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About afira

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i shouldnt even post to this but i just had to comment. i like rp..i like community. but i watched the videos the OP posted in another thread and it all looked to me to just be a guy who would really like to control every interaction on his server and everyone's attitudes 100%. hey im the sheriff of bereinzino.....how many times did i hear that on those vids? i swear if i hear anyone say that shit one more time i will shoot them in the face. really came off as a guy wanting to control everyone and everything in game and i am not cool with that..its a game...chill the hell out...ever stop to think you were with a group and you could have introduced yourself as the berinzino police force? but no, it was I, I, I, me, me, me, all the way..because of this i wont be joining thanks...enjoy the little bit of power you've made for yourself bud. just really turned me off man.