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About tgrant

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tgrant

    PVP is Out of Control.

    If he was balsy enough to fire a handgun at you from that distance good on him. I'd have had my gun on him and done it through direct chat. No answer. Bam. You hung you ass out there because you hoped he'd give you blood. Should have eaten those meat steaks, which would have gotten the blood up to almost full and left the Cherno death trap to go hunting for another cow. Face it, you got killed because you got stupid. Live and learn.
  2. It's an alpha dood. I'm sure when we move to beta...and eventually launch there will be a wipe. Makes no sense to do it now cause you'll not be able to test a lot of content until people find it again.
  3. I think there should be punishment for people murdering other players. But I don't think it should be anything in-game. What would be nice is if there were a "most wanted" list. Attached to the most wanted list would be whether or not the player was logged in and what server they were on. Let the community track down and kill player killers. I'm sure if we had the info you'd see police forces spring up and have people monitoring their servers. If killing people meant you'd have people hunting you people might think twice. Plus people with lots of kills probably have great loot so you'd already have a built in reward system. Once they're killed they drop off the list.
  4. Just missed the Bandit skin. I'd take having the optional Camo stuff than having the bandit skin...gotta admit I don't hesitate to kill someone who has something I want, whereas, if I knew I was going to be skinned a bandit I would probably leave em be.
  5. tgrant

    Annoying thigns.

    Just now after 10 days of surviving...while I was prone under a bush I suddenly became airborne ... then died. yay! Happened to a few guys on the server...prolly hacks...
  6. tgrant

    37 murders and counting..

    nice...hopefully I see you before you see me. What type of binoculars are those?
  7. tgrant

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Be interesting to have a bandit/survivor heat map. Highlight the locations for the bandits one color and the survivors as another. Be interesting to see if there is a variance. I think I read that you were going to do the heat map based on the death of the player location...would also be interesting to see a heat map for PvP deaths vs Zombi deaths.
  8. If people want to hide in the woods let them. If people want to just randomly kill everyone they meet let them...game is sandbox. When you try to control players behaviour because you don't like the way they are playing you lose the sandbox feel. Besides, at any given time 80% of the server is in Stary, NWA, Electro & Cherno. Out of the remaining 20% almost all are simply in transit between those places. There's probably 1 dude on each full server hiding in the woods with his M4A3 CCO hunting pigs and running between lakes. Leave him alone.