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Everything posted by Ovomaltine

  1. Ovomaltine

    mosin + long range scope -> new aiming behaviour?

    are you purposely ignoring the point i was making? i already said its not about accuracy, or compensating bullet drift/drop. GOSH! its ABOUT A LONG RANGE SCOPE CROSSHAIR ON THE MOSIN THAT DOES THIS EVEN THOUGH I AM PRONE AND BIPOD IS DEPLOYED IT DIDNT DO THIS about 3-4 WEEKS AGO. i had like ~200 mosin shots... i can remember how it was like... understood now? or shall i try again? ...
  2. Ovomaltine

    mosin + long range scope -> new aiming behaviour?

    well for me its not about accuracy... the shot hits where the crosshair is. no problem. its just the sway, it increased a tiny bit but enough to feel/see it. and i just dont know why. and as i said. it just occured to me in prone position with bipod deployed. this position used to be almost static to aim. now it moves definately too high for a totally non moving position with bipod. i just checked it out again, since i only saw it once before i described it in here. the bipod has must definately have lost its function in a recent patch. it makes no difference if i attach it or deploy it or remove it. the sway is not a real sway anyway... its like my hands are parkinson. it cant be wanted like that. someone messed sth up.
  3. Ovomaltine

    Regarding tents and player hostility

    i have got one word for you: quadruple facepalm
  4. Ovomaltine

    Regarding tents and player hostility

    the other two words are "will be happening" so the four words in total: tent raids will be happening then. btw, i think the best place to put a tent, is to put it on the middle of any airfield runway. i mean its a good place because nobody would expect it. true?
  5. Ovomaltine

    Regarding tents and player hostility

    4 words for you: tent raids
  6. Ovomaltine

    Trading Post

    well... you have a reputation in the forum to lose :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  7. Ovomaltine

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    if someone talks about trust i always am remembered of this cool video
  8. Ovomaltine

    Lower Fall Damage for Alpha Plz

    well... its not about falling by accident only. but i just want to be able to perform certain jumps without thinking about "hmmm is this 0.1m too much so i will break my leg?"
  9. Ovomaltine

    Lower Fall Damage for Alpha Plz

    i'll just leave this here. (notice footwear...simple athletic shoes...no military boots or so) check out some jumpe at the beginning, then the jump at 1:09, then some jumps later... i am not saying the player chars are trained parcourists. but they are all athletic and not 70yo grandpas/grandmas. and everyone of the dayz-characters has a high skill in utilizing a military weapon without any problem... do something about the ridiculous fall damage. it makes me mad all the time. simple example. go inside a hay barn, go on the MIDDLE floor (first stairs up) run over edge -> legs broken (already ridiculous @ 3m) move stairs up again by standing up in front of it and moving forward quickly (this overrides they step height restriction when in broken-leg-prone) again crawl over edge, but press "stand up" quickly before u reach it -> dead (i lol'd) also when u crawl over edges u recieve nearly no damage, so i think falling damage is calculated from the HEAD position, not from the foot position... (i lol'd again)
  10. Ovomaltine

    Should this be called fun?

    this is true @OP: i live for about 1 week now, i am fully equipped since day 2, and i got about ~10 on my kill count. and i am not playin this game deathmatch style. and i even run across airfields in daytime... sometimes :D
  11. Ovomaltine

    Bandits, Survivors, or Murderers?

    Hi guys, I have about ~60hrs of playtime in DayZ now, starting about 3 weeks ago. I didnt play Arma that much, but I was a big fan of the Operation Flashpoint branch since the first part. So i guess I have the bulky engine in my blood a bit, which made it easy for me to find a start into this game, at least movement/input wise. My first experiences trying to play the social/nice/helping way were mixed. I must say that many people, also (and maybe especially!) the ones with almost full gear had no intent to KOS or be unfriendly towards me which was quite rewarding. And then of course there are those people who just never talk anything and wait behind corners if they hear something and then just shoot you. I had it all and I doubt there is anything that should be surprising in this kind of game. If you play this game mostly FPS, as I do, then sometimes you are not aware of how you appear to other players (i.e. if u intimidate them or s.th. like that). And I never really thought much about that. I myself distrust a guy with almost no equip running around with an Axe in the hand, not responding to anything, more than any fully equipped military style guy who is actually talking to me and also wouldnt be winning anything by KOS or killing me at all, because he already has "everthing". I have to point out how I changed my playstyle through those 3 weeks (intense weeks) of DayZ. As I said the first week I was trying very hard to get along with everyone I met, and by that I learned how stuff works... basically I learned that there are no server enforced rules, so you are free to do anything and no one will punish you, except maybe if the same guy has friends or gets back to you in time. So the second week I stopped giving fucks and started KOS without communicating (not actively, but as soon as someone was directly approaching me) also, because I didnt want to lose my gear over and over again. But this kind of playstyle turned out very dull... and finally I found a role in this game which is quite entertaining to play, for me at least. Since I have really everything by now...I am really stacked, but only with the good stuff, and I really take care of my inventory in terms of aesthetics and space management (many containers with most of the quickslot items in it), so I dont need any gear, apart from that occasional water refill and food and ammo. I play some kind of avenger style sniper / ranger. Mainly I found myself a nice shack with a water supply where I put my "homebase" to. From that I travel to close cities or military areals and lay down in my observation spot(s) which are mostly covered by forest or at least a bunch of trees/stones. I scan for movment in around 300-700 metres in a 120° angle from my position. I do this for as long as needed, 1 hour, 2 hours, without moving myself. I watch new players getting weapons and combat supplies at military bases, I watch 2-4 man squads marching through citysides. I just watch and see what happens. And well... I wait for it to happen, I wait for the "evil" player who shoots down innocent freshmans, or sneaks up to people to PK them without any reason except for the "deathmatch" experience. And then I start my routine. I put my M4 (attachments in picture) on the ground to pick up my Mosin with the Long Range Scope. I deploy my bipod. I zero my sights. And I wait again. For the perfect moment to pull the trigger and put an end to the virtual life of the bandit (bandit is even too much roleplay of an attribute to those kind of players...) or lets say of the uncreative cheap person who runs around and shoots people without any kind of enriching gameplay happening at all. And thats basically what brings me the most fun I found out by now. Getting rid of any players who think they will get away with what they do. Its not about punishment for me. Its just about not letting them get away with it. As my Mosin shooting got quite perfect over the last days I can mostly accomplish on the first shot. So its really fun imagining whats going on on their screen... -> Killing innocent, then either walking along or trying to loot the ruined stuff... 5 - 30 seconds later ... BLACK. DEAD. Action. Reaction. I completely stopped killing anybody else than murderers , which makes me of course a murderer (alone in the coded or serverside definition of killing people towards the honor count or whatever that is called). But I think I do play a role which can be seen as somewhat honorable, depending on ones moral standards. I try to stay our of any other trouble by avoiding direct contact or showing that I am friendly, ofc I would defend myself, but I would NEVER shoot first. Yeah quite a long story. Maybe 50% off topic. But I wanted to share that. Also something completely different. Since I browse these forums I often read about people complaining about not being able to gather stuff because they were killed right after spawning etc... I REALLY dont understand those guys. It is so easy to get out of the spawn area and just start looting in so many hidden/abandoned places around the map. I really dont get what all the fuzz is about. Just run towards the woods after spawning. You can nearly make it accross the whole map without drinking one swig... Also as soon as u have an axe... zombies wont even be able to hit you if u just run around them and hit them in the back. They follow you, you let them come, and then u run in circles, you are faster than a zombie, you get to his back... instakill. easy.... And as long as u dont have an axe... just run, where is the problem? I can put down 3 zombies following me at a time with an axe. Its really just a question of correctly applying game mechanics.