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Everything posted by Cenobyte

  1. Cenobyte

    Be Friendly Song!

    Brilliant! I look forward to seeing more :D
  2. Cenobyte

    Just saw Rocket again.

    omg, think i just collapsed a lung laughing. Great stuff!
  3. jumped on last night and I love it! Great FPS (50fps on my other half's gaming rig, 20-25 on my craptop), good crowd and quite challenging AI missions. I'm home :D
  4. Every time I hear that I see this.
  5. Cenobyte

    "Sure i can fly..."

    Nex beat me to it. Momentum and natural autorotation are your friends in an uncontrolled spin EDIT - it's also possible to make a heli fly stright without a tailrotor, though doing so is a bit of a bastard sometimes because of ArmA2's flight model
  6. Cenobyte

    "Sure i can fly..."

    A landing you can walk away from is a good one! If you want i have links to some tutorials for how to deal with failing tail/main rotors I'd happily share :)
  7. Cenobyte

    when you die and then complain in chat

    "I will come and rape your mother". Wow, by killing him it sounds like you were doing the server a favor.
  8. Cenobyte

    "Sure i can fly..."

    hahaa, I've gotten so used to being attacked in the air that i can pretty much only fly without a tail rotor or with a failing main rotor. in a 100% green chopper i instinctively try and compensate for it by tilting or attempting to use autorotation and crash/kill everyone :P
  9. I'll definitely give you lads a look, been searching for a while for a server that hasn't included them! :D
  10. I have to ask - are LAVs (armed or unarmed) availiable on your server? I'm currently looking for one that doesn't as they've ruined my epoch experience recently :(
  11. Expecting to get a lot of stick for this, but i'm looking for a server that takes Epoch back to how it should be before all the server owners decided that the best way to attract people to their servers is to make it ezmode and give the players armed LAVs, high-end military gear and whatnot. The server I ususally play on has recently done this and it's ruined the community as it's turned into wasteland with the occasional annoyance from zombies. Half of the playerbase has left, and been replaced with idiots that think LAV deathmatches are the norm... and I'm ranting >_< Are there ANY servers out there that have gone back to basics? My dream server would be one with no armoured vehicles, challenging AI missions, and no guns bigger than the lapua. (.50 is unessescary really, and the lapua is pushing it!) I know i'm probably expecting a lot, but you don't know if you don't try! <3
  12. Cenobyte

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    Rule 666:Never forget to zero your rifle.
  13. Don't forget, console versions will be a lot more difficult (if not impossible, especially with Micro$oft and the xbone) to mod, whereas the PC will have near unlimited mod-ability, and an already quite dedicated fanbase that contains a LOT of modders.
  14. Cenobyte

    A message, to message!

    I was wondering this, too...
  15. Cenobyte

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    DayZ is based off of ArmA2's infrastructure, so it still struggled with prolonged uptimes from time to time. Zombies are only respawning in experimental at the moment, and loot respawn is still on the to-do list.
  16. Cenobyte

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    20) Getting shot in the firestation towers isn't murder. it's assisted suicide.
  17. Cenobyte

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    17) Walls and railings are the enemy
  18. Cenobyte

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    This works for some (not all) ArmA3 users. Might work for DayZ as well? (Originally posted by "AndrewsUploads" on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCmSAFbB36g ) 1.) Open Up Steam 2.) Go To Your Game Library 3.) Select Command From Options Below 4.) Right Click ArmA 3 5.) Click "Properties" 6.) Click "Set Launch Options" 7.) Paste Command 8.) Press "Okay" 9.) Run ArmA 3 10.) Enjoy! For AMD CPU users: AMD Dual Core with 4GB System Ram: "-noSplash -cpuCount=2 -high" AMD Quad Core with 4GB Ram: "-noSplash -cpuCount=4 -high" AMD Six Core with 4GB Ram: "-noSplash -cpuCount=6 -high" AMD Eight Core with 4GB Ram: "-noSplash -cpuCount=8 -high" ________________________________________­______ ________________________________________­______ Intel CPU: For Hyperthreaded CPU's such as a Quad Core you will apply this: -cpuCount=8 This will enable your Hyperthreads on your CPU so your CPU will act as an eight core when running Arma 3. If you are running a Hyperthreaded Six Core then: -cpuCount=12 If you are running a Hyperthreaded Eight Core or Eight Core Xeon then apply this: -cpuCount=16
  19. Cenobyte

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    EDIT - rewriting
  20. Cenobyte

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    The only reason they're so common at the moment is for testing/balancing. The devs have already made it clear that as more basic/improvised ranged weapons are implemented they're going to reduce the common-ness of bullet-shooting weapons.
  21. Cenobyte

    Tip: Never go into one of these buildings

    The only time I'll risk going into one of those buildings is to provide sniper support for team mates
  22. Cenobyte

    New Documentary On DayZ And Dean Hall

    Love rocket's "anyone in Cherno" t-shirt in the interview segments :D
  23. Cenobyte

    How much of the map have you explored?

    I've explored maybe 50-65% of the map borders, and managed to wander off the map into the grassless, treeless void of hills twice(Seriously wierd experience the first time :P). Waiting for the game to introduce more survival options (hunting, etc) before I delve deeper into the wilds, until then I'm sticking to the areas around the towns. Still yet to explore the coast properly though (Not visited the shipwreck or Svetlo)
  24. Cenobyte

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    Everyone's too busy getting themselves killed in Cherno/Electro, then QQing about it on the forums :P
  25. Cenobyte

    Issue running through walls

    ... Just kidding, a few clanmates have experienced this, too. I'm sure a fix is in the works!! EDIT: As usual, best thing you can do is try and reproduce the glitch on camera, and post it on the bugtracker