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About Starmag

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    On the Coast
  1. still waiting for this to happen.......... it worked fine before when the game was first released so should be easy to add in on the next patch??
  2. As above, im trying to play on dayZ, me and my brother have both bought it on steam, however we cant play as each of our characters. I was under the impression that your character was bound to your steam ID, this was working fine until the recent update. We could switch characters by logging in to our steam accounts... can anyone shed some light or know how to report it as a bug? thanks, james.
  3. Anyone else in the same boat as me?
  4. sorry for bringing this up again, but it seems since the update that i can no longer do this? is anyone else experiencing the same or have a way around it?
  5. Awesome, i was hoping that would be the case! Thank you both
  6. Hi guys, me and my brother both have steam, and he has dayZ installed on his pc which he bought through steam. If I were to buy dayZ on my steam account, would this allow me to play as a different character and not affect his game/character?? Thanks, James.