I'd think and considering organ placement and the interruption to water/blood within the body it'd cause shock/unconsciousness. I'm pretty sure about the magnum one, though I think it was during the time when the damage was really messed up. When the clothes were almost like armour on their own, so that could be the reason?
  5. hiniberus

    Ballistics damage?

    Yeah and I agree with you entirely. I've since tried the FNX and magnum a few times only to see how terribly inaccurate they are (unrealistically so) at even just 25~50m which is just about the 'basic range' of any pistol. Literally I think it's just some numerical tweaks to the accuracy/spread ratings, why are they just so bad atm? Also considering how the Magnum only has 6 bullets, it really should be 2 hit kill at most and still be accurate to about 100m (saw a video of a colt python being shot of the same calibre and hitting the target clearly at 150~ish meters range) yet these are such simple tweaks that it kind of gets to me that about 5~ish minutes of work isn't being done or at least, not announced to even be considered! I don't want this to be a negative/rant topic by any means, I just thought that either the pistols really are weak as shown (which I highly doubt) or that their implementation needs work (early access alpha, thus far more understandable) so why don't they just fix it? Considering the amount of topics requesting the guns to be fixed, shouldn't they be somewhere up on the priority list before coding/implementing other weapons?
  6. hiniberus

    zombie games and gender issues

    First off, your English is far better than a lot of others who have it as a primary language so kudos to you on managing to write so well! To the point of your topic; I believe that the primary reason of this issue is as you said yourself. The social side of this game is not only highly limited but almost doesn't even exist. Why? Death holds no serious issue/consideration in a virtual environment. While in the series "The walking dead" as you mention, when someone dies, it's generally a big event because that person can't come back. If there was a system in place that really put death as a big issue, then it would highly reduce the amount of people that even bother to buy the game because it's a game and people would whine (more than now) as to not only how hard it is but give KOS'ers even more reason to KOS because they cause more grief like that. I understand what you're getting at, primarily I think it's because DayZ ought to be showcased to the public more often along with not being as harsh in terms of playing, a tutorial of sorts of what to do, how to do certain things and the like ought to be in place much later in development. Despite it being a 'zombie survival simulator' it is, as previously declared, a game. People want to play for fun and something as grief-able as this, even called an anti-game by some, is what people don't like. CoD/Battlefied are 'addictive' for the fact that it's fast, you know (sort-of) what to do and death holds almost 0 consequence so you can do what you want and not quite care as much as you should. DayZ on the other hand, can have hours of gearing up wasted just because some tossing cunt camped inside a jail building just waiting for someone to open the doors. Probably depending on persistent storage, zombie AI updates and some method to bring people to co-exist and give reasons for factions/towns to be made (populace wise), there'd always be that gap 'till then.
  7. hiniberus

    The "Compass Bearing" game...

    That does make sense. Though I'd say a badly damaged one would start to be off by approx 20~degrees (That's massive, trust me) and ruined would give off 40+ degrees off bearing and swerve a lot
  8. hiniberus

    Finding a Respirator..

    I got a few at the firestations before as well.
  9. hiniberus

    Camo painted moisen

    Fucking lazers, and cats. WHO WOULDN'T?
  10. hiniberus

    How do you shoot?

    By squeezing the left mouse button and hoping to the lord that the turd is the one who tried to shoot me moments ago but failed horribly. Or took out his gun when he saw me.
  11. hiniberus

    Camo painted moisen

    Get yourself a red checked shirt, summer hunter pants and a black M4 baseball cap and I'll agree to that. Brownie points for courier backpack. I've been tempted to use it actually but I found it to be kinda too inaccurate for just being a twoshot. Low kill potential and unreliable sights are meh ,_,
  12. hiniberus

    Camo painted moisen

    Thought I mentioned that, ah well who uses that anyway :v ?
  13. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    Hey guys, Quick question, what's the point of the M4 CQB buttstock? Or better yet, why is it programmed so that the parts affect where the bullet goes? If you have a crappy buttstock wouldn't that affect the aim, rather than the bullet direction? I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to guns but I do have some understanding of them. I understand that there have been numerous topics on how do part quality affect the bullet, though I'm curious as to why the CQB buttstock was even implemented to a point. Also before anyone asks or jumps to a conclusion, this isn't a "Ugh the m4 has such terrible accuracy plz fix" I just don't bother with it (unless I find pristine MP parts first) and use the other guns 'till then so it's not one of those topics. I'm just curious why they'd implement an attachment in the game that has more drawbacks than benefits, at least so it seems to me.
  14. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    ^Pretty much this
  15. hiniberus

    Camo painted moisen

    You can spray: Mosin black/green/camo Sporter, SkS, Fireaxe, M4 Black/green Just to list what's sprayable so far, also biker helmets and ballistic helms too green/black Also to note by g/b I mean Green OR black.
  16. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    I am pretty sure that I read that part quality factors in the accuracy somewhere before...it was a bit ago so I could be having fuzzy memory. With regards to the LRS, they just don't have the damaged texture out for it yet. Probably just a sign of sympathy as to how darn rare it is. A badly damaged PU scope is like shoving your retinas in an elephant's ass. You may see something but it sure is shit (da-dun-tsh) ^Pretty much this 100% take my can
  17. hiniberus

    Camo painted moisen

    Be sure to go on "Add x spray to mosin" not "Paint mosin" or it'd just be swapping between the colours.
  18. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    Eh, as I've said before. If I find a pristine MP set + ACOG I'd take it up over the SKS but 'till then, I'll keep me my trusty gun. I don't think the game is going COD in terms of attachments. Albeit, two RDS' is a bit silly but it's still nice, long as they don't add more parts for the M4, I'm good. Back to the main topic, Kichilron answered that as quoted below. Though a ruined buttstock wouldn't be usable but the stocktube it's self is part of the gun, no? If so, then it's more of the gun's quality that would matter, rather than the stock it's self. The SKS is intended for short/mid range combat of 25-150~200 meters range with PU scope attached. The Bipod obviously gave the M4 a far higher accuracy rating (esp on semi-auto mode) So it's quite the test for the SKS at that range to be fair.
  19. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    Yeah I remember reading up on that. While it's a unique property to the attachment, it's just silly how much it reduces the accuracy in turn though. That's why I'm talking more about the weapon sway rather than the bullet placement in contrast to the aim.
  20. hiniberus

    Question about Damage

    Shot placement is a big thing. Shooting someone in the legs will break it at worst regardless of gear that they have but doubt it's a one-shot. Chest without vest ontop is an KO/kill even with the blaze. Chest shot with an assault vest is generally heavy bleeding/KO I believe. Headshot without helm is dead with a mosin, though I hit someone in the head with an SKS from about 40m away and he was just knocked out :x
  21. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    Granted and given the development stage it's at, it's okay as a 'temporary' thing. I just hope on other modular guns that they don't implement the same though :x I'd rather have it being somewhat harder to aim with (down the sights) rather than have the gun almost purely straight but the bullets go at angles they probably shouldn't (at least not without messing up the barrel :B ) as that would personally, make a lot more sense to me. What I'd guess is like CQB : More shake down the sights but shorter gun length, swifter movement, more recoil per shot OE: 50/50, less shake than CQB and less recoil but not as swift. Less recoil per shot MP: Least shake/sway while aiming down the sights, least recoil per shot but slowest movement/possible gun length increase? I don't know but this plan would sound a lot better than the shot going 5"+ to the side of where you actually aimed. That sounds more like a problem within the barrel/gas system rather than external parts.
  22. hiniberus

    CQB buttstock?

    Well, I should have worded it better I suppose. What I mean is if you aim straight but the bullet goes 5 inches to the left, I'd have reason to believe that it's more of an issue with the internals of the gun it's self, rather than something like the buttstock I'd guess.
  23. hiniberus

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    It's only happened once so far...but I actually found a ballistic vest in the NWAF tents section (ya know...before they disabled loot spawns there), that's the rarest shit ever. Never have I ever seen one again afterwards.
  24. hiniberus

    The Gun of your Choice

    I'd probably take the SkS as my primary if I was a freshie primarily to go through the cities. I like it because it's the gun I'm most successful with (3 kills in 1 day) and most combat is within it's effective range. Toss on a PU scope and it's something to fear for such a simple gun. Though a Pristine MAGPUL M4A1 >.> can't quite say she's seen any combat yet but I'm certain with my RDS or ACOG I'll end up doing well in CQB or medium range.
  25. Can personally vouch for these guys being awesome, no issues, nothing. They came for me and patched me up, big shout out to these guys for saving me!