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Everything posted by Demoth

  1. I don't mean to draw a comparison to another game as being indicative that it will happen here.... but.... I've stated it in another thread, but combat is pretty clunky in this game. Movement is also clunky. I don't want the floaty arcade-feel of Call of Duty or Battlefield here, but currently character movements and shooting can be far more jarring than they are in real life. I'm not a combat specialist, and I know that unless you're some super special forces you aren't going to be drilling everyone in the face in combat (I think accuracy in most firefights between even trained soldiers and law enforcement is like, 15% even in 25 meter fights) but it doesn't feel smooth or intuitive all the time. This leads to why the M4 and even the FNX 45 is so damn powerful.... volume of fire. You can remain mobile and simply spray and pray, if you know how to do it. Top that with how bullet damage / damage dispersion on items and clothing works, and you're basically forced to hit someone a LOT more than you should to drop them, so you have a lot less margin of error with guns like the SKS or Magnum, or even the Mosin. Now add in improvised weapons, and lowering the rate of other guns, and you're going to end up with situations where people who do gear up are going to be goddam unstoppable. Even now, the only way to really take down a competent geared player is to also get geared. Now to my feelings of how this could result in what happened in another game. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM BITING MY HEAD OFF I played WoW when it launched and up until Molten Core came out. I didn't have time to raid, so I left simply because I started to get stomped in PvP by people who normally did not give me problem. The issue was gear. People who had the time commitment and support of a guild to raid got gear that basically doubled their health, doubled their damage, and gave them 75% damage mitigation over people who could not. I am told that this was changed further down the road, but it did get very tiring when a guild would join into a PVP fight and 5 of them would basically decimate a much larger force because they had items that had incredibly low drop rates. I get that the difference here is that there are no real stats in DayZ. Just because you have an M4 doesn't mean a more skilled player won't just zig zag up to you while you fire from the hip and then punch you out and steal your gun. But not everyone is that bad, and I really don't want this to turn into a game where 99 people are all struggling to make rags and twig bows while some dude is lurking the hills with the one sniper rifle that spawned in the last week, blowing everyone away. Sure, THAT guy gets to have a ton of fun, but the rest of us have to eat shit? I should also say that, again, I'm not claiming this is how the game will go or how it is now. It's just always that creeping fear in the back of my mind.
  2. Demoth

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    How dare you. That joke was passed down for a thousand generations. You have committed a grave offense to my lineage.
  3. And then some twat will shoor me in the back and loot me and somehow get all those pristine parts that managed not to get hit. DAMN YOU DAYZ!!!!!
  4. Because that's how multilayer games with guns and PvP work..... Dying isn't a playstyle. Your playstyle is PVE or role playing, and someone shooting you for no reason doesn't interrupt your "style". However, putting in a system that prevents PVP now forces them to play different. The only way your "style" can be prevented is if you were banned from any server the moment you tried to role play.
  5. Demoth

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    If you want, I can put my banana in your mouth holster. And by banana, I mean penis, and by holster, I mean mouth. And by penis, I mean HUGE penis.
  6. Demoth

    How do I see a player's name?

    I prefer not knowing, and not having other people know. Especially with butthurt admins and their friends. Some dude tried to KOS me in Kamyshovo, so I beat him to death with my fists. He was FULLY kitted. I was on that server with 5 other people, and I believe it was 30+ on it. The guy told me he could barely hear me and asked if I could type what I was saying (I was mocking him for trying to Bambi hunt) I said "Not typing dude" and wouldn't you know, everyone got kicked from the server.
  7. Demoth

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Freedom of speech pertains to speaking your opinion, views and values without suffering prosecution by the government. It has nothing to do with saying dumb things on a public forum. This "marketing trick" goes both ways. It probably was made in mind that simple minded kids with no self control or reading comprehension would help fund this game. The rest of us read the multiple warnings and knew what we were getting into. We also regularly report bugs, up vote the biggest bugs and then are relieved when Rocket acknowledges them and fixes them. In short, maybe people need to get smarter instead of relying on everyone else dumbing things down to get to their level.
  8. I called for my thread to be closed last night, as the thread was about why I have a couple of issues playing in 1PP and this community was unable to handle it without resorting to name calling and chest pounding. Please don't bring it up here.
  9. Demoth

    Finding a stashed backpack

    I wonder how they'll handle that. Loot will have to despawn at some time, or eventually a server would crash with all the non-consumables that would end up being spread all over the place. I dunno, maybe a 24 hour limit unless they were placed specifically in a persistent storage container?
  10. After duscussions with some friends, i thought I'd start a little discussion here about 3rd person perspective that isn't whining for it or against it while also giving my personal input why I play generally in 3rd person. I would love to play this in only 1st person. It requires a lot more skill to stalk someone and prevents would be prey from safe corner peeking. Unfortunately, as the game is now, trying to stalk someone or creep up on someone shooting from range is impossible in only 1st person unless the shooter has no situational awareness. Too often I've been shot at and I run behind a hill and go prone near bushes, tall grass and rocks. Now in 1st person my view is 100% obscured by grass. Unfortunately the person 200 meters away sees me perfectly because none of the grass anf the details in the bush / tree aren't properly rendered. I just like a giant green log with a head laying next to a rock and I get popped. When I'm sniping at one of the air bases, I do feel a twinge of sadness when I blow someone's face off as theyre crawling, trying to get a vantage point to scope out that the base is safe. It's saddening because I know where they are and what their terrain looks like on their map... they are perfectly concealed. From my spot I just see a dude that pops out even if he's the same color as the ground he's on, even if he's standing still. I'm not outright complaining about the graphics detail of the game, as I know things will be fixed in time, but I personally cannot play on a 1st person server (hardcore) when all it does is put non sharpshooters at a crazy disadvantage.
  11. Demoth

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    PS - I'm going to report my own thread. This wasn't supposed to turn into some gamer-penis measuring contest about who is more 1337. This needs to be closed because obviously this topic is turning everyone into tantrum throwing children.
  12. Demoth

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    I didn't want to start any war. I was putting in my thoughts about a discussion I had with some friends, and suddenly everyone, including you SOULFIREZ, turned this into a giant mud slinging contest for no reason. I didn't say 1PP players are better than 3PP players. I didn't say you were stupid for picking one over the other. I simply mentioned I don't like it that you can't see anything while crawling in grass in 1PP while everyone more than 200 meters away sees you clear as day wiggling around. Then suddenly you waltz in, after we've had pleasant discussions in the past, and accuse me first of being a whiner, but now of setting troll bait? After reading other things you've posted, I wasn't aware you were such a dick for no reason.
  13. Have.... you ever been to Japan? Have you ever read about what the Japanese did to all of their neighbors? Have you heard about their underground? Their slave trading that still goes on? The incredible amount of racism in their society towards absolutely everyone? Don't get me wrong, I have fun when I visit Japan, but.... yeah, a lot of people looking at things through some serious bias.
  14. Demoth

    The kneecapping pandemic

    No, fuck that. You and I agree on a lot of things in a lot of threads, but no. Just no. I'd be fine with this if they disabled respawning on unconsciousness, but currently you can stay unconscious for hours upon hours until you die of starvation..... if even then. And going unconscious can happen for all sorts of shitty reason beyond your ability to control because this alpha still has a lot of bugs to work through. I get the sense a lot of your posts are simply meant to rub really bitchy people up a wall because they take what you say too seriously, but in case you are serious, forcing people to look at a blank screen for upwards of 45 minutes is a terrible game design, especially for people who work and don't have 3+ hours a day to dump into gaming.
  15. Demoth

    The kneecapping pandemic

    You're assuming that some people won't go off the hinges and start murdering for whatever reason they can fathom. There are plenty of nut jobs and sociopaths who would take a collapsed society as the perfect excuse to go buck wild. Some even have survivalist and military training so they wouldn't die off right away. Granted, they wouldn't make up 80% of the population of the world like the KOS'ers are in DayZ currently, but saying it's unrealistic that people may not band together from previously formed bonds and shun / attack / drive off other camps or lone wolves is giving people way too much credit. When people KOS, they aren't griefing. They aren't playing the game in an unintended way or exploiting some loophole in the system. I'd argue that camping spawn points and blasting bambies before their screen can even fully load is unintended, as is spawn camping in any game, but that's not what we're talking about. I hang around airfields and I snipe the shit out of anyone who goes near them. I do it because I've laid claim to that airfield and all the sweet loots within. If you want them, you need to evade my fire, evade my watchful gaze, and / or find me and kill me. Everyone knows airfields are the dangerous zones in the game, so if anyone starts whining that it's ruining all their face, they can cram it.
  16. Demoth

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    As soon as you posted that, this was all I could think of. I had to dig through the internets to find it.
  17. Yeah, I can't wait until private servers come out and power tripping admins kick whoever they want whenever they want, dick with people for no reason and then give out loot to their friends. I also can't wait until this community is so utterly divided by all the mods and private servers that I'm stuck playing with the "spastics" who play on the public hive. EDIT: I should note that I'm not posting on my actual account name, but on a friend's since I was checking the forums for something else, stumbled upon this thread and decided to post. I didn't feel like logging him out. Honestly, private servers really fractured DayZ mod, and on top of that, it did nothing to cut down on hacking. It was also a chore finding a server where everyone was chill, but then you run into the problem of knowing everyone after a while and the whole "random encounter" aspect becomes more difficult. I'm speaking from experience.
  18. Demoth

    Just lost all my sh*t for no reason

    Happened to me too. Lost a Mosin with LRS, compensator and bipod in my hands and an M4 with ACOG, suppressor, all MAGPUL and bipod on my back. Everything pristine. All gone because the server I was on crashed and the hive was acting up. Joined back and everyone is a new spawn. It's Alpha, it happens, go exploring.
  19. After you fall victim to them, it makes you quite paranoid that everyone who out flanks you is using them. The death I just experienced was pretty suspect, as I was hiding behind a big treem I was in 3rd person and suddenly someone shoots through a bush and hits the tree exactly where my head was. I panicked and ran down the hill and hid behind a bush. Again, in 3rd person. He pops over the hill with a Mosin and then BAM, shoots through the bush and headshots me. I'm unconcious and then shoots again and I die. Please, put my mind at ease. What other explanation could there be?
  20. Demoth

    1st person only or 3rd person?

    We had cordial discussions in other threads, not sure why you're being combative with me now. The issue is when you're in 3PP, and you're prone, you can see When people are approaching. I was pointing out some problems, not whining.
  21. Demoth

    When is weapon damage being tweaked?

    We're talking about damage dispersion, not shot dispersion. What's happening is that if you have 20 items in your inventory and you get shot with a Mosin, the damage is spread out to all the items before taking down your health. This results in it sometimes requiring you to be shot a LOT before you die, even if all you're carrying is food. It also greatly favors weapons that fire fast as opposed to precision weapons. Currently the SKS is garbage (opinion!!!) because I've had to hit someone 6 times for them to drop with 1 of the shots being a headshot. The gun only holds 10 rounds and has a long reload, so if that person is moving with others, the chances of you killing them all is pretty low unless they are unarmed and naked.
  22. At the cost of sounding like I'm stereotyping, girls I've met while gaming are more into being fashionable than guys who also game. It's been my experience in real life, though that's hardly indicative of the whole world. Still, my friends and I could barely dress ourselves until we got girlfriends who knew how to make sure we were up to date with trends. My wife still dresses amazingly no matter what day it is or where we're going. Guys are definitely catching up with being trendy. What DayZ Girl suggested in the thread you linked isn't necessarily bad. Having tons of options, some being far more fashion than function, would make sense in the world.... but either only as a hold over until you found warm clothing, or unless they add in an area where you can dress how you want without worry from the elements, like player made bases (where you could still be shot if a bandit got in, or if it was attacked) I will admit, however, that it will somewhat ruin the atmosphere if the game was flooded with male bandits running around in miniskirts, pumps, tube tops and rocking M4s.
  23. Demoth

    Hackers, WH

    The worst anf hardest to detect hack is the ESP hack. Did the guy find you immediately as you hid ina crater in the forest because he had a friend with an LRS guiding him, or did he have ESP hacks? The world may never know!!! I ran into a very blatant ESP hacker with an aim bot last night and I almost threw my monitor out the window, but we have to let Rocket know that this MUST remain soley an Alpha issue. If hacking becomes an epidemic like it did in APB, this game will die (like APB did).
  24. Err, why was that directed towards me? I wasn't saying there are limitations to age or gender.
  25. Demoth

    ESP hacks are annoying

    I thought people had to pay for hacks and then pay for them again when they got updated to circumvent anti-cheat programs (and also a new serial key to the game). If I'm right, I don't know who would be spending money like that hand over fist for a non-competitive scene game. Not that I advocate running any cheats, simply because the only reason you would do it is to be a malicious prick.