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Everything posted by Demoth

  1. Demoth

    The most insane gunbattle

    D'aww. I'd feel bad if you starved giving me all your beans though.
  2. Dude, that's such an argument of semantics, I can't really continue this. There is a difference, but it's so ingrained in our vernacular, it's like spazzing out when someone calls a magazine a clip. Yes, it's incorrect but you know what the person is saying.
  3. Yeah, but then you'd have to make a musket.
  4. Uh... what? You mean smelting copper, brass and lead, and making smokeless powder? Then molding them precisely to fit the bore and to the casing of the shell? Then fitting a primer? Because making any moderm cartridge from scratch would not be easier than an arrow.
  5. Demoth

    Goodbye Dayz

    Well, it's a forum and we can discuss and others might chime in with good points... or call us faggots. It's the Internet, you can't always tell. The only point I want to address is when you said that some people just aren't into PvP and that's why they should have private servers where people can PVE. My issue is that removing this removing a large core component to the game. It'd be like people demanding that the Battlefield series remove guns because guns are awful things. As I've posted on other threads, private hives do divide up the community and eventually public hives turn to crap because now all the people who are civil jump off to their carebear servers because the apocalypse was "too hard". Believe me, when they introduce far more to do and teamwork becomes more essential, more people will be inclined to work together. It won't eliminate KOS snipers by any means, but it will at least reduce it as there will be a lot more survival difficulties that won't enable you to just camp on a roof for hours without succumbing to exposure, thirst, hunger and respawning zombies climbing to your position. You might still have to deal with betrayals, but that would be gone in a non-PVP server. That paranoia will be gone because if that player does shoot you in the back, he'll just be banned and the admin might reset you back to what you had. I also don't like the idea of private servers in this type of game because admins always seem to develop a god complex and become abusive.
  6. Demoth

    Goodbye Dayz

    And this will kill the entire X factor of the game. If all the non-KOS'ers jump off to private servers, public hives will just be one giant non-stop battlegrounds where the "is this guy cool?" will be gone, because only KOS players will remain there. I've made a TON of friends on Steam from random interactions and team ups in this game. You just have to approach people right, and avoid groups of geared people. I also love how people try to justify that KOS and PVP are mutually exclusive, as though all gun fights HAVE to be about people approaching one another, talking things out and then agreeing to a gun fight. No. If you're fully kitted out and just running from one airbase to the next, I'm going to assume you are dangerously. If there are 3 or more of you, I will set up an ambush so long as I'm confident I can survive it. Now KOS'ing Bambis on the coast is a different thing. That's simply meta gaming to shoot at defenseless players in an attempt to make people rage quit, and it's a scumbag thing to do.
  7. Demoth


    I am actually fairly surprised we're allowed to curse, though I agree thst cursing AT people is not acceptable. I appreciate heavy moderation though, as forums tend to get insane when mods sleep. People think the 1st Amendment means you can say whatever you want, where ever you want.
  8. I have noticed no difference in MOA from a pristine MP buttstock to a badly damaged one, but that was 2 weekd ago. Did it recently change?
  9. Demoth

    The most insane gunbattle

    Uh oh, someone had a good time. Better get combative!!!
  10. Demoth

    The most insane gunbattle

    I nearly passed out from excitement when picking off people from a random green house as 2 groups of 5+ were gun battling. I was using the Blaser 95, amd every time someone popped up and wasn't facing me, they got 2 shots in the spine. After an 80 minute gun battle, 13 bodies were left for the crows and I somehow never got shot at once. I've only survived 1 other epic gun battle where i was actually out shooting people firing at me. Usually I'm the first one killed trying to run meds or ammo to people.
  11. Demoth

    Do You Use The Glitch Spots?

    You can still see through walls in 1PP. You're right though, they need to male this 1PP only, but only after they hammer out some of the 1PP issues such as foliage not rendering at distance and getting stuck on stuff and not knowing why.
  12. Demoth

    Do You Use The Glitch Spots?

    It's up in the bug tracker and I made a post about this earlier. When I get back into this more seriously, I will stay clear of any and all buildings because I don't want to have to cheat to beat cheaters since I'll inevitably end up exploiting and finding someone who isn't cheating. I won't lie, I jumped into that secret wall in the jail and was planning to sound board anyone who came in to try and creep them out. I didn't know everyone knew about the glitch and the way to glitch in 3PP to see through the whole jail from outside. I saw a guy running so I readied myself to played one of my audio files that is creepy music. He then does yhe the 3PP look-through-walls and gets all mad. "Oh, wow, you're glitching into the invisible room? You're a cheater". I yelled back, "Dude, you're using a glitch to see if anyone is in the jail, you're a cheater too, the fuck?!" I told him I was just going to mess with him, not kill him (I was serious but he didn't believe me and neither would I if our positions had been switched). I then told him he was free to loot the jail and then did the sit down animation. He then bum rushes the jail thinking I'm logging and so I shot him when he came through the wall. I bandaged him and gave him an epi pen (took some ammo) and bolted into the woods to log for real.
  13. So my friend whined for me to come play with him today. First thing I see is guy b-lining everyone building that has a player cowering in it and shooting them, including me (I was a fresh spawn, he couldn't have seen me go into the building and hide in the room I was in). Nope, b-lines me and shoots me. Either ESP or that .pbo hack is still around. Either way, my friend convinced me to join his other server; I begrudgingly did. So I go in there, get a magnum, and immediately get into a gun fight with someone and prevail. I get their loot, all is good. I start taking fire, and run into another building. Now comes the fun part.... it was a team, and you can't hide from them because every building is currently see-through in 3PP with your fists up. WTF. A few more friends join, and basically all of Elektro is at a stand still because no one will leave their buildings because everyone is looking through walls, ready to shoot the first person foolish enough to leave the safety of their building. My friends were doing this too, and it really just killed my enjoyment. Alpher alpher, I know I know. But goddam, since it's EVERY building that can be glitched this way, going anywhere on a non-hardcore server is going to be insta-death.
  14. The bug report is alredy up as it is a known issue. It's across all servers and like the poster above me said, you actually can do it on HC servers as well, just some buildings don't give you as much vision. I also wasn't blasting you, specifically about the 3PP vs 1PP debate despite quoting you. I made a thread a while back about why I don't play on Hardcore anymore simply because I had a discussion with a friend, and suddenly half the community jumped on me as though I had claimed everyone who plays on HC servers has a small penis and are pedophiles. The reaction to my thread didn't start and conversation, just a lot of trolling and flaming and it made me very sad. But like you said, since I confirmed looking through walls is doable in 1PP, I'll link everyone the ticket so it can be upvoted. Side note: I do like action in this game as long as my opponents are armed, but most people I know who are into the PVP know of all the wall glitches (from seeing through them to jumping through them). Everyone also takes this mentality "if you can't beat them, join them" and so now fights are ridiculous.
  15. 3PP isn't cheating if you're on a server that allows it, it just makes things lame with corner peeking. I get a lot of hate for not playing on hardcore servers (all the time), but I have issues with grass not rendering from a distance, and sounds not working right. I get very annoyed when I'm being stalked on hardcore servers and I wait down a hall, only to have someone sprint down and shoot me because the footsteps didn't register. (Or gunshots). Let's not devolve this into a 3PP vs 1PP, but simply that right now you ccan view glitch through all walls.
  16. Regardless, it needs to be fixed ASAP. Despite all the hate towards 3PP, it's still in the game and thus a legitimate feature (I believe 3PP should blur anything not in line of sight, honestly). Also there are not a lot of hardcore servers up, they're always full and the ones that aren't are laggy.
  17. If I know I'm going to die, and I have all MP parts on my M4, or optics on my SKS / Mosin, I strip it and drop them in my pants. This way I get shot up or I jump off the roof and ruin everything.
  18. I was totally in agreement with this, but recently, I feel that this would still be in the favor of the KOS only crowd. If you want to pop people in the middle of a city, the risk should be getting bum rushed, not just have to deal with some shamblers that you can jog away from if you've covered your six. Also, while it's still alpha, I truly don't believe in the limitations of this engine or the team's ability to optimize it. I'm sorry, but I just don't have the faith. I feel that having hundreds of zombies will result in endless game crashes and horrid performance that will never be stamped out.
  19. No, because that fight was in Kamyshovo, near the hub of spawns. If you could pick your spawns, it means this would happen anywhere and everywhere. Currently, if we get into a big gun battle up North, this is never a problem, or Balota. Fights in Elektro, Berenzino and Kamyshovo always results in never ending waves of bambi reinforcements.
  20. Unfortunately, gun fights in this can last an incredibly long time. Even 15 minutes is enough time to keep someone in a standoff, have you run back to your body, regear, and re-enter the fight. It happened a bunch of time when we got ambushed in Kamyshovo. It was 3 against 7, and every time we killed someone, or a few of them, they would camp and wait for their buddies to run back from Solnichni and get their bodies back. It made the fight incredibly stupid, especially if they spawned back in Kamy.
  21. Pick spawn points? Man, I'd love to win a gun fight and get punched to death after killing the last guy, by the first guy I killed.
  22. Why would 50 Cent become a rapist? Is DayZ truly that corrupting?!
  23. This news truly worries me because it's unclear what state the game will be in before he leaves. Will it be near finished? Will it be set back? I think of all the times game leads changed hands before the game was finished, and it's almost always a complete disaster.
  24. You already get that in public servers owned by clans. I think if you knew everyone on a server, the whole X factor on not knowing what's going to happen when you walk into a city will be destroyed. I mean, if that's not what you like, we really can't argue too effectively against my opinion > your opinion, or vice versa, but private servers will be up at some point. I just hope it doesn't do what I'm fearing it will.
  25. What private servers do is divide up the community. I've also never EVER seen any private server in a game like this where the admins were not complete asshats who just banned, kicked, gave advantages to or somehow just made shit completely unfair. Currently, the only thing an admin can kick you for is being racist or incredibly foul mouthed, but they can lose their server if they start kicking people to loot farm or if you kill them and they get booty bamboozled. I do not look forward to private hives simply because I feel that people are going to fall into little cliches, and the only people left on the public servers are going to be aimless lunatics.