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Everything posted by escobert

  1. escobert

    [0.62] Early Preview Broadleaf + Grass Shader

    Well fine. Force me to buy a new GPU then! Looks amazing!
  2. escobert

    How's this game doing?

    I hadn't played in at least a year before today. I ran around for a couple hours and had a blast. I love the new weather, that Zeds can have items on them or that guns can actually come with mags or attachments. I can't wait to see what's next.
  3. escobert

    First Aid Kit!?

    How have they been a hindrance? Is it that hard to put a bandage that's in your medkit onto your hotbar?
  4. escobert

    16 hours in, met my first player!

    There seems to be less hang out in Cherno KOS teenies than there used to be but maybe they're just somewhere else hanging out shooting people now :p
  5. escobert

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    I avoid vehicles when I can. way too much noise.
  6. escobert

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    it should be both. Not every gun it loaded in real life, and not every gun is empty. same for mags.
  7. escobert

    Namalsk and Mods

    I'd love to see NAPF in SA.
  8. escobert

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    played on the US 3pp servers and there was horrible lag. You would eat a can of food then carry it around for a minute and a half until it was finally registered as been consumed. A lot of items just wouldn't go in your inventory or you had to drag them into it 25-30 times. Vaulting was hit and miss. client crashed in game.
  9. escobert

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I thought they made it pretty clear they wont be having zeds until they can fix the performance with them. the items not spawning is actually a bug.
  10. escobert

    Status report lateness

    It's been a week... we used to go months between word or updates. Calm down and play.
  11. escobert

    More storage options

    I'd think most excpet the 1911 would fit pretty decently in pockets. no way a 1911 is unless we get jncos in game :D
  12. escobert

    Magazine Swap via Mouse in Inventory

    Their guns don't disapear. And it's not like a country isn't going to have stockpiles of supplies. Also if NATO and Russian troops came into the area, they had to bring enough supplies to last a bit. I'm sorry, I don't buy the no guns/ammo/food stuff. Unless we're talking several years after the ourbreak happening and the rest of the world has fallen as well.
  13. escobert

    Magazine Swap via Mouse in Inventory

    The population in Dayz is quite less than it would be now considering 90%+ are now zombies or dead.
  14. escobert

    Magazine Swap via Mouse in Inventory

    If they're going for realism, that would be horribly unrealistic. Between Russia and Ukraine there are an estimated 22+ million guns in civilian hands. While the Czech Republic does have a fair fewer number in civilian hands, It's also quite smaller in size and population. And then you add in their police and army.
  15. escobert

    High Capacity Vests

    I haven't seen one in a week or two. But I also haven't been looking for one.
  16. escobert

    Remove LRS from Mosin?

    if we were to go this route then SKS wouldn't have scope either becuase the receiver cover rails don't hold zero well and otherwise yo'd have to drill and tap a mount onto the receiver to add side scope.
  17. escobert

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    At this time I'd say SA is now far enough along that it's just as fun as the mod. Yes some of the mods have way more guns and vehicles and also base building, but SA has come pretty far since the early days and there's tons more to do and explore than there used to be. Also it looks 100 times better.
  18. escobert

    Epic 500m plus Longhorn shot at a sprinting target!

    Nice shot :)
  19. escobert

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    I agree, it's going to be great when it's all finally done. I forsee more hours on this than any other game. Well maybe Civ will still hold the title for most hours on record for me but otherwise DayZ is number one.
  20. escobert

    SKS ammo in 0.55?

    yeah I run around the tent with my inventory open. I don't really find much.
  21. escobert

    Gearing up is the best part of this game

    This. I love gearing up and finding stuff, it was always my favorite part of Fallout/Elder Scrolls but then, I honestly hate getting all super geared up. Then I don't want to go anywhere because I have all my precious things. I have way more fun running around with a shotty blasting everything without a care in the world.
  22. escobert

    Exploring an abandoned child's camp in Chernarus

    I enjoy stumbeling across these when wandering around :)
  23. escobert

    SKS ammo in 0.55?

    It's harder to find than it should be, as are stripper clips. Phudado said the other day in his stream he thought 7.62x39mm would be more readily available in the next patch. I also hate that your gun somehow sucks the stripper clip in when you load it. It should load the ammo and then be empty in your inventory after the ammo is loaded. you don't leave the clip in the gun.
  24. escobert

    Stepped on a landmine!

    everytime I see one I think "oh crap did that spawn there or was it set?"