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About hattukauppias

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    On the Coast
  1. hattukauppias

    replacing battleye with some other anti cheat program

    *Ok so, i haven't answered anything here because I'm waiting steam to answer to my ticket, they said that i have to contact to BE support about bans (i clearly said that i need information about my account that does anyone been in my account during that night etc.) So i sent another ticket and they haven't answered to that ticket yet. It's not my friend, it me. By having account in epvp don't mean that i'm hacker. As you can see i have coded one program for darkorbit (help program) that i posted there and tried to sell some origin keys.
  2. hattukauppias

    replacing battleye with some other anti cheat program

    I know that they don't tell like information how battleye works etc. but why they wont tell information like time when someone got banned and why? I sent ticket to steam support so lets see what they answer.
  3. hattukauppias

    replacing battleye with some other anti cheat program

    By detailed information you mean..? And thats true that its little complicating to change anticheat program.... How about those who got banned with no reason like me? i got banned during i was sleeping, can you explain that?
  4. Battleye Some of you may know that there is many threads in internet that people got banned by battleye with no reason, some of them may be just lies to attempt to get unbanned. I myself got global banned (I believe that during night while I was sleeping), but that's not the reason why I suggest to remove battleye and replace it with another anticheat program. Reason why I want another anticheat program is battleye's support and way they handle customers.They seem to don't care about bans and only way you can get "unbanned" is to buy new copy of game or give very detailed proof that you haven't cheated or your CD key was stolen (in case of DayZ mod). My personal experience about battleye support: I got banned 13.1.2014-14.1.2014 during night while I was sleeping and today finally battleye support answered to me about my ban. Here is email conversation about that ban. I think that any other anticheat company would be more friendly and would help with ban and explain to customer why he got banned and the time when he got banned(if customer asks)By reading that email conversation you may noticed that battleye don't want to reveal anything about bans, they just say "you got banned, buy new copy of game and you can play again".Then, why battleye support says when I'm asking why I got banned and the time when i got banned: Why would hackers want to know the time when some people got banned and why? O.o Do they be afraid of that someone can proof that their bans are "illegal" or what? I don't get it... I suggest that DayZ standalone would replace battleye with another anticheat program because of bad support and because of way they handle customers. They don't even give reason why they banned people (other than hack..). There is many other anticheat programs example, PunkbusterHackshield​​ Post to this thread what you think about battleye and what you think about replacing battleye with another cheat program. Thank you! Hattukauppias