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Everything posted by theodor

  2. But back to the "point" where the fuck is patch
  3. seventeen minutes since "shortly" Hicks
  4. Is it that hard writing a fucking post/update about the new patch FFS
  5. you have got to be fucking kidding me AGAIN did we get fucked over AGAIN great PR rocket just great
  6. this feels like a giant ballslap
  7. SOOO its not gonna happen is it?
  8. theodor

    Dayz in a nutshell

    (this is not my vid just found it while looking trough the piles of internet poop)
  9. theodor

    Dayz in a nutshell

    i enjoy this video
  10. theodor

    Why you cant trust anyone... (video)

    What a retard
  11. theodor

    Women Clothes

    GET OUT!
  12. theodor

    Walking on Chernarus

    This pretty nice Shows you the natural Beauty of the Arma Engine :beans:
  13. First of all, How are penises and breasts offensive or immature_. The game is meant to show the devolution of human morals so nudity wouldnt really be bad compeared to all the fucked up shit thats going on like forcing other players to drink bleach and shooting people. im thinking this might have something to do with our american morals. and yes it is immoral in a way but this game inst about that. A alpha tester
  14. Heil here comes the fuhrer of pc gaming god bless tha aryan super pc race!
  15. y u no moar experimental servars with ur money???? :beans: #edit whoops my inner rage just came up i will translate Dear sir mister dean hall and the good chaps over at Bohemia interactive or whoever will you be so kind and open 10 more experimental severs its very hard to get into them thank you and have a nice day
  16. Jugding from the milions of people playing the game i would say atleast 100000 ppl :o
  17. How many fucking people are trying to get into these severs jesus fucking christ
  18. play this while waiting never has waiting been soo cool
  19. Ummm the severs keep crashing or keep being taken off and then taken back on Is dis a troll???
  20. Its not done yet the devs downgraded it because of bugs and tits