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Everything posted by nexdemise

  1. nexdemise

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    Well you're entitled to your opinion. However I love DayZ for what it really is (and what the forums try to claim it's not): An open world irregular PVP game. You have a huge map, hundreds of clothing items, a large array of weapons, and really you have no idea where people will be. You do have hotspots, but even then you get those oh shit moments where you're in some small village, you're looking for food and you hear footsteps in a house right next to you, and stealing stuff from a camp in the bumfuck of the map ends up in a total squad war because they're defending their nest and you're not giving it back without a fight. Frankly I like the PVP at weird places the most because most enemies don't improvise well. Go to Cherno and they'll have their routes they'll follow, forest outside of Pulkovo, they definitely didn't rehearse shit. I had a lot of one liners thrown at me when I wasn't happy with the state of the game in the early .50s when the focus was on farming and other half-finished mechanics few people bother with and getting your hands on an AK was a fucking chore, never-mind a fucking M4. "Maybe DayZ isn't a game for you" (no you won't get a refund), and "wait for modding". So yeah, have that.
  2. nexdemise

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    Problem isn't who's going to host it (Vilayer, etc. files for hosting won't be public for a while because BI gets a cut, no other reason for them to keep a monopoly to 3 companies. They plan to release that to the public 5 years after 1.0 hits, and that's a tentative date, if DayZ is still kicking by then expect it postponed). The problem is - who is going to play it. Let's face it, you can't have mods on the public hive, unless you'd have several public hives for different large mods (e.g. SA's equivalent of Epoch), which won't happen. It could be done, but overall it's more effort than it's worth... So what now, you set up that super hardcore 100x zombie, .001x guns and food server. Who knows, maybe you can get it popular, but the more likely scenario is that by recreating early .55 you'll just have some people connect, realize that your mods make the game virtually unplayable not to their taste and they'll leave. You on the other hand will be free to roam around licking the roads for sustenance in what's essentially a single player experience for you.
  3. nexdemise

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    Lol, encouraging KOS? Boy, I think you're far away from Club Penguin here. Everyone in this fucking game KOSes. We have some "holier than thou" types that claim to be heroes giving bacon to bambis, but you really aren't fooling anyone. Time survived isn't worth shit unless you're on private hive. Otherwise running around half naked somewhere in far north is equivalent to surviving while dodging bullets somewhere in a hotspot on a full server.
  4. nexdemise

    Enough with the guns already....

    Don't like guns - go buy farming simulator. Takedowns were always a big no. The devs have said that combat like grappling, backstabbing, throatslitting, or other shit which limits movement of others like that will never be in the game.
  5. nexdemise

    Whats up with Vilayer..?

    So, I placed on order with Vilayer on Friday (1/8/16), after 3 hours I submitted a ticket asking how long will it take because their claim is "generally within 1 hour". Well turns out they don't have server stock available. The ticket was escalated to a refund request. I responded to it that I'll take any other hosting location in Eastern or Mid US. No reply as of today, 1/11/16. I submitted a second ticket after basically 1 day with no action on the other (so 1/9/16), that if they don't have stock in NY, I'll take any other location in US, Canada, or even the EU. If they have nothing they can go ahead with the refund, ideally to back to the 3 us of that paid via group pay. No reply at all. Wouldn't be surprised if they're dealing with a lot of pissed off customers because they sell shit they neither own or can obtain in timely matter. Still, the first reply was timely, a little over an hour and a half, and then they just put their heads up their asses and maybe they are hoping they can ignore me until the end of the month. Great business model. Yeah yeah, it's a necropost, I didn't feel like making my own thread just to shit on them, if you think I should then let me know and I will. Or spare me the bullshit, unmerge this post and give it a "Fuck you vilayer" title.
  6. nexdemise

    Missing loot in 0.59

    Can confirm netting spawning. It spawns on dynamic boats but since these spawn 1-3 items, you'll generally find stupid garbage like Dean's brand seeds and hats.
  7. nexdemise

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    7.62x39mm does spawn in civilian houses rarely, usually as loose rounds. It might also spawn in deer stands but I have never seen it there. If you're going through houses and deer stands you'll likely find a mosin, blaze, or a winchester, and ammo for them, before finding 7.62x39mm. Basically, IZH is what Blaze used to be before the hunting scope. You can kill someone with it, but basically everything (with a mag) is better. If it could accept a scope then it would be at least usable as a poor man's sniper rifle until they come across a better one.
  8. My votes is for more vehicles. I should've also voted for Object Manipulation, but oh well. Why did I vote for it? Because I want them. Right now you have two big islands that no one goes to because there's little reason to and the swim is god damn annoying. I know the innawoods crowd is shitting their pants because their little camp will stick out like a sore thumb from above but hey, learn to adapt or maybe just "DayZ isn't for you". Enhanced Ambience - In all honesty, I don't care for it. Right now you just constantly hear birds sing in forests and close to the shore you hear the sea. It drowns out some of closer sounds. Music has little place in this game and I know anyone who is serious about PVP will likely disable it. What's annoying is that these crap sounds can clog up your audio pipe and are the reason for the can't hear gunshots afar bug. Updated Infected/Dense Populations - I'd say fucking fix them first and fix their detection. Once you get them working correctly instead of being the screechy, glitchy mess that has mental GPS and attacks regardless of any animations then you can try putting in more. Nonlethal weaponry - Aside being weapons of absolute necessity few would use them seriously. Oh yeah, I tased a geared guy with this stun gun. Well, let me grab his AK, kill him, and gtfo before his friends come to pick up what's left of him. Diverse weather effects - Like what? Snow? Hail? Pretty sure the engine can't support snow piling on the ground. I guess different visual levels of rain would be okay. Predatory Animals/Larger animal population - I'd say fix and learn from Zombies. Last thing I want is glitch broken bears clipping through walls... Also, remember that wolves tend to be complete pussies and unless it's a large pack they won't attack a human. Also most animals, predators included, are scared shitless of gunshots.
  9. nexdemise

    fishing spots

    You can fish anywhere. I had a small puddle (about 3x6m) in my old camp back in .55. There were fish in it.
  10. nexdemise

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    CR527 is basically the better option. Damage and accuracy are basically the same since they both use the same round which is the only factor of how the gun will shoot and how hard it'll hit. CR527 has a 5 round box mag (+1 in chamber) opposed to the single shot of the IZH18, and the CR527 can take a hunting scope, increasing it range and accuracy by quite a bit.
  11. I destroyed a truck like this yesterday. It flew out, exploded, lost all its wheels, and then landed upside down. It despawned about 10 minutes later. I didn't even know you can destroy a truck.
  12. I went through half the map on a server that seemingly springed into existence today (food, especially peaches everywhere I looked). I went through Dubrovka, Gorka, Novy Sobor, Stary Sobor, Kabanino, Vybor, and Lopatino. I didn't find one, I didn't even see a single PU Scope. I looked at pubs, single story yellow houses, 2 story smaller green houses, and garages. Where should I look?
  13. nexdemise

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    Oh fuck no, I worked hard to stockpile all kinds of weapons and cars because I know CLE will be shit. Sorry Hicks but any recent attempts at changing loot systems have been piss poor at best. At least unlike the late Dean Hall you admitted that stuff wasn't working and pulled it back. Lootsplosions will go away eventually, they'll get picked off within a week. You want to nuke something that can be fixed with a shovel. Lootsplosions happen because previous spawns don't get wiped - this is the reason why there was nothing anywhere during CLE, because a single item could block an entire spawn. If stuff doesn't get picked it should disappear the next time stuff is meant to spawn. No one wants that damaged red beret and otherwise it'll sit there until the end of days. Only downside here being that you won't be able to establish a base inside a loot zone, but then again, do you really want to?
  14. nexdemise

    Where do you guys find LRSs these days?

    You're talking really hard out of your ass. There was 1 week where they actually tried CLE, realized that it isn't working and rolled it back. CLE might increase dispersion but eventually you'll be able to tell what building spawns what.
  15. nexdemise

    Your Camp/Stash

    We just drop everything. Go to a military base or similar. Pick up a mountain backpack, pick up everything that isn't nailed to the ground. We found a spawnglitched Vybor base. It took us several trips to exhaust the supply of AKMs. My only issue being lack of really high end stuff. We are having difficulty finding PSO-1s, LRSs, and East Suppressors. I really love the 101 laying around in our base. Green body. Green Polymer Buttstock Tactical Handguard Bipod Flashlight Green 101 Mag PSO-1 Scope East Suppressor Woodland Ghillie Thing is as decked out as it can be.
  16. Maybe, I don't really follow what Hicks says these days.
  17. It only works great if you're chickenshit playing on empty servers. My "home" server is generally empty or close to it (most I ever saw on it was 11 players, 5 of which were from my group). Good place to make a base but it's not good for anything else. If we want to PVP, we grab our toys and go elsewhere. With your idea if your server is always full you rarely will consider yourself geared and be in a position where you're not about to die. If your server is usually empty you'll die of boredom. There is no good balance. You know why people hop? To find loot. The scarcer the loot is the more people will hop to find said loot. You can't fight against server hopping and make loot scarce at the same time, it simply won't work. Either you make stuff common and have little server hopping (by encouraging exploration where someone knows there is stuff to be found), or you'll make things scarce and have a lot of server hoping. Players have this really nasty characteristic, namely - we do not give a shit what dream or bigger picture some dev had. We do whatever is most convenient for ourselves. If there's no loot here, there's gonna be some elsewhere else and we WILL server hop.
  18. nexdemise

    Blaze with scope !

    I still feel like most other guns will still do better than the blaze in that regard. Also I don't get it why people are hating on the Mosin. True, it's an old rifle and the only thing being able to serve as a sniper rifle to date, but it is still a good gun with really good range which fires very powerful rounds. It's a bolt action rifle, it is not meant to be used for CQB, same how you won't snipe with an MP5. I feel like Mosin and the Winchester will be the main sniper rifles in the game in the next update. I don't really consider the SVD because that thing has been on hold since time immemorial and it'll probably be kept out for a while with another excuse. CR might be utilized a bit, but the 7.62x39mm round is a little underpowered compared to 7.62x54mmR especially since you want to drop targets quickly. If SKS will be able to accept the scope it will likely be more popular than the CR. SKS is a very accurate gun, much more than the average player realizes, I hit targets over 300m with it before, problem being the iron sights are bad, PU Scope isn't too great either. Blaze I really don't know. Being able to fire two rounds rapidly is nice, but I really don't know how recoil will work at long distances here. I'll need to pick one up and give it a try. Will probably be a poor man's Winchester. Sporter ? I know someone will pick it up and try it, but aside ruining someone's clothing not much is going to happen here. .22LR is a god damn joke in this game. I have previously dumped an entire 30 round mag into someone, I broke their legs and arms, and they still kept crawling towards me. Another time I ran into a guy who had an SKS, I put many many rounds into him until I focused and got a headshot, which knocked him out. I was then forced to beat him to death with a fire axe. Long range sniping? Definitely not. Medium range you might get a headshot on someone painfully unaware and then rob them before they wake up. It's gonna be more a weapon of circumstance rather than choice (i.e. you find a scope and then you find a sporter/trumpet).
  19. This is what's referred to as "spinal condition" by the community. You know how your arms and legs have a value for how well your bones are doing (and how much more it takes for them to snap)? Apparently there's one for the body or the head too. So eventually you can die from really random source of damage, especially if you had a few close calls earlier. The devs do not admit this thing exists, which leads me to believe it is a bug, but they probably have no idea where to look for it. Wobo did a video about it back in the day.
  20. nexdemise

    Your Camp/Stash

    1) Literally everything. Guns (AK-101, M4A1, several AKMs, several AKS-74us, a few mosins, a few SKSs, sporter, pistol grip shotgun, MP5, and some pistols) and a lot of mags. Backpacks with all kinds of clothing. Lots of food (I'd say 2-3 backpacks full). A ghillie suit. 2) We've got about 30 backpacks in total. Mostly mountain backpacks, but other types too. No tents, we had no luck finding military ones and the civilian ones are giant blue eyesores. We probably won't bother with tents until they fix the military tent inventories. 3) 2 Cargo V3Ss, 5 regular V3Ss. We are aiming at finding every single car in the server.
  21. I found two. One was on an AKM held by a guy who I killed in a car crash (we both died, I made it first to the site)/ Second was on an AKM that someone hid inside a bush.
  22. nexdemise

    so much for the struggle

    I really wonder who they'll sell it to anymore. Anyone who wanted this game has got it already, and they can't really advertise until it's done because that invites that very very unfriendly aspect of reviewers giving it a 3/10 for all the bugs and calling it a day (IGN might be bribed or they can send the female janitor to sleep with them). I am not saying that survival mechanics aren't nice, but in all honesty they should be tertiary to the entire game. As I said before, if I wanted to sit watching potatoes grow I'd get Farming Simulator, at least that game isn't in perpetual alpha, but I digress. Right now the devs are making the game simply tedious to play by reducing spawns, breaking respawn mechanics, and still keeping everyone on the shore. I wonder how many freshspawns died of starvation before making any kind of actual progress because they were unable to find any food along the way? Before that, under Chairman Hall, Bohemia has declared a war on early PVP. First they put everyone around the NEAF, then they were surprised that people are in that area, so they completely gutted the airfield into this civilian shit that no one wanted and no one visits. Then they went after Balota (even though the furthest south spawn at the time was Solnichniy). Effectively putting all the nicer stuff on the NW part of the map while keeping everyone in the East. Just note, I am being very critical not because I hate Hall or Hicks, I am really indifferent to both. I am being being critical because I do not like what I see going on with this game, and I really do not want to see it become some avant garde hobo simulator that has 100 active players.
  23. nexdemise

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Your opinion matters.™
  24. nexdemise

    Where do you guys find LRSs these days?

    It's a gonna be a bad day when we're all be playing apple picking simulator 2013 because socialized loot economy will leave most servers completely empty. Also from the little stunt with the CLE you can tell that stuff doesn't spawn randomly there either. The first week where you could find a Smersh Vest in an outhouse was a massive bug, was acknowledged as such, and was patched. The next week when they hoxfixed it - you would find the same kind of loot in the same buildings, although much much rarer (since nothing respawned ever). So far when it comes to loot spawning devs have shown that they do not know what they are doing. They should keep that garbage in experimental until they are sure it works, otherwise with every update we'll have 2 weeks where no one plays this game. More loot dispersion - sure, as long as there actually is loot.
  25. nexdemise

    so much for the struggle

    I honestly hated the CLE, which was so bugged nothing would spawn and the game become essentially unplayable since you'd starve to death before getting anywhere. Persistent servers always gravitate towards having little loot since stuff would refuse to respawn, stuff that spawned but would be considered unpickable would stay there forever preventing better things to respawn, you want a system like that - new items should replace the old. Some of you might be masochists that like watching Zucchinis grow, I am not it, neither is my group. During the two weeks that CLE was ravaging the land we have essentially taken a break. Left our camp as it was and not returned until it was fixed. All is fun and games until they piss off enough people that Steam will do a total recall. Happened to WarZ and it will happen with DayZ. Starting the game off as somewhere fun if buggy, and then successively turning it into hobo simulator will not work well for them. So far everything that happened is false advertisement. I don't like having to say it, but this game did better under Dean Hall than it did under Hicks. Also the fucking attitude that Hicks is manifesting "Don't like it, fuck off, but we're keeping your money", telling your community to fuck off has never worked well for any developer. If you're essentially crowdfunding a game, then you need to listen to what the community wants, it is well possible to do both pain in the ass survival and open world PVP. So far the only reason for separate hives is whether or not you want to have 3rd person view available. You could equally well divide those into two hives, or incorporate hoboness into "hardcore". Then see which one is more popular by looking which server adopts what. You do not want to listen to people that paid off the development then give everyone a refund, do your game in peace while eating top ramen, release it, have it stand up to the full critique that a completely released game normally has to stand up for (so far no one really touches it since it is in development). Get few to no sales and file for Bankruptcy and have your name forever associated with releasing garbage. The assholes from WarZ changed like every name ever associated with them and will likely never sell another game in their lives. Game forums are always full of bootlickers. I got banned from the steam forums for getting into arguments with them and mods taking their sides. Quality moderation right there. However numbers really don't lie. The amount of players has plummeted since the start of .55 update, they went up a little after the CLE was reverted, and they will likely plummet again in .56 when Hicks will continue his experiments. What does this mean - that the players at large do not find the CLE to be enjoyable.