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Everything posted by TrampledByTurtles

  1. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    Yes, DayZ needs to remove any reason for a Skype call, etc. if you want to talk with your friends. Useful for streamers who want to communicate with viewers who are playing with them without giving them unnecessary information.
  2. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    Small OP update. Bump
  3. TrampledByTurtles


    Even though these are American trucks, I'd like to see these by barns and in farm fields. They could be unbranded to keep from breaking immersion.
  4. Lighting Fire In DayZ, right now, the only source of fire is matches. I want to see a modern way to light fire, cigarette lighters and long-neck lighters, and then an old reliable way to light fire, flint strikers. Modern Lighters Unlike years ago, we have a mass produced a way to light fires easily. I have seen two different styles of lighters. Some look really cheap and disposable, and others look like you'd buy fluid for it. -Disposable Lighter- -Long-neck Lighter- Unconventional Lighters What used to be made for starting fires was strikers. You use these by striking it with a metal piece, or a knife. Lasting longer because of the absence of lighter fluid. -Flint Striker- Miscellaneous Lighters There are also car lighters, usually used to light cigarettes, but can be improvised to start a campfire, with necessary kindling that can be lit easily. -Car Lighter- This topic on lighters can be expanded greatly to include many other ideas.
  5. TrampledByTurtles

    Flint Strikers & Lighters: A Long Lasting Box of Matches

    Yes, I was going to get into a lot more detail about how it was going to work, but it was late when I made this post, so I went to bed
  6. TrampledByTurtles

    Flint Strikers & Lighters: A Long Lasting Box of Matches

    If DayZ doesn't replicate the gasoline trails ect. from GTAV... I won't know what to say
  7. TrampledByTurtles

    Whats about Walkmans, Headphones, Cassettes and Cassette-Case?

    I want the moment from Terminator Salvation, when that little girl plays the radio in the car and attracts that drone, to be in DayZ (except with zombies). I could imagine fully geared players showing off their equipment by sitting at their base playing loud music in their truck while they are watching the area, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer out of a cooler and cleaning their uncommon guns they found while they were finding parts for their truck. God I wish my friends would do shit like this in the future.
  8. TrampledByTurtles

    Companion animals (endgame mechanic)

    Yes. That is the only way I'll have companions in DayZ, especially dogs.
  9. TrampledByTurtles

    Companion animals (endgame mechanic)

    Love the idea. Couldn't loose a companion after less than 10 minutes with one, though. Only downside...
  10. TrampledByTurtles

    Camouflage nets

    More like tarps from old sheds...
  11. TrampledByTurtles

    Improvised Ashwood Short Bow

    On some wikis, I have seen a lack of pictures and information about the Improvised Ashwood Short Bow available in the experimental build of DayZ. Everyone knows that it can be created using an Ashwood Stick and a Rope. It takes up the Primary slot, and does not fit in any backpack's I've worn. The arrow does not leave the bow and it sits weird on your back. Here's an Image and the Description of a Improvised Ashwood Short Bow.
  12. TrampledByTurtles

    Improvised Ashwood Short Bow

    Exactly what happened to me...
  13. TrampledByTurtles

    Improvised Ashwood Short Bow

    Really descriptive description...
  14. TrampledByTurtles

    Sickle Image (Pristine)

    Saw a few wikis that did not have an image or description from a sickle, here you go. (If you ever find this)
  15. TrampledByTurtles

    Sickle Image (Pristine)

    What a great community!
  16. TrampledByTurtles

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I kinda like having my blur on for Hardcore Servers
  17. TrampledByTurtles

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Helicopter accident.
  18. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    Ahh, as if they were interviewing them. Makes more sense, gonna add that to the OP.
  19. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    The Russians are pretty crafty, lol.
  20. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    We'll never know. The Russian Military doesn't sound very structurally stable. That may just be the American in me speaking.
  21. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    I was thinking the military knew something about the infection and gave them some self defense, seems legit?
  22. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    Spray painting cars needs to be a thing, red and black spray paint on a van.
  23. TrampledByTurtles

    Dayz and what it should have been.

    Hey, if you're not so into SA you should give me the game. Need a copy for my friend and I'll be happy to take such a "bad" game off your hands.
  24. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    Yes Chernarus Radio show guy needs to be a thing
  25. TrampledByTurtles

    [Vehicle] News Van Idea

    I want a more "End Game" type of goal for the serious DayZ player