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About ccav

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Couple of things I noticed in this release. 1) Weapon cleaning kit immediately takes pristine weapon to worn. Seems like that should work the other direction? 2) Reloading shotgun with the quick load clip. Cannot reload. Shotgun was empty, placing ammo on weapon says already loaded. Had to remove the quick clip, load it, then re attach to shotgun to get it to reload.
  2. ccav

    item idea to deal with kosers (I kos btw)

    I think when there are 1000's of zombies, the decision to shoot will be much more difficult to make. Taking a shot and drawing 50 zombies on your location would require you to use a LOT of ammo, disclose your location to anyone nearby, or relocate quickly. Regardless, there won't be much time for looting, and camping out sniping will be very difficult. Sniper takes the shot, a 100 zeds converge on his location making it REALLY obvious to everyone else where he is at. I really believe that KOS, combat logging, server hopping, all the major complaints will sort themselves out when there are hordes of zombies rather than 3.
  3. We need a column showing last connect date and time in server history. Here's the problem... Trying to switch weapons, get yellow chain lag and no response. Try to drop weapon and place new weapon in hand. No response.... Try this several times... Log out and go to another server. All my weapons are gone. No way of figuring out which server I just left so I can go back in and retrieve them.
  4. ccav

    Why do you play DayZ?

    At this point in time, there is no purpose in playing. Which is why anyone other than sociopaths have stopped playing and only check in from time to time to see where the development effort is at.