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About eLvitra

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. eLvitra

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Ty for replying =) Where can i find this mission file?. connecting thru FTP and i cant find a mission file. If u could pin-point me to the directory id be very happy :D Server is from Vilayer.com and i didnt get a email with such info. eLvitra
  2. eLvitra

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Even though my server has been up and running for a few weeks now. If i understood correctly, if everything is ok with the server it would be auto-imported. But i'd like to submit a ticket just to be on the safe side. So i might bee a newbie with this ID thing. Where do i find the Instance ID Number?. Thanks for all the help so far eLvitra
  3. Possible bug - When trying to put primary weapon into backpack (having more then enough space for it) it dissapear. Seems like the only way to put your primary into backpack, you need to drop it first. But it also has a chance to dissapear.
  4. Only problem we currently have on our server: - Zeds see u from way to far away. - Hatchet looks like shells (this is intentionally i guess, to see if the hatchet really works like u want to / same with crowbar) -Duplicate crowbar/hatchet when trying to pick it up and not having space for it No fps drop when zeds are chasing us (could be becouse we only tryed with 1-2 chasing us) No fps drop when playing longer than 20+ mins
  5. ppl are spawning in DB forest and have regular gear but with army clothing..
  6. I bet rocket is (not that he allready do) working his ass off to make a fix to all this. I wont be joining a server until i know works.. or i will be reverting my server back to Creds to dayz team ;)
  7. Crowbars and hatchet's is supposed to look like shot-gun shells, and not be able to pick up? :D
  8. HI capecodcaper! Ordered a server from vilayer.com, ARMA 2 : DayZ (arma2dayz) From what i read, u guys need to whitelist the server etc. So just letting u know the server is up but stuck on creating.. So yeah keep up the good work guys =) Server ip: Pm u my account name =)